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Chapter 3
Applications of
the Basic Model
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• Any country that moves from autarky to free trade
can experience gains in real income.
• Suppose now we are already in the position of free
trade equilibrium.
• Free trade could be measured as the matching-size
trade triangle as before.
• But, assuming home is the clothing exporter, there
exists a rising net export supply curve.
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Figure 3.1 An Outward Shift in Foreign
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An Outward Shift in Foreign Demand
Import demand increases due to taste changes.
Import demand curve shifts right.
It guarantees an increase in the relative price of exports.
Terms of trade better-off
Terms of trade=Price of Exports/Price of Imports
It raises real income at home
The increase of real income depends on (1) improvement of
the TOT; (2) Increase of the export volume.
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Figure 3.1 An Outward Shift in Foreign
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An Outward Shift in Foreign Demand
• An outward shift in foreign demand for home exports of
clothing raises clothing’s price but may or may not increase
home exports of clothing.
• The backward-bending supply curve.
• Home’s real income improves, but some of these gains spill
over to greater home demand for clothing.
• If such an increase in home demand exceeds the greater
quantity produced, a lower quantity is available for export.
• It corresponds to the segment BQR in the offer curve.
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Figure 2.C.1 Offer Curves
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Protection in the import-competing goods
• At free trade equilibrium, Is it possible that government step in
and interfere with resource allocation to protect the importcompeting food sector ?
• Possible.
• Special interest groups of agricultural industry could lobby for
the government.
• SIG gains in expenditure of the national loss.
• E.g., the move from line 1 to line 2.
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Figure 3.2 Restriction on Exportables
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Protection in the import-competing goods
• Is it possible that a government’s intervention (tariffs or nontariff-barriers) benefits for its whole country.
• No way when such a country is small.
• A small country cannot affect the world price (see line 2)
• But it is possible for a large country.
• When a large country restricts imports then it could cause the
world price of food importables lowered (since less demand).
• Home’s terms of trade improves.
• Budget line rotates from line 1 to line 3.
• Representative consumers obtain higher utility.
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Protection in the import-competing goods
• Some caveats though.
• The domestic adjustment from A to B distorts the domestic
consumption as well.
• The food market needs to explore.
• Foreign retaliation is possible.
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Immiserizing Growth
• Can an outward shift of the production-possibility schedule in
a country with a constant population ever lead to a lowering of
real income at home?
• Perhaps.
• Balanced Growth
• An expansion of both domestic exportable and importable
could affect the world market.
• Dark side: it induces a deterioration on the terms of trade.
• So, to some extent, it may erode the gains from trade.
• Bright side: it causes real income to rise in trading partners
that are importers of the growing country’s exports.
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The Deterioration of Home’s TOT
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Immiserizing Growth
• Consider an extreme case.
• The growth could lower real incomes by being concentrated in
domestic export sector and by significantly worsening the TOT.
• Figure 3.3
• Growth biased toward the nation’s export industry (clothing)
can reduce real income by so worsening the TOT (from line 1
to line 2) that consumption (at D) ends up on a lower
indifference curve than initially (at B).
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Figure 3.3 Immiserizing Growth
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Assumptions for Immiserizing Growth
(1) Grow primarily increases capacity and output in domestic
export industries.
(2) World’s demand elasticity for the country’s export good is
quite low.
This guarantees a worse-off of terms of trade.
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Transfer Problem
Historically, more direct forms of transfer is important.
Home is obligated to transfer money to foreign.
Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871: France
World War I: Germany
Marshall Plan: US
Gulf War in 1991: Japan, Germany, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia to
• Southern-East Asian Crisis in 1997: IMF
• How does such a transfer affect the terms of trade?
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Transfer Problem
• At any given price ratio, the home, or transferring, country can
be expected to cut back its spending on all normal goods such
as food.
• Foreign could increase all demand for all goods. The demand
increase of food happens to some extent.
• The world demand curve for food could shift in or out.
• Marginal propensities to import (m or m*)
• T denotes transfer
• The world demand curve for food shifts to the right iff
(1-m*)T> mT
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It is never better to give than to receive
• Secondary blessing is impossible in a 2-country setup.
• If the home makes a transfer, its real income is reduced.
• But if its terms of trade improve (price of food falls), then loss
will not be so severe.
• The TOT moves in favor of home if the sum of import
propensities satisfy: (1-m*)T < mT
• Let OB denote the full compensation for the home country for
the transfer.
• Can the transfer shift world demand to the left sufficiently to
reduce food’s price to 0B or lower?
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Figure 3.4 Transfer and the Terms of Trade
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It is never better to give than to receive
• No.
• Since at point B, world demand must exceed world supply.
• This is because no real income in both countries will be
changed if the price of food at point B.
• Also, no income effect at B.
• Only substitution effect exists.
• Food’s lower relative price must call forth a substitution of
food for clothing in both countries.
• Therefore, equilibrium must be at somewhere in between AB,
say, point G.
• It is never better to give than to receive!
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Some extensions of simple trade model
• Many final goods (intra-industry trade)
• Many countries
• Trade in intermediate goods and international
factor mobility
• Non-tradable goods
• Trade in assets
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Figure 3.5 Intertemporal Trade
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Equilibrium Stability
• Before we assume a unique equilibrium.
• Two necessary assumptions:
• Price above equilibrium must have excess supply higher than
excess demand, and vice versa.
• It is assumed that price is driven up iff the existence of excess
world demand.
• Consider multiple free-trade equilibrium Panel a: three
• The middle equilibrium point C is unstable but is flanked by a
pair of stable equilibria
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Figure 3.A.1
Multiple Equilibria
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Equilibrium Stability
• Say, the price of food is slightly higher, at 2, world demand is
higher than world supply.
• It will jump up the food’s price, away from point C, but to D.
• How about point 1?
• Offer curve in panel B is also the case.
• Consider price ratio curve 2, dis-equilibrium there.
• TV is the excess of the home’s import demand of food over
foreign supplies
• Remember the green line is home offer curve.
• Therefore, food’s relative price will rise, going clockwise way
to the stable point I.
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