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Marginal Functions in
Marginal Analysis
• Marginal analysis is the study of the rate of
change of economic quantities.
– An economist is not merely concerned with the value
of an economy's gross domestic product (GDP) at a
given time but is equally concerned with the rate at
which it is growing or declining.
– A manufacturer is not only interested in the total cost
of corresponding to a certain level of production of a
commodity, but also is interested in the rate of change
of the total cost with respect to the level of production.
• In a competitive market, a relationship
exists between the unit price of a
commodity and the commodity’s
availability in the market.
• In general, an increase in the commodity’s
unit price induces the producer to increase
the supply of the commodity.
• The higher unit price, the more the
producer is willing to produce.
Supply Equation
• The equation that expresses the relation
between the unit price and the quantity
supplied is called a supply equation defined
by p  f x  .
• In general, p  f x  increases as x increases.
• In a free-market economy, consumer demand
for a particular commodity depends on the
commodity’s unit price.
• A demand equation p  f x  expresses the
relationship between the unit price p and the
quantity demanded x.
• In general, p  f x  decreases as x increases.
• The more you want to buy, the unit price should
be less.
Cost Functions
• The total cost is the cost of operating a
business. Usually includes fixed costs
and variable costs.
• The cost function C(x) is a function of the
total cost of operating a business.
• The actual cost incurred in producing an
additional unit of a certain commodity
given that a plant is already at a level of
operation is called the marginal cost.
Rate of Change of Cost Function
Suppose the total cost in dollars incurred each
week by Polaraire for manufacturing x
refrigerators is given by the total cost function
C x   8000  200 x  0.2 x
(0  x  400)
a. What is the actual cost incurred for
manufacturing the 251st refrigerator?
b. Find the rate of change of the total cost
function with respect to x when x  250 .
a. the actual cost incurred for
manufacturing the 251st refrigerator is
C 251  C 250
 8000  200250  0.2250 
 8000  200251  0.2251
 45,599.8  45,500
 99.80
b. The rate of change is given by the derivative
C' x   200  0.4 x
Thus, when the level of production is 250
refrigerators, the rate of change of the total
cost is
C' 250  200  0.4250  100
• Observe that we can rewrite
C 251  C 250
C 251  C 250  
C 250  1  C 250 C 250  h   C 250 
• The definition of derivative tells us that
C 250  h   C 250
C ' 250  lim
h 0
• Thus, the derivative C' x  is a good
approximation of the average rate of change of
the function C x  .
Marginal Cost Function
• The marginal cost function is defined to be
the derivative of the corresponding total cost
• If C x  is the cost function, then C' x  is its
marginal cost function.
• The adjective marginal is synonymous with
derivative of.
Revenue Functions
• A revenue function R(x) gives the revenue
realized by a company from the sale of x
units of a certain commodity.
• If the company charges p dollars per unit,
then Rx   px .
• The demand function p  f x  tells the
relationship between p and x. Thus,
Rx   xf x 
Marginal Revenue Functions
• The marginal revenue function gives the
actual revenue realized from the sale of an
additional unit of the commodity given that
sales are already at a certain level.
• We define the marginal revenue function to
be R' x  .
Profit Functions
• The profit function is given by Px   Rx   Cx 
where R and C are the revenue and cost
functions and x is the number of units of a
commodity produced and sold.
• The marginal profit function P' x  measures
the rate of change of the profit function and
provides us with a good approximation of the
actual profit or loss realized from the sale of the
additional unit of the commodity.
Average Cost Function
• The average cost of producing units of the
commodity is obtained by dividing the total
production cost by the number of units
• The average cost function is denoted by C  x 
and defined by
C x 
• The marginal average cost function C'  x 
measures the rate of change of the average
The weekly demand for the Pulser 25 color LED
television is
p  600  0.05x
(0  x  12,000)
where p denotes the wholesale unit price in
dollars and x denotes the quantity demanded.
The weekly total cost function associated with
manufacturing the Pulser 25 is given by
C x   0.000002 x  0.03x  400 x  80,000
where C(x) denotes the total cost incurred in
producing x sets.
a. Find the revenue function R and the profit
function P.
R  x   px  600  0.05 x x
 600 x  0.05 x
P x   R x   C  x   600 x  0.05 x
 0.000002 x  0.03x  400 x  80,000
 0.000002 x  0.02 x  200 x  80,000
b. Find the marginal cost function, the marginal
revenue function, and the marginal profit
C ' x   0.000006 x  0.06 x  400
R' x   600  0.1x
P' x   0.000006 x  0.04 x  200
c. Compute C ' 2000 , R' 2000 , and P' 2000
and interpret your results.
Since C' 2000  304 , the cost to manufacture
the 2001st LED TV is approximately 304.
Since R' 2000  400 , the revenue increased
by manufacturing the 2001st LED TV is
approximately 400.
Since P' 2000  96 , the profit for
manufacturing and selling the 2001st LED TV
is approximately 96.
Elasticity of Demand
• Question: when you produce more
commodities, do you actually get the more
• It is convenient to write the demand function f in
the form x  f  p  ; that is, we will think of the
quantity demanded of a certain commodity as a
function of its unit price.
• Usually, when the unit price of a commodity
increases, the quantity demanded decreases
Suppose the unit price of a commodity is
increased by h dollars from p dollars to p+ h
dollars. Then the quantity demanded drops
from f (p) units to f(p + h) units. The
percentage change in the unit price is
and the corresponding percentage change in
the quantity demanded is
 f  p  h   f  p 
f  p
Percentage change in the quantity demanded
Percentage change in the unit price
 f  p  h   f  p 
f  p
p f  p  h  f  p
f  p
Elasticity of Demand
f  p  h  f  p
 f '  p
• Since
previous ratio as
, we can write the
pf '  p 
E p  
f  p
called the elasticity of demand at price p.
• We will see in section 4.1 that f '  p  0
since f is decreasing. Because economists
would rather work with a positive value, we put
a negative sign.
Consider the demand equation
p  0.02 x  400
(0  x  20,000)
which describes the relationship between the
unit price in dollars and the quantity demanded
x of the Acrosonic model F loudspeaker
systems. Find the elasticity of demand E(p).
pf '  p 
p 50
E p  
f  p   50 p  20,000
400  p
• When
p  100
, we have E 100   . This result
tells us that when the unit price is set at $100
per speaker, an increase of 1% in the unit price
will cause a decrease of approximately 0.33% in
the quantity demanded.
• When p  300 , we have E 300  3. This result
tells us that when the unit price is set at $100
per speaker, an increase of 1% in the unit price
will cause a decrease of approximately 0.33% in
the quantity demanded.
Since the revenue is R p   px  pf  p  ,
the marginal revenue function is
R'  p   f  p   pf '  p 
 pf '  p 
 f  p 1 
 f  p 1  E  p 
f  p 
• Since E 100    1, we have R' 100  0 . If we
increase the unit price, the revenue increases.
• Since E300  3  1 , we have R' 300  0. If we
decrease the unit price, the revenue decreases.
• If the demand is elastic at p [E(p)>1], then an
increase in the unit price will cause the revenue
to decrease, whereas a decrease in the unit
price will cause the revenue to increase.
• If the demand is inelastic at p [E(p)>1], then an
increase in the unit price will cause the revenue
to increase, whereas a decrease in the unit price
will cause the revenue to decrease.
• If the demand is unitary at p [E(p)>1], then an
increase in the unit price will cause the revenue
to stay about the same.
Consider the demand equation
p  0.01x 2  0.2 x  8 (0  x  20,000)
and the quantity demanded each week is 15. If
we increase the unit price a little bit, what will
happen to our revenue?
1  0.02 x
 0.2 
dp  0.02 x
When x=15, p=2.75, f(p)=x=15, and f '  p  
pf '  p 
2.75 4  11
E p  
f  p
 4