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From Molecules to Cells, Networks,
and Seizures: How Does a Gene
Cause Epilepsy?
Belinda Oyinkan Marquis, MD
State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
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Gene Discovery in Epilepsy
Genome-scanning technologies have uncovered an
unexpected number of variants (deletions,
duplications, insertions, inversions, and
translocations), collectively known as copy number
variants (CNVs), in the human genome.1
Microdeletions or microduplications of segments
range from a few hundred base pairs to several
hundred megabases (Mb).
Changes in copy number are revealed by comparing
two or more genomes1
CNVs are involved in genetically complex epilepsies
and may be inherited or occur de novo2
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Recurrent Copy Number Variants
Three large, recurrent microdeletions at 15q13.3,
16p13.11, and 15q11.2 are each present in 0.5%–1% of
patients with epilepsy.3
Microdeletions of 15q13.3 are associated with
idiopathic generalized epilepsies (odds ratio, 68)4
and are risk factors for related mental disorders
(intellectual disability, autism, schizophrenia)5
Known medical conditions related to microdeletion
disorders are Angelman, Prader-Willi, and WilliamsBeuren syndromes.
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Nonrecurrent Copy Number Variants
Nonrecurrent copy number variants are rare, occur
throughout the genome, and are not sequencedependent.
Large (> 2 Mb), rare copy number variants,
including deletion at 16p13.11, are enriched in
patients with diverse epilepsy syndromes.6
Rare copy number variants occur in 10% of patients
with various types of epilepsy3 and 8% of patients
with epileptic encephalopathies.7
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Laboratory Methods
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Laboratory Methods:
Comparative Gene Hybridization (CGH)
CGH is the most robust method for performing
genome-wide scans to find novel copy number
CGH uses labeled fragments from a genome of
interest (proband).
Fragments are hybridized with a second
differentially labeled genome to arrays spotted with
cloned DNA fragments to reveal copy number
differences between two genomes.1
CGH has revealed many more copy number variants
in humans than expected.8
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Laboratory Methods:
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
SNPs are DNA arrays that detect polymorphisms
within a population.
An array contains the target nucleic acid sequence;
one or more labeled allele-specific oligonucleotide
probes are applied, and a detection system that
records and interprets the hybridization signal is
SNPs are useful for detecting unilateral disomy and
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Laboratory Methods:
Analysis of Copy Number Variants
Sanger method
» Involves a DNA primer, DNA polymerase, and
» Sample DNA is denatured and copied, sequenced, and
» Time-consuming and expensive
Next-generation sequencing
» Captures exomes, the part of the genome formed by exons
» Information-rich extraction is then run through automated
next-generation sequencing.
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Gene Discovery: Types of Analysis
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Exome Sequencing for Diagnosis
Next-generation gene panels are available
commercially to sequence many genes but are not
For a specific diagnosis, clinicians should investigate
a particular gene (eg, SCN1A for Dravet syndrome,
MECP2 for Rett syndrome).
For a nonspecific epilepsy-plus syndrome or multiple
causative genes, consider testing for copy number
variants or gene-panel analysis.
For an interesting phenotype and a supportive family
history, consider whole-exome sequencing (if
financially feasible).
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Diagnostic Pathways: Exome Sequencing
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Dravet Syndrome
Also known as severe myoclonic encephalopathy of
infancy (SMEI), Dravet syndrome is related to earlyonset seizures and associated with cognitive
impairments and 15% mortality by adolescence.10
Most often caused by a de novo loss of function
mutation in the neuronal sodium-channel gene
SCN1A, which leads to haploinsufficiency of NaV1.1
» Voltage-gated sodium channels are critical in initiating and
propagating action potentials and are crucial regulators of
neuronal excitability.
» Mutations in SCN1A cause genetically distinct epilepsy
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Research to Determine Cause and Effect
Heterologous expression systems
Primary neuron cultures
Transgenic knockout mouse models
Induced pluripotent stem cell technology
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Gene Identification Studies
Linkage studies
Association studies
Candidate-gene association studies
Genome-wide association studies
Next-generation sequencing
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The Epi4K Consortium
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke (NINDS) issued a Funding Opportunity
Announcement to create the Epi4K Consortium.12
This “center without walls” is a collaborative study to
sequence at least 4,000 subjects with epilepsy.
The Consortium consists of three cores, four
scientific projects, and a steering committee 0f
primary investigators and representatives from
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The Epi4K Consortium
Three scientific projects will analyze epileptic
encephalopathies, multiplex families and pairs, and
epilepsy prognosis from seven large-scale genetic
studies conducted around the world.
The remaining project in the Epi4K Consortium will
apply cutting-edge analytic techniques related to the
detection of copy number variants.
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Research for Gene Discovery
Familial aggregation studies
Twin studies
Multiplex family studies
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Practical Use of Gene Discoveries
Monogenic epilepsies often are related to dominant
inheritance and can display genetic heterogeneity
with pleiotropic expression.
De novo mutagenesis has unexpectedly shown
significant importance in various epilepsies,
particularly Dravet syndrome.
» Parental germ-line mutations
» Postzygotic mutations
» Mosaicism
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Mosaicism and Dravet Syndrome
In Dravet syndrome, somatic mosaicism found when
mildly affected parents have one or more affected
Germ-line mosaicism inferred in cases of unaffected
parents having multiple affected offspring.13
Gametal mutations linked to negligible recurrence
risk, whereas germ-line mosaicism linked to a high
risk of recurrence.13–20
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Timing of Mutations in Dravet Syndrome
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Promise of Epilepsy Genetics
Gene identification using exome sequencing may be
studied by evaluating consanguineous families or small
families with many linkage peaks.
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Promise of Epilepsy Genetics
Next-generation exome will significantly impact
diagnosis and management21
» Novarino et al22 identified inactivating mutations in BCKDK
in consanguineous families with autism, epilepsy, and
intellectual disability.
Exome sequencing may allow greater:
» Understanding of novel disease-causing genes in genetically
enriched families
» Identification of known causes of disease
» Correction of diagnosis and prognosis
» Direction of treatment
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Feuk L, Carson A, Scherer S. Structural variation in the human genome. Nature. 2006;7:85–97.
Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF. Copy number variants—an unexpected risk factor for the idiopathic generalized
epilepsies. Brain. 2010:133:7–8.
Mefford HC, Muhle H, Ostertag P, et al. Genome-wide copy number variation in epilepsy: novel
susceptibility loci in idiopathic generalized and focal epilepsies. PLoS Genet. 2010;6:e1000962.
Dibbens LM, Mullen S, Helbig I, et al. Familial and sporadic 15q13.3 microdeletions in idiopathic
generalized epilepsy: precedent for disorders with complex inheritance. Hum Mol Genet. 2009;18:3626–
Mefford HC, Mulley JC. Genetically complex epilepsies, copy number variants and syndrome
constellations. Genome Med. 2010;2:71.
Heinzen EL, Radtke RA, Urban TJ, et al. Rare deletions at 16p13.11 predispose to a diverse spectrum of
sporadic epilepsy syndromes. Am J Hum Genet. 2010;86:707–718.
Mefford HC, Yendle SC, Hsu C, et al. Rare copy number variants are an important cause of epileptic
encephalopathies. Ann Neurol. 2011;70:974–985.
Mills RE, Walter K, Stewart C, et al. Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome
sequencing. Nature. 2011;470:59–65.
Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, et al. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res.
10. Genton P, Velizarova R, Dravet C. Dravet syndrome: the long-term outcome. Epilepsia. 2011;52:44–49.
11. Claes L, Del-Favero J, Ceulemans B, Lagae L, Van Broeckhoven C, De Jonghe P. De novo mutations in the
sodium-channel gene SCN1A cause severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. Am J Hum Genet. 2001;68:1327–
© 2013 Direct One Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
12. The Epi4K Consortium. Epi4K: gene discovery in 4,000 genomes. Epilepsia. 2012;53:1457–1467.
13. Vadlamudi L, Dibbens LM, Lawrence KM, et al. Timing of de novo mutagenesis—a twin study of sodiumchannel mutations. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:1335–1340.
14. Gennaro E, Santorelli FM, Bertini E, et al. Somatic and germline mosaicisms in severe myoclonic epilepsy
of infancy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006;341:489–493
15. Marini C, Mei D, Cross JH, Guerrini R. Mosaic SCN1A mutation in familial severe myoclonic epilepsy of
infancy. Epilepsia. 2006;47:1737–1740.
16. Marini C, Scheffer IE, Nabbout R, et al. SCN1A duplications and deletions detected in Dravet syndrome:
implications for molecular diagnosis. Epilepsia. 2009;50:1670–1678.
17. Depienne C, Arzimanoglou A, Trouillard O, et al. Parental mosaicism can cause recurrent transmission of
SCN1A mutations associated with severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. Hum Mutat. 2006;27:389–398.
18. Morimoto M, Mazaki E, Nishimura A, et al. SCN1A mutation mosaicism in a family with severe myoclonic
epilepsy in infancy. Epilepsia. 2006;47:1732–1736.
19. Selmer KK, Eriksson AS, Brandal K, Egeland T, Tallaksen C, Undlien DE. Parental SCN1A mutation
mosaicism in familial Dravet syndrome. Clin Genet. 2009;76:398–403.
20. Rodda JM, Scheffer IE, McMahon JM, Berkovic SF, Graham HK. Progressive gait deterioration in
adolescents with Dravet syndrome. Arch Neurol. 2012;69:873–878.
21. Dixon-Salazar TJ, Silhavy JL, Udpa N, et al. Exome sequencing can improve diagnosis and alter patient
management. Sci Transl Med. 2012;4:138ra78.
22. Novarino G, El-Fishawy P, Kayserili H, et al. Mutations in BCKD-kinase lead to a potentially treatable form
of autism with epilepsy. Science. 2012;338:394–397.
© 2013 Direct One Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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