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Presented to you by :
Booker and Laurence
What is Albinism?
• Albinism is a defect of melanin production,
the body produces little or no melanin and
results in very little to no pigments in hair
skin and eyes. Albinism is a recessive
• Although many cases of albinism are clear
to see albinism is a complex disease that
sometimes is not as easily detected.
• Absence of color in the hair, skin or iris of
the eye and or crossed eyes are all
symtoms on the disease.
Type of Mutation
• Albinism is caused by several mutations in
a few genes.
• In most types of albinism, a person must
inherit two copies of a mutated gene one
from each parent in order to have
albinism. If a person has only one copy,
then he or she won't have the disorder.
Making Albinism a very rare disorder.
• Sadly for people with Albinism there is no cure.
• However there are ways to treat/deal with this
• Some Treatments:
– Include involving protecting the skin and eyes
from sun because of how sensitive those
parts are.
– Ways this can be done are completely
covering up and wearing a high sun protection
• Albanism is a rare occurance in people and in
animals a recent statistic by the federal
department of health says:
• One person in 17,000 has some type of albinism
• There are 10 different types of albinism and five
types of ocular albinism.
Limitations on Life
• Recently the show True Life Had an
episode of “I have Albinism”
• It was clear to see through these peopls
journeys how much more difficult life can