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The Magic Powers Of
Activating Potential
Why Sprout?
• Activate POTENTIAL
• ENZYMES = electric ENERGY (negative electrons
which act to alkalize and neutralize free radical
• grown easily in four to six days and require no
effort and very little cost.
• Increase quality and quantity of PROTEIN
– Barley Grass -Original seed 10.1% 4 day old 10.8% 6 day
old 13.7% 8 day old 14.9%Wikipedia, Morgan, 1992
– (mung bean sprout protein content equal to steak)
(phytic acid)
– Phytic acid is a strong chelator of important
minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and
zinc, and can therefore contribute to mineral
deficiencies in people whose diets rely on these
foods for their mineral intake
Increases in Crude Fiber content
• Cuddeford (1989), based on data obtained by
Peer and Leeson (1985), stated - “In sprouted
barley, crude fibre, a major constituent of cell
walls, increases both in percentage and real
terms, with the synthesis of structural
carbohydrates, such as cellulose and
• Chung et al. (1989) found that the fibre content
increased from 3.75% in unsprouted barley seed
to 6% in 5-day sprouts.”
• According to Shipard (2005) - “Sprouts provide a good supply of Vitamins A,
E & C plus B complex. Like enzymes, vitamins serve as bioactive catalysts to
assist in the digestion and metabolism of feeds and the release of energy.
They are also essential for the healing and repair of cells. However, vitamins
are very perishable, and in general, the fresher the feeds eaten, the higher
the vitamin content. The vitamin content of some seeds
can increase by up to 20 times their original value
within several days of sprouting. Mung Bean sprouts
have B vitamin increases, compared to the dry
seeds, of - B1 up 285%, B2 up 515%, B3 up 256%.
• Even soaking seeds overnight in water yields greatly
increased amounts of B vitamins, as well as Vitamin C.
• Compared with mature plants, sprouts can yield vitamin
contents 30 times higher.”
Inflammatory Omega 6 Fats
TRANSFORM into Anti-Inflammatory
Omega 3 Fats!
• Most seeds/grains are SKY HIGH in Omega 6’s
• Main cause of obesity/health problems
because of chronic inflammation
• So when a seed sprouts and starts to “green
up” the fats are shifting into omega 3’s!!!
Grains Affect Vitamin Levels
Here’s why. Take a steer off pasture and put him in a feedlot. As he
comes off pasture his O6 to O3 fatty acid ratio is 1:1. After about 180
days in the feedlot his fatty acid ratio will have increased to the 15:1 to
18:1 range. As his fatty acid ratio changes his vitamin levels
plunge. Vitamin A in the steer’s liver can drop as much as 80%. Vitamin
E in his muscle tissue can fall 75%.
This is the same thing that happens to people who eat grains, grainbased foods, and food products from grain-fed livestock. Alarmingly,
knowing scientists estimate that due to the food today’s average
American eats he has a fatty acid ratio of from 20:1 to 30:1. It’s no
wonder then that children in America (grain-fed from conception) have
ADD and diabetes and are obese. Their parents are in deeper trouble,
yet they are none the wiser. The entire population resembles deer in
the headlights. It focuses on materialistic consumption while its health
and well-being empties into the sewer.
Leafy, green plants are the foundation foods for all animal
life. Grains are the leafy, green plants’ means of perpetuating their
existence and the existence of all animal life. By violating the natural
order of God’s given laws and/or of nature’s way, through grain farming
man has created the worst of all WMDs. Now he’s killing himself off—
because it’s cheap and convenient.
Alfalfa Sprouts - Saponins
• Alfalfa sprouts are one of our finest food sources
of another compound, saponins. Saponins lower
the bad cholesterol and fat but not the good HDL
fats. Animal studies prove their benefit in
arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
Saponins also stimulate the immune system by
increasing the activity of natural killer cells such
as T- lymphocytes and interferon. The saponin
content of alfalfa sprouts multiplies 450% over
that of the unsprouted seed.
Alfalfa - Canavanine
• Studies on canavanine, an amino acid analog
in alfalfa, has demonstrated benefit for
pancreatic, colon and leukemia cancers. Plant
estrogens (NOTE) are also abundant in
sprouts. They increase bone formation and
density and prevent bone breakdown or
osteoporosis. They are also helpful in
controlling hot flashes, menopause, PMS and
fibrocystic breasts tumors.
Powerful Cellular Protection
• Sprouts have long been famous as "health food"
but recent research shows that in addition to
being a superb source of nutrients, they also have
important curative ability. Sprouts like alfalfa,
radish, broccoli, clover and soybean contain
concentrated amounts of phytochemicals (plant
compounds) that can protect us against disease.
• Studies have also shown that broccoli and other
types of sprout contain exceptionally high levels of
a natural cancer fighting compound called
sulforaphane (20 – 50 times more than in mature
broccoli) which helps support antioxidants such as
vitamin C and vitamin E.
Food Borne Illness
Sprouted Bread??
Large Beans – should you or shouldn’t you?
Sprouted Grain Bread
• ezekiel is still a lot better than regular bread because of the germination
process releasing the "potential" of the seed but unfortunately it still
doesn't help a lot to reduce the amount of omega 6's that reside in the
• the omega 3's are in full swing when seeds grow and turn GREEN. The 6's
eventually turn into 3's as the plant grows. (wheat grass vs wheat)
• the other thing about bread is that it's baked. any heat over 118 degrees
destroys all enzymes and eliminates the electrical charge the germinated
seeds once possessed.
• and these free electrons are what we need. they act to neutralize the plus
charges that are associated with acids and oxidative stress that "ages" our
• summary...ezekiel is a much better bread option than anything else
but the best bread is no bread.
• eat the sprouts while they're still living and capture their energy for your
• Lathyrogen
Natural Toxins?
Toxin One of the natural toxins that has been mentioned comes from the peas of
the genus Lathyrus. It is blamed for causing a disease known as lathyrism.
Lathyrism causes paralysis in the legs in susceptible individuals and is believed to
be caused by a toxic amino acid. This sounds scary, but it’s not, because peas of
the genus Lathyrus are not edible peas. The toxin is only found in
the seeds of certain Lathyrus species (L. sativus, L. cicera,
L. clymenun)! Edible peas and beans are of the genera
Cicer, Glycine, Phaseolus, Pisum, and Vigna. They do not
contain any such toxin. Non-edible peas of the genus Lathyrus include
sweet peas, which are ornamentals grown for their scented flowers. In India,
where food is often scarce, some people have resorted to eating a non-edible
pea known as Lathyrus sativus. It is often called "chickpea" but is NOT the same
chickpea eaten in this country or any other developed country.The edible
chickpea is of the genus Cicer and in botany is known as Cicer arietinum.
Outbreaks of lathyrism in India have been blamed on eating large amounts of the
non-edible chickpea without proper cooking. Well-cooked, it is safe to eat. But it
shouldn’t matter to us at all because it is considered an inedible species.
• Saponins
The second mistake often made in talking about natural toxins is to call something
toxic that, in the body, is not toxic at all but rather, is beneficial. Such is the case
with saponins. Saponins are a compound found in legumes and
legume sprouts. They are toxic to red blood cells only in vitro
(outside the body in a test tube) but harmless when ingested.
• In fact, Saponins appear to be beneficial, being responsible for a major part of
the cholesteral-lowering effect of legumes. Perhaps it is more than coincidence
that the increase in the increase of heart disease in the 20th century in the
Western countries coincides with the with a decline in the consumption of saponinrich legumes. Saponins also seem to be anticarcinogens; in one study they inhibited
colon cancer. Even some of the most beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin C, can be
shown to be toxic under certain laboratory conditions. Vitamin C is concidered an
important antioxident, and substantial evidence shows that it is involved in cancer
prevention. Yet under the right experimental conditions, in the presence of iron (Fe
III) or copper (Cu II) ions, ascorbic acid can actually cause the formation of harmful
free radicals. Does this mean you should try to avoid vitamin C? Absolutely not!
These experimental conditions do not appear to be relevant to what goes on in our
The third mistake made in the warning about some natural toxins is
failing to say that the amount encountered in food is so miniscule
that it is completely insignificant. Such is the case with a toxin called
canavanine, which is found in alfalfa seeds. While some writers may make canavanine
sound like a dangerous carcinogen ¾ it isn’t. Canavanine is a non-protein amino acid that’s toxic in high
amounts. In the dry seed it serves as storage protein, a growth inhibitor, and a defense against natural
predators. As you might guess, as a sprout grows, canavanine falls rapidly to insignificant levels. The text, Seed
Physiology, clearly states that "Canavanine…is non-toxic to mammals at low concentration." Canavanine is so
irrelevant that in the 1980 text, Toxic Constituents of Plant Foodstuffs, doesn’t even mention it. A 150-pound
human would have to consume 14,000 milligrams of canavanine all at once for it to be toxic at the same level it
is toxic in mice. This is an incredible amount! It is doubtful that with a generous helping of alfalfa sprouts, you
would get no more than a few milligrams. There is NO canavanine at all in other legumes that are commonly
used as human food. Even in toxic amounts, canavanine has nothing to do with cancer. In very high, toxic
amounts it can cause a lupus-like anemia in susceptible animals due to an alteration in the red blood cells.
These studies are not relevant to the human diet. The minute doses found in the diet are completely irrelevant
and harmless. Just remember that most substances can show some kind of toxic effect at a high enough dose.
Vitamin A, selenium, copper, zinc, and iron will all kill you at a high enough dose. So don’t stop eating alfalfa
sprouts any more than you would any other food because of some minute toxin that might be present. They
are a good source of vitamin C, folic acid, and othe protective compounds.
As far as the sprouts of other legumes go, the only other
toxins for which any concern has been raised is for a class
know as anti-nutrients. These are substances that bind
enzymes or nutrients and inhibit the absorption of the
nutrients. The commonly alleged anti-nutrients are
protease inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, phytic acid, and
polyphenolic compounds such as tannins. With proper
soaking and germination, none of these are anything to
worry about.
• Natural Toxins in Sprouted Seeds: Separating Myth from
Reality by Warren Peary and William Peavy, Ph.D.
• Reduction of Anti-Nutritional Factors
• Phytic Acid occurs primarily in the seed coats and germ of
plant seeds. It forms insoluble or nearly insoluble
compounds with minerals including Calcium, Iron,
Magnesium and Zinc, such that they cannot be effectively
absorbed into the blood. Diets high in phytic acid and poor
in these minerals produce mineral deficiency symptoms in
experimental animals (Gontzea and Sutzescu, 1958, as cited
in Chavan and Kadam, 1989). The latter authors state that
the sprouting of cereals has been reported to decrease
levels of Phytic Acid. Similarly, Shipard (2005) states that
enzymes of germination and sprouting have the ability to
eliminate detrimental substances such as Phytic Acid.
• Even after you harvest your sprouts and
refrigerate them, they will continue to grow
slowly, and their vitamin content will actually
Sprouted Lentils
Wheat Grass
Low Tech, Inexpensive Tools
Pumpkin Seeds Sprouting
Hairs, not Mold
VERY Handy
Type A Little Faster, Please…
BTW…Amazing Image From