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Extraterrestrial atmosphere wikipedia , lookup

Dr. Suharyanto, MS., MSc.
Fakulty of Biology
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Air Pollution
Addition of harmful substances to the
atmosphere resulting in damage to the
environment, human health, and quality of life.
Across Continents
Air pollution makes people sick
It harms plants, animals, and ecosystems in
which they live.
It returns to earth in the form of acid rain and
Pollution is changing earth’s atmosphere.
Scientist predict that the temperature increase,
referred to as global warming.
Alter sea level, make weather more extreme, and increase
the spread of tropical disease.
Factory smoke darkens the sky above Czech Republic. The Czech Republic faces
a severe air pollution problem that is choking the nation’s land. Air pollution and
subsequent acid rain has killed or damaged many of the country’s trees and
badly degraded its soil.
Most air pollution comes from human activity.
Some of air pollution also come from natural
Forest fires emit particulate sand VOCs into the
 Volcanoes spew out sulfur dioxide and large amounts of
pulverized lava rock known as volcanic ash.
Automobile Traffic Pollution
Automobile exhaust contains
unburned hydrocarbons,
particulates, carbon dioxide, and
oxides of nitrogen and sulfur that
contribute to acid rain, smog, and
global warming.
The oxides combine with water
vapor in the air to form acids,
which return to the ground as acid
Smog, a mixture of smoke and fog,
irritates the eyes, throat, and
lungs and also damages plants.
Carbon dioxide, produced from the
burning of fossil fuels including
gasoline, is the leading cause of
the greenhouse effect, a
phenomenon thought to be
responsible for rising global
The chemical pesticide DDT was used around the world from the 1940s through the
early 1970s to kill crop-eating and disease-carrying insects. In the early 1960s
studies began to show that the chemical caused reproductive problems in
animals and that it often disrupted the food chain. The use of DDT was banned
in the United States in 1973.
Local and regional pollution take place in
Smog is intense local pollution usually trapped
by a thermal inversion.
Burning gasoline
Smog contains ozone ( a form of oxygen gas
made up of molecules with three oxygen atoms
rather than the normal two)
Ozone in the lower atmosphere is a poison
It damages vegetation, kills trees, irritates lung
tissues and attacks rubber.
Several pollutants attack the ozone layer
Smog spoils views and makes outdoor activity
Here, intense ultraviolet radiation breaks the
CFC molecules apart, releasing the chlorine
atoms they contain.
Ozone Layer Hole
Ozone is a gas that blocks harmful ultraviolet sunlight. Industrial chemicals
released into the atmosphere have caused ozone to break down, opening holes in
the ozone layer that tend to concentrate at the poles.
Thermal Inversion
Smog surrounds the
Angel Monument in
Mexico, during a
thermal inversion.
Air pollution increases
dramatically when a
mass of cold air is
trapped below a mass
of warmer air.
The absence of air
circulation prevents
pollution near Earth’s
surface from escaping
Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and other types of contaminants pouring
from industrial smokestacks contribute largely to the world’s
atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide contributes significantly to global
warming, while sulfur dioxide emissions are the principal cause of acid
rain in the northeastern United States, southeastern Canada, and
eastern Europe.
Like glass in a greenhouse, these gases admit the
sun’s light but tend to reflect back downward
the heat in the earth’s atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide is the most significant of these
Shrinking Greenland Ice Sheet
The Greenland ice sheet underwent extensive surface melting from 1992 to 2002,
according to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report released in 2004.
Tinted areas in these satellite images show the extent of surface melting in 1992
and in 2002. The report warned that the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet and the
melting of glaciers in Alaska and Canada are increasingly contributing to a rise in
the world’s sea level.
Homes, building.
Include tobacco, smoke, radon, an invisible
radioactive gas, and chemicals released from
synthetic carpets or furniture, pesticides, and
household cleaners.
When disturbed, abestos, a nonflammable
material once commonly used in insulation,
sheds airborne fibers that can produce a lung
disease called abestosis.
Macrophage on Asbestos
Macrophages, part of the body’s disease-fighting immune system, normally engulf small particles
in the lung. Asbestos particles, however, tend to rupture the macrophage on contact, releasing its
contents into the surrounding lung tissue. This condition is characteristic of people suffering from
asbestosis, a disease caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers.
Stop producing it in the first place.
Government can pass laws that forbid or limit
the use off chemicals that cause pollution.
Build cars that burn less gasoline.
Recycling helps cut down on pollution.
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