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Hospital Pharmacy
Joe is admitted to A&E one evening after taking ill with
chest pain. After initial tests Joe is admitted to the Medical
Assessment Unit (MAU) for further investigation.
The pharmacist then asks Joe for Permission To View his
Summary Care Record so he can check all his medication
and doses. Joe agrees and the pharmacist can see that Joe
was recently prescribed another medicine that he did not
mention to her.
The pharmacist in the MAU asks Joe to list his current
medication. Joe can tell him the names but cannot
remember the doses of all the tablets he takes.
The pharmacist asks Joe about this and Joe explains that
he stopped taking this medication a few days ago because
he began to feel better.
SCR provides instant access to
medicine details out of hours
SCR enables the pharmacist to quickly
and accurately obtain the patient’s drug
SCR enables the clinician to make an
informed decision on how to treat the
The pharmacist informs the doctor of this who tells Joe that
the chest pains were likely caused by him stopping the
medication. He advises Joe to restart the course of tablets
and adds the missing medication to his hospital drug chart.
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