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The Great Rivalry
The Parliamentary World
• Prestigious
• Important
• Fun
Shared Liberal Principles
• Political liberty
• Economic liberty
• National liberty
Shared Conservative Principles
• Liberals: reform should be slow
• Conservatives: accept change that’s
Liberal Party Factions
• Whigs
• Radicals
• Peelites
Conservative Party Factions
• Anglican Church supporters
• Traditional Tory squires
• Former Liberal industrialists
• Born a Jew
• Serious wit
• Novelist
Dizzy as PM in 1874
Pure Food and Drug Act
Slum Clearance Act
Consolidated Factory and Health Acts
“Tory Democracy”
Scottish father
Began as Tory
Deeply religious
Extraordinary physical energy
Very long career
Gladstone’s Liberal Development
Tariff reformer
Interest in national European liberty
Streamlines budget
Gradual belief in democracy
Midlothian Campaign
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