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National Governor’s Association
September 29-30, 2003
Salt Lake City, Utah
Rich Stanek
Minnesota Department of Public Safety Commissioner
and Homeland Security Director
Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative
• The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global)
Advisory Committee (GAC) reports to the Assistant
Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and
the U.S. Attorney General in an advisory capacity
• Created to promote broadscale sharing of pertinent justice
information to support public safety
• Consists of key officials from local, state, tribal, federal,
and other justice-related entities
Global’s Mission
• To improve the administration of justice and protect
the nation’s public by promoting practices and
technologies for the secure sharing of justice-related
How Global Achieves Its Objectives…
Global Advisory Committee (GAC)
GAC Executive Steering Committee
Working groups and committees
Focus groups on specific justice problems
Global Intelligence Working Group
• Formed to serve as the Criminal Intelligence
Coordinating Council as described in
“Criminal Intelligence Sharing: A National Plan
for Intelligence-Led Policing at the Local, State,
and Federal Levels—Recommendations from
the IACP Intelligence Summit”
GIWG Members
Counterdrug Intelligence Executive
Federal Bureau of Investigation
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
International Association of Chiefs of
International Association of Law
Enforcement Intelligence Analysts
Justice Management Institute
Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit
Local, state, and tribal police agencies
Major Cities Chiefs Association
National Conference of State Legislatures
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Sheriffs’ Association
National White Collar Crime Center
Regional Information Sharing Systems
SEARCH, The National Consortium of
Justice Information and Statistics
State Law Enforcement Intelligence
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
What The National Criminal Intelligence
Sharing Plan Can Be—The Vision
• A model intelligence sharing plan
• A mechanism to promote intelligence-led policing
• A blueprint for law enforcement administrators to follow
when enhancing or building an intelligence system
• A model for intelligence process principles and policies
• A plan that respects and protects individuals’ privacy and
civil rights
What The National Criminal Intelligence
Sharing Plan Can Be—The Vision (Continued)
• A technology architecture to provide secure, seamless sharing
of information among systems
• A national model for intelligence training
• An outreach plan to promote timely and credible intelligence
• A plan that leverages existing systems and networks, yet
allows flexibility for technology and process enhancements
Key Components of the Plan
• Provide minimum standards for establishing and
managing an intelligence function. The standards
focus on the intelligence process and include the
following elements: mission of the function,
management and supervision, personnel selection,
training, security, privacy rights, development and
dissemination of intelligence products, and
accountability measures
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Provide model policies and guidelines for implementing or
reviewing an agency’s intelligence function
• Examples include
– 28 CFR Part 23
– International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Criminal
Intelligence Model Policy
– Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit’s Criminal
Intelligence File Guidelines
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Establish a Criminal Intelligence Coordinating
Council to provide a nationally coordinated process
for intelligence generation and sharing
• Offer the Enforcement Online (LEO)
connection as the initial sensitive but unclassified
communications backbone for implementation of a
nationwide criminal intelligence sharing capability
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Recommend that existing systems at the local, state, tribal,
regional, and national levels promptly link to the communications capability in order to leverage
information sharing systems and expand intelligence sharing
• Recommend that local, state, tribal, and federal law
enforcement agencies partner with the public and private
sectors in order to detect and prevent attacks to the nation’s
critical infrastructure
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Offer guidelines for protecting individuals’ privacy
and constitutional rights within the intelligence
• Recommend fingerprint-based background checks
for access to the intelligence systems accessible on
the nationwide communications capability
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Provide training standards for all levels of law
enforcement personnel
• Recommend methodologies for sharing classified
• Promote the concepts of standards-based intelligence
sharing and intelligence-led policing through
education and outreach
Key Components of the Plan (Continued)
• Encourage the use of existing, comprehensive reference
documents as resources for issues relating to information
sharing, system security practices, and privacy
• Examples include
– Justice Information Privacy Guideline-Developing, Drafting and
Assessing Privacy Policy for Justice Information Systems
– Applying Security Practices to Justice Information Sharing
– Global Justice Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data Model and
its component Global Justice XML Data Dictionary
• October 2003–Plan submitted to OJP
• For more information, contact
– Superintendent Melvin Carraway
Indiana State Police
(317) 232-8241
[email protected]
– Mr. Bob Cummings
Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR)
(850) 385-0600, extension 278
[email protected]