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retail delivery
•most rx will have locking cap
•if pt request nonlocking cap get a signature every time
•why brown bottle? medicine enemies are light heat light
•extemporaneous=by pharmacist only . no ‘recipe’ to
look at. based on knowledge
•bulk compounding----written protocol for single course
of treatment. ph techs can do this.
•bulk manufacturing---for several patients. ph tech may
retail delivery
• on the rx label---pharmacy info, date of filling, rx
number, pharmacist name, pt name, sig, drug name
and strength, quantity in bottle, dr name, refill info
• Inscription=drug name and dose
• superscription=Rx symbol
• Subscription=refill info
• on the shelf bottle---read label when you get off shelf,
before counting pills, returning on shelf. expired
bottle? NDC match?
• maybe put on extra label--’take with food’
• medication guide needed for certain drugs
pharmacy routine
drop-off----have you been here before?
data entry---type in pt info
verify name and DOB , write on rx
verify drug in store
pt gets priority if waiting in store.
get in pt file, enter dr name, drug, generic or brand, rx
date, filled date,sig, quantity
adjudication(dealing with insurance)---send info to ins
dispense----find right package bottle,verify NDC, verify #
pills, aux label needed?,
pharmacist verifies rx
OBRA---questions about the drug? if yes then pharmacist
consult and give HIPAA
adjudication problems
• refill too soon--’where did your meds go?
• patient pays or must wait for new date
• ins wants preauth---dr must call ins to explain
need of med. pt must pay or wait for dr to call
• copay---pt must pay xx% of total charge
• deductible---ins wont pay anything until pt
pays xxx amount.
• formulary---list of meds that ins will pay for
5 Rs
right drug
right route
right dosage
right patient
right time