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Chapter 13
Lesson 1
Facts About Tobacco
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 nicotine
An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all
tobacco products
 addictive Capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings
 tar
A thick, oily, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns
 bronchi
Passages through which air enters and spreads
through the lungs
 carbon
A poisonous, colorless, odorless gas
 smokeless
Ground tobacco that is chewed or inhaled through
the nose
In this lesson, you will learn to
 recognize the various forms of tobacco.
 identify some of the harmful substances in all forms of tobacco.
 describe the negative effects tobacco use can have on
Making Inferences
Look at the headings, figures,
and captions in this lesson.
Headings in this Lesson
• What Is Tobacco?
• Different Tobacco Products
• Cigarettes
Discuss what kinds of
• Cigars and Pipes
information you think this
• Specialty Cigarettes
lesson will provide.
• Smokeless Tobacco
What Is Tobacco?
Nicotine is an addictive drug.
nicotine An addictive drug found in tobacco
leaves and in all tobacco products
addictive Capable of causing a user to
develop intense cravings
What Is Tobacco?
When smokers inhale, tar deposits form on the
tar A thick, oily, dark liquid that forms when
tobacco burns
bronchi Passages through which air enters
and spreads through the lungs
What Is Tobacco?
Carbon monoxide in smoke passes through the
lungs and into the bloodstream.
carbon monoxide A poisonous, colorless, odorless gas
Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen
the blood vessels can carry.
Different Tobacco Products
Specialty Cigarettes
Types of
Cigars and Pipes
Smokeless Tobacco
Risks of Using Cigarettes
Lung disease
Heart disease
Bad breath
Premature wrinkling of the skin
Stained teeth and fingers
More than 400,000
cigarette smokers
die from smokingrelated illnesses
every year.
Cigars and Pipes
Risks of Using Cigars and Pipes
Cancer of the mouth
Cancer of the larynx
Cancer of the throat
Heart disease
One large cigar can contain as much
tobacco as a pack of cigarettes.
Specialty Cigarettes
Flavored, unfiltered cigarettes
imported from India and Southeast
Asian countries
Also called clove cigarettes.
Contain a mixture of tobacco,
cloves, and other additives
Both have higher concentrations of nicotine, tar, and carbon
monoxide than regular cigarettes.
Smokeless Tobacco
Smokeless tobacco contains 15 times more
nicotine than cigarettes.
smokeless tobacco Ground tobacco that is chewed or
inhaled through the nose
Smokeless Tobacco
Risks of Using Smokeless Tobacco
Cancers of the mouth
Cancer of the esophagus
Cancer of the larynx
Cancer of the stomach
Cancer of the pancreas
Stained teeth
Bad breath
Tooth decay
Gum disease
Lesson 1 Review
What I Learned
Vocabulary What is nicotine?
Lesson 1 Review
What I Learned
List Identify and describe the risks associated with three
harmful substances found in all forms of tobacco.
Lesson 1 Review
What I Learned
Recall What is the most common form in which tobacco
is used? Name three other tobacco products.
Lesson 1 Review
Thinking Critically
Analyze Julia is at a party where another girl lights a
cigarette. When Julia points out that smoking is bad for
her health, the other girl shrugs. “I’m a strong person,”
she says. “I can quit anytime I want.” How might Julia
Lesson 1 Review
Thinking Critically
Evaluate Pete chews smokeless tobacco. He uses it
when no one else is around so others do not have to
watch him spitting tobacco juice. “It’s a win-win situation,”
says Pete. Do you agree with Pete’s point of view?
Explain your answer.
End of
Chapter 13
Lesson 1
Facts About Tobacco
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