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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Definizione (Willis) UNA NEOPLASIA E’ UNA MASSA ANOMALA DI TESSUTO LA CUI CRESCITA ECCESSIVA E’ SCOORDINATA RISPETTO A QUELLA DEL TESSUTO NORMALE E PERSISTE NELLA SUA ECCESSIVITA’ ANCHE DOPO LA CESSAZIONE DEGLI STIMOLI CHE L’HANNO PROVOCATA. Altre caratteristiche: - il tumore cresce a spese dell’ospite le cellule neoplastiche competono con le cellule dei tessuti normali per l’approvvigionamento energetico e nutritivo - il tumore è virtualmente autonomo BASI MOLECOLARI DEL CANCRO Principi fondamentali - ALLA BASE DEL PROCESSO DI CANCEROGENESI CI SONO DANNI GENETICI NON LETALI (MUTAZIONI). La massa tumorale deriva dall’espansione clonale di una singola cellula progenitrice che ha subito un danno genetico i tumori sono monoclonali. - I bersagli principali del danno genetico sono costituiti da tre classi di geni che normalmente regolano importanti funzioni cellulari: a) Proto-oncogeni promuovono la crescita (oncogeni dominanti) b) Geni oncosoppressori inibiscono la crescita (oncogeni recessivi) c) Geni che regolano la morte cellulare programmata o apoptosi Numerose evidenze sperimentali dimostrano che nessun oncogene è in grado di trasformare completamente una cellula in vitro da solo. OGNI TUMORE UMANO FINORA STUDIATO MOSTRA ALTERAZIONI GENETICHE MULTIPLE CHE CONSISTONO NELL’ATTIVAZIONE DI DIVERSI ONCOGENI E NELLA PERDITA DI DUE O PIU’ GENI ONCOSOPPRESSORI. - Il processo di cancerogenesi è un processo a tappe successive sia a livello fenotipico che genetico. Il processo attraverso il quale i tumori acquisiscono gradualmente le loro caratteristiche fenotipiche (crescita eccessiva, invasività locale, capacità di dare metastasi, ecc) è chiamato progressione neoplastica. NELL’AMBITO DELLA PROGRESSIONE NEOPLASTICA UNA TAPPA FONDAMENTALE E’ RAPPRESENTATA DALLA CAPACITA’ DEL TUMORE DI DOTARSI DI UNA RICCA VASCOLARIZZAZIONE MEDIANTE UN PROCESSO DI NEOANGIOGENESI. LE METASTASI ALLA BASE DEL PROCESSO DI METASTATIZZAZIONE CI SONO ALCUNE PROPRIETA’ DELLE CELLULE NEOPLASTICHE CHE PERMETTONO LORO DI MIGRARE, ANCORARSI A MOLECOLE DELLA MATRICE EXTRACELLULARE, INDURRE LA LISI DELLE MEMBRANE BASALI, ECC: Terapia dei tumori Chirurgia: Radioterapia Chemioterapia The limitations of clinical chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been ascribed primarily to mechanisms that mediate drug resistance at the cellular level. Functional gene mutations or other changes that affect the expression of genes encoding proteins that influence the uptake, metabolism, and export of drugs from a single cell are important determinants of drug resistance, as are epigenetic changes that can lead to transient drug resistance. However, the mechanisms that involve the tumor microenvironment also mediate resistance of solid tumors to therapy. For an anticancer drug to kill a high proportion of cancer cells in a solid tumor, it must be distributed throughout the tumor vasculature, cross vessel walls, and traverse the tumor tissue. However, the distribution of many drugs within tumors is heterogeneous, such that only a proportion of the target tumor cells is exposed to a potentially lethal concentration of the cytotoxic agent. The tumor microenvironment is characterized not only by marked gradients in drug concentration but also by gradients in the rate of cell proliferation and by regions of hypoxia and acidity ( Fig. 1 ) all of which can influence tumor cell sensitivity to drug treatment. Fig. 1 . The tumor microenvironment in relation to blood vessels. A ) Diagrammatic representation of tumor cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding a capillary. B ) Schematic representation of the gradient of oxygen concentration ( p O 2 : dashed line ) and of pH ( dotted line ) in relation to the nearest tumor blood vessel. The relationship of p O 2 and pH with distance from the nearest blood vessel is similar to that reported by Vaupel Tumor Vasculature and Blood Flow Tumor responsiveness to chemotherapy is influenced both directly and indirectly by the vasculature, which is abnormal in solid tumors. The vasculature influences the sensitivity of the tumor to drugs because anticancer drugs gain access to tumors via the blood and because the limited supply of nutrients in tumors leads to metabolic changes (including hypoxia) and to gradients of cell proliferation that influence drug sensitivity. In normal tissues, fluid is removed through a network of lymphatic vessels as well as through the veins. Solid tumors may lack or have fewer functional lymph vessels than normal tissues which contributes to the increased interstitial fl uid pressure within them .Increased interstitial fluid pressure inhibits the distribution of larger molecules by convection and compresses blood vessels such that blood is diverted away from the center of the tumor toward the periphery Effetto ossigeno e radioterapia Thomlinson & Gray (1955) key paper Conclusioni schematizzate del lavoro di Thomlinson e Gray: -ogni centro tumorale con raggio maggiore di 200 m presenta un centro necrotico -nessuna necrosi è presente in tumori con raggio minore di 160 -Comunque grande sia il raggio del centro necrotico, lo spessore esterno composto di cellule tumorali attive non è mai maggiore di 180 m ed è sempre compreso tra 100 m e 180 m. L’area delle cellule tumorali attive appare, in sezione, come un anello Conclusioni ottenute da Thomlinson e Gray dallo studio di sezioni istologiche di carcinoma bronchiale umano. Diffusione dell’O2 da un capillare Conclusioni del lavoro di Thomlinson e Gray: •Le cellule tumorali proliferano e crescono attivamente soltanto se sono in prossimità di una sorgente di ossigeno o nutrienti (stroma). 150 m Conclusioni ottenute da Thomlinson e Gray dallo studio di sezioni istologiche di carcinoma bronchiale umano. Fino a 150 m dal capillare le cellule sono ossigenate; a distanze maggiori l’ossigeno è consumato e le cellule diventano necrotiche. •Le cellule ipossiche formano uno strato (di una o due cellule) nel quale la concentrazione di ossigeno è alta abbastanza da permettere la loro attività e bassa abbastanza da renderle relativamente protette dagli effetti dei raggi x. Presenza di Ossigeno e Radioterapia: • protettori: agenti che riducono l’effetto di una determinata dose di radiazione • sensibilizzanti: agenti che aumentano l’efficacia di una determinata dose di radiazio l’ossigeno è un potente “sensibilizzante”. In presenza di O2 tutti i sistemi biologici sono molto più sensibili alla radiazione . Tumor Hypoxia The limited vasculature of tumors leads tumoral cells in hypoxia Cells in hypoxic regions may be viable, but they are often adjacent to regions of necrosis. If cells close to blood vessels are killed by treatment, the nutrient supply to previously hypoxic cells may improve, allowing those cells to survive and regenerate the tumor. The presence of hypoxia in tumors is known to lead to the activation of genes that are associated with angiogenesis and cell survival, and this effect is mediated by the transcription factor hypoxiainducible factor 1. Expression of these genes may result in the expansion of populations of cells with altered biochemical pathways that may have a drug-resistant phenotype. For example, hypoxia selects for cells that have lost sensitivity to p53-mediated apoptosis and for cells that are deficient in DNA mismatch repair In the presence of oxygen, many anticancer drugs generate free radicals that damage DNA. These drugs accept electrons from biologic sources and then transfer the electrons to oxygen . For example, doxorubicin undergoes chemical reduction to a semiquinone radical, which in turn reduces oxygen to a superoxide that may contribute to cytotoxicity . Thus, at low oxygen concentrations the cytotoxicity of drugs whose activity is mediated by free radicals is decreased Hypoxic regions of tumors are likely to have a decreased supply of nutrients such as glucose and essential amino acids. This is because tumor cells often use glycolysis — the conversion of glucose into lactate to produce ATP — to obtain the energy they need to survive and proliferate rather than oxidative metabolism, a more effi cient pathway that leads to production of CO 2 and carbonic acid . Decreased clearance of these acidic products ofmetabolism leads to low interstitial pH, another characteristic of solid tumors Tumor Acidity : The pH in the tumor microenvironment can influence the cytotoxicity of anticancer drugs. Molecules diffuse passively across the cell membrane most efficiently in the uncharged form. Because the extracellular pH in tumors is low and the intracellular pH of tumor cells is neutral to alkaline, weakly basic drugs that have an acid dissociation constant of 7.5 – 9.5, such as doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, vincristine, and vinblastine, are protonated and display decreased cellular uptake Tumor Cell Proliferation Nutrient deprivation induces cell cycle arrest, and the rate of proliferation of tumor cells therefore decreases with increasing distance from tumor blood vessels. Most chemotherapeutic drugs, including, possibly, biologic agents that target cell proliferation, are more effective against proliferating thanquiescent cells . Consequently, slowly proliferating cells at increasing distances from tumor blood vessels are likely to be resistant to therapy. Terapia dei tumori Compounds have to be investigated in vitro before any in vivo or clinical trials are performed. Many therapeutics that demonstrate efficacy in vitro fail to produce the same effect in vivo. Two-dimensional (2-D) cultures are inadequate or limited models of in vivo tumor behavior Although in vitro 2D model has yielded much information , it is , nonetheless , unsuitable in representing completely tissues and in vivo tumors information. It should be recalled that normal tissues and solid tumors grow in a three dimensional spatial array and that the cells in these structures are exposed to non uniform distributions of oxygen and nutrients as well as other physical and chemical stresses. Thus , bidimensional growth of cells , in which all of the cells are equally exposed to oxygen and nutrients , cannot be used to examine all aspects of biology Thus, cells, nutrients,. In vitro approaches have been used to examine how anticancer drugs penetrate and distribute within tumors. Solid tumor models in tissue culture that have been useful in studying drug distribution include multicellular tumor spheroids and multilayered cell cultures .The penetration of anticancer drugs into spheroids for doxorubicin , methotrexate , vincristine,vinblastine but better for 5-fluorouracil . A better model is provided by multilayered cell cultures, which have a linear geometry that facilitates the quantification of drug transport through tumor tissue Studies with multilayered cell cultures have confirmed very slow tissue penetration of drugs that bind avidly to DNA, such as doxorubicin and mitoxantrone, and relatively slow penetration of several other drugs with different modes of action Fig. 3 . In vitro models used to study the penetration of anticancer drugs through tumor tissue. Photomicrographs of ( A ) a multicellular tumor spheroid and ( B ) a multilayered cell culture (MCC) on a permeable membrane support. Proliferating cells labeled with bromodeoxyuridine ( black ) are located predominantly in the peripheral areas. C ) Schematic representation of experimental method used to quantify drug penetration. A drug is added on the top of the MCC (blue) and sampled as a funtion of time in the receiving compartment below the MCC. ( D ) Time-dependent penetration of a drug through an MCC compared with penetration through the permeable support membrane alone. The y -axis represents the drug concentration in the receiving compartment as a ratio of that expected when equilibrium has been established. In an attempt to design more suitable in vitro systems which take into consideration the three dimensional arrangement of tissues and solid tumors , multicellular tumor spheroids were developed Spheroids represent quite realistically the three dimensional growth and organization of avascular solid tumors and, consequently , simulate much more precisely the cell cell interactions and microenvironmental conditions found in these tumors The use of spherical aggregates of cells, or spheroids, has been introduced byHoltfreter andn Mosconain in 1944 and 1957, respectively. Spheroids possess more realistic, three-dimensional (3D) cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions than 2-D cell cultures. Many studies have suggested both correlative and causal effects on cellular drug response due to various characteristics of spheroids including necrotic cores induced by hypoxia, gene expressions, drug permeability and inhibited apoptosis. Scanning electron micrographs of MG 63 osteosarcoma cells grown in MGmonolayer (a) and as three dimensional tumor spheroids (b ) after 48 h of growth three-b) growth. Establishing spheroid-seeded scaffolds. A more recent approach for creating realistic tumor models is the use of biocompatible synthetic polymers such as poly(lactico- glycolide) and poly(ecaprolactone) to engineer the desired 3-D environments for cell growth.(12–14) Previously established in vitro tumor models include monolayer cultures, spheroids and scaffolds with cells. A novel tumor model is developed by incorporating spheroids, or 3-D cellular aggregates, into 3-D scaffolds. Spheroids remain intact in scaffolds after seeding The combination of spheroids consists of 2000 cells and scaffolds with 500–1000 μm diameter pores . After 48 h of culture, one hundred spheroids were pipetted onto each scaffold ,t he seeded scaffolds were moved onto poly-HEMAcoated wells of 12-well non-tissue culture treated plates and 50 μL of culture medium was added to each scaffold. The spheroids were left to attach for 4 h in humidified incubators, and 2 mL of culture medium was subsequently added to each well. After 24 h of culture, the plates were placed on an orbital shaker. Microscopic image of a 2-day old spheroid of 2000 cells confirmed the spherical morphology. Spheroid diameter gradually decreased over the duration of the culture (n = 10). The viability of cells within spheroids cultured for 4 days was observed using a live stain (calcein-AM). The control represents a dead spheroid that had been incubated in 70% ethanon for 30 min. Images of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds showed that spheroids were successfully incorporated into the pores of the scaffold. One possible component of chemoresistance is drug penetration.Cellular aggregation as well as the presence of tortuous in 3-D scaffold structures may limit the drug exposure to some cells. However, drug uptake in SS was efficient and that doxorubicin was found inside the spheroids within 3 h of exposure demonstrating that drug resistance in 3-D systems cannot merely be explained by the effects on drug transport. DOXO green Combining the two techniques by seeding 3D scaffolds with spheroids instead of dispersed, monolayer-cultured cells increases the drug resistance significantly and the chemoresistance of SS was closer to the in vivo data than that of MS. NO DOXO Utility of spheroid-seeded scaffolds as a drug screening tool. The presence of intercellular spaces within the spheroids were visualized by incubating SS in PBS containing fluorescein isothiocyanateconjugated 150 kD dextran Increased drug resistance may be due to increased glycolysis Since 3-D systems are more susceptible to forming regions of hypoxia, cells compensate for the need of nutrients by increasing their dependence on the less efficient anaerobic pathways following glycolysis instead of oxidative phosphorylation. As expected, the highest level of lactate production was seen in then spheroid-seeded scaffolds. Importantly, as confirmed by our measurements of the intracellular pH, increased production of lactate leads to acidosis. Consequently, acidosis can trigger a variety of mechanisms leading to higher drug resistance. A previous study has shown that inhibiting glycolysis results in reduced drug resistance. .