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NDTMS in Prisons Training
Presented by Maddie Ardern-Blowen & Hayley Smith
NDTMS - In Prison Training
South East NDTMS Team
Team consists of:
Laura Hunt: NDTMS Deputy Manager
Lucy Nicholson: Senior Data Manager –NDTMS Community Lead
Maddie Ardern-Blowen: Prison Support Officer
Hayley Smith: Prison Support Officer
Sue Dales: Data Manager
Zdenka Vockova: Information Analyst
NDTMS - In Prison Training
What should be reported to NDTMS
Specialist treatment for substance misuse (includes a care planned medical
or psychological intervention aimed at resolving dependence or reducing
Treatment Interventions (modalities) for both Adults and Young People (YP)
under the age of 18. The categories of Adult drug treatment modalities,
Adult alcohol treatment modalities and Young Persons (under 18) treatment
Non-structured treatment, i.e. low level interventions, should not be reported
to NDTMS, with the exception of brief interventions work with alcohol
clients. If prisons wish to include low level interventions in their extracts the
data will not appear in any central reporting or contribute to numbers in
effective treatment
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Why does this data need to be collected?
Enables monitoring and reporting on drug and alcohol treatment to support
the performance management of prison treatment activity
Enables National and local level reporting to support the National Drug
Strategy and local needs analysis
Supports policy formulation
Help develop more efficient commissioning systems
NDTMS - In Prison Training
NDTMS Software
The NDTMS dataset will be extracted from the DET (Data Entry Tool) or a
similar case management tool.
This information is then transmitted to the SE NDTMS team through a
secure website called DAMS (Drug and Alcohol Monitoring System)
The SE NDTMS Team will be responsible for training and supporting teams
to use DAMS and DET.
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NDTMS - In Prison Training
What data will be collected
Client Details
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Care Plan
Review Details
(for clients on
Discharge &
Exit Reasons
Data Items – Clients details
Client’s first name initial: K
Client’s surname initial: B
Date of Birth: 17/02/1975
Sex of Client (at birth): Male
Ethnicity: White British
Nationality: GBR
NDTMS - In Prison Training
What data will be collected
Client Details
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Care Plan
Review Details
(for clients on
Discharge &
Exit Reasons
Data Items – Episode Details
Initial reception date: 01/01/2014
Reception date: 20/01/2014
Client Prison number: NOMS ID
Consent for NDTMS: Yes
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Confidentiality & Consent Version 6.3
All Substance Misuse Treatment Providers should have clear policies on:
Confidentiality and information sharing
Consent to treatment
The process:
Clients need to sign a confidentiality agreement as part of the care planning
Clients should be aware of what information is reported to NDTMS and how
it’s used
All providers should routinely and explicitly explain their confidentiality and
information sharing policy in relation to NDTMS with clients
PHE have developed a Confidentiality Toolkit (available on their website)
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Data Items – Episode Details
Triage Date: 20/01/2014
Care Plan Started Date: 20/01/2014
Injecting Status:
Currently injecting
Previously injected
Never injected
Declined to answer
*Drinking days: Out of last 28 days
*Units of Alcohol: Units consumed on a typical drinking day
*NB – Drinking days and units must be completed for clients with Alcohol as
primary drug
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Data Items - Episode Details
Postcode: OX4 2GX
DAT of Residence: J09B
Problem Substance No. 1: Heroin
Problem Substance No. 2: Crack (option no second drug)
Problem Substance No. 3: Alcohol – Spirits – (option no third drug)
Transferred from (Prison): If applicable
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Data Items – Episode Details
•Pregnant? – Yes/No
•Parental Status- To clarify reference values:
N.B. Includes
biological parents,
step parents, foster
parents, adoptive
parents and
* To qualify for
these options the
minimum period of
co-habitation is one
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Children (under 18) Living with Client
NDTMS - In Prison Training
What data will be collected
Client Details
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Care Plan
Review Details
(for clients on
Discharge &
Exit Reasons
Treatment Modality Details
Treatment Modality: Opioid Maintenance
Modality Start Date: 02/06/2013
Modality End Date: 20/07/2013 - The date that the client had the last contact in
which that specific modality was delivered – this could be the last session they
attended before they dropped out or the last session as agreed in the care
plan with the key worker
Modality Exit Status: Mutually agreed planned exit
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Adult Drug Modalities - Overview
Opioid Reduction
Opioid Maintenance
Other Clinical Intervention
Psychosocial Intervention Mental Disorder
Other Formal Psychosocial Therapy
Structured Day Programme
Other Structured Intervention
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Opioid Reduction
Should be used where the client’s care plan objective is reduction with a
commitment to becoming drug free
Every review of the client’s care plan should indicate that the substitute
dosage is being reduced- if the dosage is not reduced over 2 or more
reviews then this modality should be ended and ‘opioid maintenance’
should be started
The modality start date is the date of dispensing the first dose of medication
where reduction is the aim
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Opioid Maintenance
Requirement that all periods of extended prescribing whether maintenance
or gradual reduction are reviewed every three months as a minimum
Where longer term prescribing is offered (sentenced over 26 weeks) it
should be explained that at an appropriate time there will be the expectation
that the prisoner works towards reduction, and that abstinence remains the
ultimate goal – The Recovery Agenda
The modality start date is the date of the dispensing of the first does of
medication on a maintenance script
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Other Clinical Interventions
This modality should be used to record the following treatment interventions:
Detoxification from benzodiazepines
Detoxification from opiates using a non-opiate agonist
Prescribing of naltrexone prior to release from prison
Re-induction onto opiate substitution treatment prior to release
The modality start date is the date of dispensing the first dose of medication
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Clinical Treatment – wrap around care
Whilst receiving clinical substance misuse treatment interventions the
prisoner should also be receiving structured sessions with a key worker or
other substance misuse worker to address their drug (and alcohol) misuse,
health related issues, offending behaviour and social functioning as well as
access to other educational and rehabilitation opportunities to assist them
with achieving abstinence.
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Psychosocial Intervention Mental Disorder
Many drug users also suffer considerably with common mental health problems
including; depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, eating
disorders, OCD, antenatal and postnatal mental health
This modality can be used to record where, for example, guided self help
and brief interventions for mild problems to cognitive behavioural therapy
and social support for more moderate forms are delivered
All psychosocial interventions to address common mental disorder should
be recorded using this modality regardless of their intensity
The modality start date is the date of the first formal and time limited
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Other Formal Psychosocial Therapy
This modality category includes therapies that are used in drug treatment
that are beneficial for some clients as they are practical and broad based
techniques such as-
Community Reinforcement Approach
Social Behaviour Network Therapy
The modality start date is the date of the first formal and time limited
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Structured Day Programme
Should be used to record a range of programmes where a client must
attend for a fixed period of time
Programmes should follow a set timetable and include group work,
psychosocial interventions, educational and life skills activities
Majority of drug treatment programmes fall into this category, including 12step, Therapeutic communities and PASRO
Less extensive or less structured ‘day care’ provided in the context of a
structured care plan should be recorded under ‘Other Structured
The modality start date is the date programme starts
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Other Structured Intervention
Use to record a package of interventions set out in the client’s care planincluding emotional and psychological support, advice and information, harm
reduction support, educational and life-skills- this modality may be particularly
relevant for clients that have existing mental health problems
Includes as a minimum regular planned therapeutic sessions with key-worker
Will probably be used more frequently for non-opiate drug misusers
Can be used to record regular key-working sessions delivered in order to keep a
client engaged while they are waiting to start another intervention
Should be used to record where client’s are receiving ‘day care’ rather than ‘day
The modality start date is the date of the first formal and time-limited key worked
NDTMS - In Prison Training
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Adult Alcohol Modalities - Overview
Alcohol – Prescribing
Alcohol – Structured Psychosocial Intervention
Alcohol – Other Structured Treatment
Alcohol – Brief Intervention (non-structured)
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Alcohol - Prescribing
Prescribing of drugs to treat alcohol misuse
Should capture the following:
Medications to promote abstinence or prevent relapse, including sensitising agents
Medications for treating withdrawal symptoms during medically assisted alcohol
Nutritional supplements as a harm reduction measure for heavy drinkers and highdose parental thiamin for the treatment of Wernicke’s encephalopathy and its
Medications for reducing craving for alcohol should only be prescribed alongside
psychosocial treatment
The modality start date is the date of dispensing the first dose of medication
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Alcohol – Structured Psychological
Clearly defined, evidence based interventions delivered as part of the
client’s care plan, which assist the client to reduce their alcohol
Can be delivered on an individual basis or in a group setting
Can include cognitive-behavioural therapy, motivational enhancement
therapy, 12 – step therapy, coping and skills training, social behaviour and
network therapy
Psychosocial interventions differ from advice/information or other lowthreshold support
The modality start date is the date of the first formal and time-limited key
worked appointment
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Alcohol – Other Structured Treatment
To record less clearly defined counselling in the context of a structured care
plan (e.g. day care)
To record a range of other interventions being delivered to meet care plan
needs, for example:
Regular sessions with a key worker to address a range of social and health
related needs
Ongoing support following alcohol withdrawal to maintain abstinence as part
of the care plan
A short period of care-planned regular brief interventions to address
problem alcohol misuse
The modality start date is the date of the first formal and time-limited key
worked appointment
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Alcohol – Brief Intervention
Prison teams have the option to be able to record where clients may be
receiving brief interventions to tackle hazardous and harmful drinking
Should be used to record both brief and extended brief interventions:
Can consist of either a short session of structured brief advice or a longer
more motivationally based session (extended brief intervention). Both aim to
help someone reduce their alcohol consumption or abstain and can be
carried out by non-alcohol specialists
The modality start date is the date of the first face-to-face contact where a
simple or extended brief intervention has been delivered
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Young Person’s Treatment Modalities Overview
Specialist Pharmacological Interventions
Specialist Harm Reduction
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Relapse Prevention
Family Work
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Specialist Pharmacological
Include prescribing for detoxification, stabilisation and symptomatic relief of
substance misuse as well as prescribing of medications to prevent relapse
The modality start date is the date of dispensing the first dose of medication
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Specialist Harm Reduction
Should include services to manage:
• Injecting – advice and information on injecting practice, access to appropriate
testing and treatment for BBV
• Overdose- advice and information to prevent overdose, particularly in terms of
overdose associated with poly drug use
• Accidental injury- advice and information to ensure that measures to identify
and prevent substance misuse related injuries
NDTMS - In Prison Training
YP Psychosocial Interventions
May be provided:
• To treat substance misuse including alcohol or co-occurring mental health disorders
• Alone or in addition to harm reduction or pharmacological interventions
• The modality start date is the date of the first formal appointment
The Psychosocial interventions have been broken down into five types for
reporting on Young People
PLEASE NOTE: If a client turns 18 whilst in structured treatment then their YP
modalities should continue to be reported until they come to a natural end. If they
start a new modality after turning 18 then the Adult modalities should be used.
NDTMS - In Prison Training
1. Counselling
Counselling is a process in which a counsellor holds face to face talks
with a young person to help him or her to solve a problem, or help
improve that person’s attitude, behaviour (substance misuse).
NDTMS - In Prison Training
2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a psychotherapeutic talking therapy
that aims to solve problems concerning dysfunctional emotions,
behaviours and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic
NDTMS - In Prison Training
3. Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a brief psychotherapeutic intervention.
For substance misusers, the aim is to help individuals reflect on their
substance use in the context of their own values and goals and
motivate them to change.
NDTMS - In Prison Training
4. Relapse Prevention
Relapse-prevention CBT focuses on helping drug users to develop
skills to identify situations or states where they are most vulnerable
to drug use, to avoid high-risk situations, and to use a range of
cognitive and behavioural strategies to cope more effectively with
these situations.
NDTMS - In Prison Training
5. Family Work
Family work includes interventions that use psychosocial methods to support
parents, carers and other family members to manage the impact of a young
person’s substance misuse, and enable them to better support the young
person in their family. This includes work with siblings, grandparents, foster
carers, etc.
*Note: family work should only be reported to NDTMS if and when a
young person who is a member of the family receiving family work is
currently accessing specialist substance misuse young people’s
treatment services and should be reported using the young person’s
Family work that does not involve the young person can be recorded locally but
should not be reported to NDTMS.
NDTMS - In Prison Training
What data will be collected
Client Details
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Care Plan
Review Details
(for clients on
Discharge &
Exit Reasons
Adult Only
Care Plan Review Details continued
Care Plan Review Date: 01/02/2012
Reason for continuing maintenance: All clients receiving opioid maintenance for
13 weeks or more and who will continue to do so after the current care plan
review will require a reason to be recorded
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Clients Continuing Opioid Maintenance
The permissible values are as follows:
Concerned over injecting drug use in prison
Medical reason (Including mental health)
Ongoing short term remand
Impending significant events, e.g. release, court appearance, transfer to
another prison
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Care Plan Review Details
Teams need to report care plan review dates only for clients who are in
receipt of substitute prescribing, excluding reviews held within first 4 weeks
of treatment start this is to ensure that the three monthly (13 week) reviews
as set out in the guidance is monitored nationally
This will be monitored in your quarterly performance reports
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Prescribing, the Problem
2010 Drug Strategy:
‘substitute prescribing continues to have a role to play in the treatment of
heroin dependence, both in stabilizing drug use and supporting
‘However, for too many people currently on a substitute prescription, what
should be the first step on the journey to recovery risks ending there. This
must change.’
NDTMS - In Prison Training
What data will be collected
Client Details
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Care Plan
Review Details
(for clients on
Discharge &
Exit Reasons
Modality Exit Reasons
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Discharge Data:
Discharge Date: 22/06/2013
Discharge reason: Transferred in Custody
Prison exit date: 23/06/2013
Prison exit reason: Transferred
Prison exit destination: Select from a drop down list
Referral on Release Status: Referred to CJIT
Pre-release review date: 22/06/2013
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Discharge Codes/Reasons
Planned Exits:
 Treatment Completed – Drug Free
 Treatment Completed – Alcohol Free
 Treatment Completed – Occasional User (not heroin or crack)
 Transferred – in custody
 Transferred – not in custody
Unplanned Exits:
 Incomplete – Dropped out
 Incomplete – Treatment withdrawn by provider
 Incomplete – Treatment commenced declined by client
 Incomplete – Client died
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Prison Exit Reasons/codes
• Released
• Transferred
• Died
• Absconded
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Referral on Release Status
Referred to CJIT
Referred to treatment provider
Referred to both
No onward referral
NDTMS - In Prison Training
NDTMS - In Prison Training
Contact Details:
[email protected]
01865 334 703 / 07796 261674
[email protected]
01865 334790 / 07917 072445
NDTMS - In Prison Training