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El Trimestre Económico
ISSN: 0041-3011
[email protected]
Fondo de Cultura Económica
Chávez, Ricardo; García, Carlos J.
El Trimestre Económico, vol. LXXXIII(2), núm. 330, abril-junio, 2016, pp. 275-310
Fondo de Cultura Económica
Distrito Federal, México
Available in:
The main focus in this study is to analyze, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the impact of a tax reform, i.e., an informed in
advance progressive increase (in phases) of taxes as opposed to a reform at once. Our results indicate that a reform in phases
should produce two effects: substitution effect that drives companies to bring forward investment and this should increase the GDP
and inflation. The re- action of the central bank should be to raise the rate of interest. The other effect is negative and is a wealth
effect that reduces the price of the shares and increases the exchange rate. Taking the example of Chile, which conducted a tax
reform recently (2014). A 1% increase in taxes should produce, due to the intertemporal distor - tion, an increase of 0.17% in GDP
in the first year of the announcement. However, there may be other elements of diverse nature that may negatively influence the
implementation of reform and thus completely cancel the effect of intertemporal substitution. Among these negatives example are
the lack the of clarity in the re- form by the government, the pessimism in the discussions from opposing views in Congress and its
influence on the expectations of employers, lack of credibility, the uncertainty of new tax hikes, etc.
Business cycle, fiscal policy, bayesian econometrics, DSGE models.
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