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Welcome to QETA Newsletter 1 2016.
The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as long as the financial system
is in crisis. - Ben Bernanke
I promise you that there are a lot of people involved in various kinds of retail activities who think they
have a crucial role in the economy, and they're right. - Lawrence Summers
The dramatic modernization of the Asian economies ranks alongside the Renaissance and the Industrial
Revolution as one of the most important developments in economic history. - Lawrence Summers
Big businesses aren't the only ones in the economic ecosystem. Nobody should fall behind because of an
unfair structure. - Park Geun-hye
31 March
11 April
21 May
11 July
14 July
22 July
25-29 July
25-29 July
12 September
3 October
12 October
Final date for discounted memberships
Econopak 1 Published
QETA Conference – Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Econopak 2 Published
UQ Student Day
QUT Student Day
UQ Student Economics Competition
Economics Week
UQ Student Economics Competition Presentation of Prizes
Econopak 3 Published
Work program amendments
Purpose To notify schools about changes to work program amendment processes during 2016 and 2017.
The Queensland Government will introduce a new senior assessment and tertiary entrance system starting
with Year 11 students in 2018. To support the revitalised system, expert writing teams will redevelop
Authority syllabuses during 2016 for publication in 2017. Information During the transition to the new
senior assessment and tertiary entrance system, amendments to work programs for current Authority
subjects will only be required where there are significant changes to school circumstances that would
affect verification and/or exit requirements. Amendments of this nature should be described on the work
program amendment cover page
( ) attached to the front of the
work program and uploaded in the QCAA’s WPOnline database. Minor changes such as the sequencing of
units, or alignment of assessment techniques to units (that do not affect verification and/or exit
requirements) do not require approval by the QCAA and therefore should not be submitted through
WPOnline. School staff should note minor changes on the work program provided with verification and
monitoring submissions
You will receive the Conference Flyer with speaker details, how to register and all other necessary details.
It promises to be a very good Conference and essential for Economics teachers as it will see the release of
the draft Economics syllabus that is currently being written to cater for External Assessment in Economics,
and the opportunity to give feedback as well via a workshop. Our keynote speaker will be Peter Munckton,
Senior Economic Analyst for the Bank of Queensland. We will also have Sam Bool from Uber and Sam
Clark from The Big Issue as speakers as well, along with some teachers of Economics in Queensland.
Conference is 21st May, so start planning to attend now if you haven’t already done so! We already have a
number of registrations and we hope for many more yet. To register, go to and follow
the steps from the home page!
We are having some issues with placing Econopak onto the website. We are working through these and
the first edition should be available shortly. Do remember that Econopak will only be available on our
website this year –there will not be a print edition or a CD edition at all. As soon as it is available, you will
be advised via email. You will need your website password to be able to access it!
Early in May we will open bookings for the 2016 Student economics Days at UQ and QUT. Cost will be the
same as last year - $5.50 per student (including GST). Lunch for teachers and students is also included in
this price.
Don’t forget the BEA Conference in Hobart on 29th and 30th September 2016 at Wrest Point Casino. The
National Conference is always very good, and this year’s Conference looks like it too will be a good one!
Why not holiday in Tasmania in the September holidays, including the Conference as part of it. Details can
be found at
QETA will again be offering two travel awards for two of our members to attend the BEA Conference.
Watch for details in the very near future.
EPAP, ESA QLD & Griffith Uni - PD Seminar on Cost Benefit Analysis
May 13, 2016, 2:30 am
The Economic Policy and Analysis Program (EPAP), Griffith University and the Economics
Society of Australia (QLD) present a free Professional Development Seminar covering
topical issues in Cost Benefit Analysis. The sessions will focus on the art and science of
CBA to help better understand how this powerful tool can be applied to real world
Topics include: Non-market evaluations of the environment, modelling the impact of
flooding on infrastructure, natural disasters and infrastructure betterment, sensitivity
analysis, and Monte Carlo evaluations.
Event Details:
Friday 13 May 2016
3pm - 5pm, registrations from 2.30pm
Webb Centre (S02) Function Space
Level 7, Room 7.07
Griffith University South Bank Campus
226 Grey Street, South Bank, Queensland
 Associate Professor Chris Fleming, Griffith University
 Shane Campbell, Transport and Main Roads
 Professor Christine Smith, Griffith University
 Gene Tunny, Adept Economics
 Leo Yanes, ACIL Tasman
This is a free event. Please see the event page or see attached flyer for more information.
ESA QLD 2016 Federal Budget - Post - Budget Lunch
May 4, 2016, 12:15 pm
For further details see View below.
The event is $80 for members and $95 for non-members, payment options offered during
the booking process are Paypal, and offline payment via invoice. It is possible to pay by
credit card using the Paypal option without having a Paypal account - follow the prompts
when directed to the Paypal website during the booking. If you have difficulties, please
email [email protected]. for a payment form
Speaker: Michael Knox
Join Michael Knox, Chief Economist & Director of Strategy at Morgans Financial Limited, at a Post-Budget
lunch to hear his thoughts on the Budget and the economic outlook.
About the Speaker
Michael was an Australian Trade Commissioner serving in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. He joined Morgans
in Sydney in 1988.
He was Chief Institutional Options Dealer until moving to Brisbane in 1990 as Economist and Strategist.
Michael joined the Board of Morgan Stockbroking in 1996. He became Director of Strategy and Chief
Economist in 1998.
Date: Wednesday 4 May 2016
Time: 12:15 for 12:30pm, concluding at 2pm
Venue: United Services Club
Expect: A delicious two-course meal with complimentary beverages (up to the limit of our set bar tab).
Cost: $80 for ESA Qld members | $95 for non-members
RSVP: Friday 29 April
Booking: Please use online booking facility to pay via PayPal or Credit Card. There is a facility to pay
offline by rendering an invoice, if you need to access this, please make arrangements with the Secretariat
before Friday 29 April 2016
For any inquiries, please contact [email protected]
View Event
5671.0 Lending Finance, Australia, Feb 2016[email protected]/mf/5671.0?OpenDocument
5372.0.55.001 International Merchandise Trade: Confidential Commodities List, Mar 2016[email protected]/mf/5372.0.55.001?OpenDocument
5609.0 Housing Finance, Australia, Feb 2016[email protected]/mf/5609.0?OpenDocument
4655.0 Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2016[email protected]/mf/4655.0?OpenDocument
6202.0 Labour Force, Australia, Mar 2016[email protected]/mf/6202.0?OpenDocument
6291.0.55.001 Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery, Mar 2016[email protected]/mf/6291.0.55.001?OpenDocument
6523.0 Household Income and Wealth, Australia, 2013-14 (Additional Information)[email protected]/mf/6523.0?OpenDocument
5506.0 Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2014-15[email protected]/mf/5506.0?OpenDocument
5512.0 Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2014-15[email protected]/mf/5512.0?OpenDocument
5518.0.55.001 Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, 2014-15[email protected]/mf/5518.0.55.001?OpenDocument
6401.0 Consumer Price Index, Australia, Mar 2016[email protected]/mf/6401.0?OpenDocument
6457.0 International Trade Price Indexes, Australia, Mar 2016[email protected]/mf/6457.0?OpenDocument
IMF Survey : IMF Warns of Threats to Financial Stability Over the last six months, global financial
stability risks increased because of higher economic risks and uncertainty, falling commodity prices, and
concerns about China’s economy, according to the International Monetary Fund’s latest Global Financial
Stability Report.
IMF Global Financial Stability Report -- April 2016
Transcript of the Press Conference on the Release of the April 2016 World Economic Outlook
IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO): Too Slow for Too Long, April 2016 The baseline projection for
global growth in 2016 is a modest 3.2 percent, broadly in line with last year, and a 0.2 percentage point
downward revision relative to the January 2016 World Economic Outlook Update. The recovery is
projected to strengthen in 2017 and beyond, driven primarily by emerging market and developing
economies, as conditions in stressed economies start gradually to normalize. But uncertainty has
increased, and risks of weaker growth scenarios are becoming more tangible. The fragile conjuncture
increases the urgency of a broad-based policy response to raise growth and manage vulnerabilities. Read
the full report.
IMF Survey : Structural Reforms Necessary, Politically Difficult Reforms to the structure of a
country’s economy to make it more productive and boost long-term growth are among the toughest to
achieve, given opposition from vested interests, the rise of populism, and competing views about which
reforms to undertake, when, and how.
IMF Survey : How to Achieve Durable Development Despite Hard Times Low-income developing
countries need to diversify their economies, promote inclusion, and close infrastructure gaps by tapping
both domestic resources and foreign funding to sustain growth.
IMF Survey : Coping With a New Reality In a context of fragile and uneven global economic recovery, a
comprehensive policy response is needed to reduce vulnerabilities and improve growth prospects, the IMF
said today in the latest Fiscal Monitor.
Global Housing Watch Quarterly Report, April 2016 This Quarterly Update includes an update of the
Global House Price Index and our other core charts, and a discussion of house price developments in some
cities within major commodity producing countries (Australia, Canada, China, Norway and the United
IMF Survey : Overheard at the Spring Meetings The world’s economic leaders and stakeholders
gathered at the 2016 IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings to tackle today’s global challenges—a slowing
economy, the refugee crisis, and other global risks to stability—and forge the path towards more
sustainable solutions.
Spring Meetings Wrapup: A World of Challenges
Leaders from around the world confronted the refugee crisis, a slowing economy, and other global issues
at the Spring Meetings. ʺWe will not reach our end poverty goal unless nations are secure and citizens are
not confronted by conflict and violence,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. Read More »
Webcast Replays | Videos | Photos | Blogs | Development Committee Communiqué
Bill Gates: ‘Game-Changers’ in Financing Development
Billionaire Bill Gates came to the World Bank for a thought-provoking conversation about how to finance
development for greater impact.
Read More »
Spending More and Better on Infrastructure
Countries will need to spend resources more efficiently to support infrastructure projects that can achieve
significant results.
Read More »
World Bank Raises 2016 Oil Price Forecast
Amid improving market sentiment and a weakening dollar, the World Bank is raising its forecast for crude
oil prices to $41 per barrel from $37 per barrel, as an oversupply in markets is expected to recede. All
main commodity indexes tracked by the World Bank, including energy, are still expected to decline in
2016 from the year before due to persistently elevated supplies. Read More »
Leaders Aim to Put a Price on Half of Global Carbon Emissions
Ten global leaders have laid out goals to expand carbon pricing to cover 25% of global emissions by 2020,
and 50% within the next decade.
Read More »
The Reserve Bank of Australia has released the April 2016 issue of the Financial Stability Review today.
A speech delivered by Glenn Stevens, at the Credit Suisse Global Markets Macro Conference in
New York, is available on the Reserve Bank website.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has released the Minutes of the April 2016 Monetary Policy Meeting of
the Reserve Bank Board.
The Chart with Two Scales: A Cautionary Tale
There is a common ploy used by many analysts and reporters that often simply does not stand up to close
scrutiny, and would in fact be mocked in the university. The ploy is to take two time series and put them
on the same chart but use different scales.
Read More
WTO: Vietnam Scores “Impressive” Import/Export Growth in 2015
The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently released its “World Trade 2016 and Prospects 2016” report.
In it, the only nation to achieve “impressive” import-export growth in 2015 was a surprising Southeast
Asian nation: Vietnam.
Read More
Education for Women: World Bank to Invest $2.5 Billion
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are conducting their spring meeting this week in
Washington. Announcements of major new initiatives are always expected after these meetings, but one
has many people around the world very excited. This week, the World Bank announced its plan to invest
$2.5 billion in girls’ and young women’s education.
Read More
Waiting for Incentive to Trade (read FOMC statement)
By: Marc Chandler | Date: 04/27/2016
The foreign exchange market is largely quiet as the market awaits fresh trading incentives and the FOMC
statement later in the North American session. The main exception to the consolidative tone is the
Australian dollar, which is posting its largest loss (~1.7%) in a couple of months.
Read More
We've added 60 revision videos to the Economics, Business and Psychology channels over the
weekend - and we're busy recording more this week!
Come take a look!
Economics Revision Videos
Council votes to charge people to run in a local park
Has the world - or at least a tiny corner of Bristol - gone completely mad? Councillors in Little Stoke Park
have voted 6 to 4 to charge Parkrun for the right...
How Negative Interest Rates Work
Will more countries move into a world of negative interest rates and if so, who will be the winners and
losers. Central banks who have cut rates below zero are...
The Digital Economy and Problems in Measuring GDP
The level of GDP may fall even though the quantity of goods and services that we are consuming is
increasing. This is one of the ironies of the switch to...
Why the Minimum Wage Worked
It is nearly twenty years since the landmark research of Card and Krueger on the effects of minimum
wages on employment in US fast food restaurants argued that higher wages...
Monopoly - Price Discrimination
Study notes
What is price discrimination? Price discrimination occurs when a business charges a different price to
different groups of consumers for the same good or service, for reasons not associated with...
Balance of Payments - Current Account Surpluses
Revision videos
This topic video looks at countries who run current account surpluses on their balance of payments. It
focuses on the structural and cyclical causes of surpluses and the economic significance...
Introduction to the Balance of Payments Accounts
Revision videos
This Year 2 Macroeconomics topic video looks at the make up of the balance of payments and in particular
the difference between the current account and the financial account.
Price Elasticity of Demand
Revision videos
This topic video looks at the basics of price elasticity of demand and the factors that influence the
coefficient of elasticity.
Consumer and Producer Surplus
Revision videos
This topic video introduces students to consumer and producer surplus and looks at how shifts in market
demand and supply affect consumer and producer surplus.
Explaining Price Elasticity of Demand
Study notes
Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand after a change in a product's own
price. This is perhaps the most important microeconomic concept that you will come across...
Income Elasticity of Demand
Revision videos
This topic video looks at income elasticity of demand and in particular the distinction between normal and
inferior goods.
The Kinked Demand Curve
Revision videos
This short revision video takes students through the kinked demand curve model of oligopoly and also
looks at examples of non-price competition in markets when price stickiness has set in.
External Economies of Scale
Revision videos
In this short revision video we focus on examples of external economies of scale which are the reductions
in unit costs for businesses who benefit from an expansion of their...
Diseconomies of Scale
Revision videos
In this short revision video, Geoff Riley looks at diseconomies of scale which can affect large scale
businesses and other organisations in the long run
Price Elasticity of Supply
Revision videos
This revision video covers the important topic of price elasticity of supply.
Oligopoly - Kinked Demand Curve
Study notes
What is the kinked demand curve model of oligopoly?The kinked demand curve model assumes that a
business might face a dual demand curve for its product based on the...
Explaining Sunk Costs
Study notes
What are sunk costs?Sunk costs cannot be recovered if a business decides to leave an industry
Vanilla Ice Cream and Elasticity
We've been warned that the price of vanilla ice-cream could rocket as bad harvests mean a shortage of
vanilla pods. But as good economists will know, the key word is ...
Keynes & Phillips vs Von Mises & Hayek - the tag team fight of the century!
Is government intervention beneficial to an economy? Do you agree with Keynesian or Austrian
Economists - which side gets your support? Here's a superb infographic on the great battle of...
How to Calculate Short Run Costs
Revision videos
In this short revision video we look at how to calculate total, average and marginal cost.
Behavioural Economics and Economic Thinking
In this article I explain how behavioural economics relates to orthodox thinking. In 2002 Daniel Kahneman
was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in behavioural economics. His Thinking, Fast and...
Revision Slides on Price Discrimination and Economic Efficiency
Here are the slides from my live revision session on price discrimination
Game Theory - First Mover Advantage
Study notes
What is first mover advantage?First mover advantage is the idea that by being the first to enter a new
market, a business gains a commercial advantage over its actual...
Demand and Supply-Side Economic Shocks
Study notes
Shocks are events that are by and large unexpected and bring out changes in real economic growth,
inflation and unemployment. All countries are exposed to some degree to external economic...
Productivity Growth and Human Development
Study notes
To what extent is higher productivity important for a country wanting to make significant improvements in
their Human Development Index rankings?
Labour Force Participation
Study notes
What is the labour force participation rate?The labour force participation rate measures the percentage of
the population of working age who economically active (i.e. employed or looking for...
The Multiplier Effect
Revision videos
This video tutorial looks at the national income multiplier and the factors that affect the size of the
The Economics of Vinyl
In the last few years we have seen the revival of vinyl records, with sales passing a million in 2014 (the
first time since 1996), and growth is expected to continue for...
Shifting Gears for the Chinese Economy
The FT's James Kynge argues in this video that the Chinese economy can be compared to a hybrid vehicle
- with two engines, an old one - predicated upon investment...
What is Globalisation?
Revision videos
This year 1 macroeconomics video considers the nature of globalisation as a process of deeper integration
and interdependence between countries.
The Accelerator Effect
Revision videos
This year 1 macroeconomics topic video looks at the basics of the accelerator effect - a relationship
between the rate of growth of real national income and planned capital investment.
Explaining Economic Growth
Revision videos
This year 1 Macroeconomics topic video explains what economic growth is and makes a distinction
between short run and long term factors that can affect the rate of real GDP growth...
Business Objectives and the Conduct of Firms
Revision videos
This revision webinar video recording considers the different objectives that business might have in
different markets. These range from profit and revenue maximisation to sales maximisation and satisficing
behaviour in...
Long Run Aggregate Supply
Revision videos
This topic video looks at some of the factors that affect the supply-side potential of an economy in the
long run
Aggregate Supply - Short Run Shifts
Revision videos
Aggregate supply (AS) is the quantity of goods and services that producers in an economy are willing and
able to supply at a given level of prices. This topic looks...
Aggregate Demand
Revision videos
This topic video looks at the calculation of aggregate demand and some of the factors that can cause
shifts in aggregate demand
Measuring the Output Gap
Revision videos
This topic video looks at the output gap which is a measure of the margin of spare capacity available for
an economy to continue to grow.
Introduction to Macroeconomic Objectives
Revision videos
In this topic video we look at some of they objectives of macroeconomic policy
Perfect Competition and Economic Efficiency
Revision videos
In this short topic video we look at whether perfect competition leads to outcomes that are economically
Perfect Competition in the Long Run
Revision videos
This short topic video looks at the adjustment of a perfectly competitive market from the short run to a
long run equilibrium where normal profits are made.
Perfect Competition in the Short Run
Revision videos
In this topic video we look at price and output for profit maximising firms in a perfectly competitive
market in the short run.
Measuring Market Concentration
Revision videos
This topic looks at two measures of market concentration - namely the concentration ratio and the
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
Monopsony Power
Revision videos
This is a revision topic video on monopsony power in markets. A monopsony has buying or bargaining
power in their market. This buying power means that a monopsony can exploit...
Public Goods and Market Failure
Revision videos
This topic video looks at public goods, it discusses their main characteristics and makes the link between
public goods, missing markets and market failure.
Government Intervention - Producer Subsidies
Revision videos
This is a topic video for Year 1 Microeconomics focusing on the effect of government subsidies in markets
as a form of intervention.
Cross Price Elasticity of Demand (Topic Video)
Revision videos
This topic video looks at cross price elasticity of demand and in particular the distinction between
substitute and complementary products.
Economic and Social Costs of High Unemployment
Revision videos
This revision video considers some of the main economic and social costs arising from high
Structural Unemployment
Revision videos
This topic video looks at some of the underlying causes of structural unemployment in the labour market
especially structural barriers arising from labour market failure. Much structural unemployment is long...
Cyclical Unemployment
Revision videos
This short topic video focuses on the causes of cyclical unemployment in the labour market
Contestable Markets - Small Firms Embrace the Cloud
A terrific short article here looking at how the development of cloud computing has enabled small firms to
compete to a greater degree.
The Circular Flow Model
Revision videos
This topic video introduces students to the basic circular flow of income and spending model focusing on
the different injections and leakages.
Causes of Deflation
Revision videos
This short revision video looks at demand and supply-side causes of price deflation
Consequences of Deflation
Revision videos
Why are falling prices widely regarded as damaging for an economy? This revision video looks at some of
the consequences of a period of price deflation.
Macro Policies to Avoid Deflation
Revision videos
This short topic video looks at examples of macroeconomic policies that might help an economy to avoid
deflation or pull out of a deflationary situation.
Nominal and Real Interest Rates
Revision videos
This short topic video focuses on the difference between nominal (money) and real interest rates on
savings and loans
Factors Affecting Business Profitability
Revision videos
Many factors influence the profit margins of businesses. This topic video explores some of them and uses
cost and revenue curve diagrams to support the analysis
Functions of Profit
Revision videos
This short revision video looks at the importance of profit in a market economy
Functions of Profit
Revision videos
This short revision video looks at the importance of profit in a market economy
Monopoly and Economic Efficiency
Revision videos
This topic video considers outcomes for monopoly in terms of allocative, productive and dynamic efficiency
and also looks at some arguments in favour of monopoly power in markets.
Conglomerate Businesses
Revision videos
This short video looks at current examples of conglomerate businesses such as Siemens, Samsung and
Associated British Foods
Understanding Market Demand
Revision videos
This topic video looks at the theory of demand including movements along the demand curve, shifts in
demand and seasonal, social, emotional and network factors affecting demand for goods and...
1 October to 31 December 2015
ACCCount details the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) enforcement, merger,
compliance, adjudication, regulatory, economic and international activities, for the period 1October to 31
December 2015.
In this report:
The ACCC works to enhance the welfare of Australians by promoting competition and fair trading,
protecting consumers from unfair business practices and unsafe products, and regulating national
infrastructure and other markets with limited competition or natural monopoly characteristics. This has
been achieved through a broad range of activities across the economy in the October to December 2015
Protecting consumers and promoting fair trading
The ACCC has continued working to protect consumers and promote fair trading. During the December
quarter, following investigation and litigation by the ACCC, undertakings were accepted from Informed
Sources Australia Pty Ltd and 5 petrol retailers following alleged contraventions of the Competition and
Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) in the exchange of fuel pricing information. The ACCC also instituted
proceedings in the Federal Court against Woolworths Ltd (Woolworths) alleging that Woolworths had acted
unconscionably in dealings with a large number of suppliers as part of a scheme approved by senior
management called ‘Mind the Gap’. The ACCC alleges that the scheme sought to reduce an expected
significant half year gross profit shortfall by placing payment pressure on certain suppliers.
Product Safety
The ACCC continued to monitor the recall of faulty Samsung washing machines that have caused electrical
fires, and also refreshed a communications campaign on the national Infinity electrical cable recall.
Hoverboards have also emerged as a safety hazard and the ACCC is working with state and territory
electrical regulators to identify faulty and dangerous hoverboards, and recall them from sale where
Effective Regulation
Activities of note in the regulatory space during this quarter included the release of a market study report
on the Darwin petrol market. The Report found that that the increase in retail petrol margins in Darwin
has imposed a significant cost on motorists.
To read the full report, you can view the attached PDF or visit for this and all previous editions.
Barriers to Entry
Revision videos
This revision video looks at different examples of barriers to entry in imperfectly competitive markets.
They include economies of scale, vertical integration, patents, limit pricing and building brand loyalty.
The Economic Cycle
Revision videos
This is a short revision tutorial on aspects of the economic cycle
Shifts in Aggregate Demand
Revision videos
This topic video looks at some causes and effects of shifts in the aggregate demand curve and their effect
on real output and the price level.
Shifts in Aggregate Supply
Revision videos
This revision topic video looks at causes and effects of shifts in short run and long run aggregate supply
A History of Money in Five Objects
This is a lovely clip showing the nature of money over the centuries and perhaps provoking thought about
the nature of money
Risks from Over-Specialisation - China's Underwear Town
This is an absolutely fascinating insight into China's one-trick industrial towns - underwear accounts for
80% of the Gurao's output. If that statistic isn't 'pants', I don't know what is! But...
Chinese businesses continue their overseas acquisitions
There's been a recent spate of Chinese acquisitions of foreign assets: with the growth in activity having
increased by around 300%. In part, this is a response to lower levels of...
Direct and Indirect Taxes
Revision videos
This short topic video looks at the difference between direct and indirect taxes
GDP and GDP Per Capita
Revision videos
This short topic video looks at the difference between GDP and GDP per capita
Measuring Productivity
Revision videos
This short topic video looks at the definition and measurement of productivity which is one of the key
supply-side indicators for an economy
Investment and Aggregate Demand
Revision videos
This short tutorial video looks at some of the factors that determine capital investment and also the
significance of a rise in investment for the macroeconomy
70th Anniversary of the death of John Maynard Keynes
On this day (21st April) in 1946 John Maynard Keynes, often credited as the father of modern
macroeconomics, passed away. Some of our main resources on Keynesian economics can be found...
Hugh Evans started a movement that mobilizes "global citizens," people who self-identify first and
foremost not as members of a state, nation or tribe but as members of the human race. In this uplifting
and personal talk, learn more about how this new understanding of our place in the world is galvanizing
people to take action in the fights against extreme poverty, climate change, gender inequality and more.
"These are ultimately global issues," Evans says, "and they can only be solved by global citizens
demanding global solutions from their leaders." Watch »
With the ‘biggest-ever’* Australian business delegation visiting China last week, we asked Economic
Society of Australia's National Economic Panel (NEP) about the potential benefits for Australia of China
moving to consumption-led growth:
As the Chinese economy makes its transition from investment-led to consumption-led growth,
the Australian service sector which currently accounts for around 20% of total exports, will
produce a second 'Chinese economic windfall' for Australians.
Over 60 per cent of the panel members agreed with this statement, however many of their comments
suggest that Australia's services sector will face much tougher competition than our mining sector ever
Follow the links below to see the results.
1. Complete poll results, charts and comments
2. Overview of the results by Dr Lauren Johnston (McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow, Melbourne Institute
of Applied Economic and Social Research)
3. ESA-Monash Forum media release
In Australia this week, minutes from the April Monetary Policy Meeting by Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
noted that conditions in the Australian economy are reasonably stable, with recent data suggesting
moderate growth in the first quarter of 2016. The transition away from mining sectors is being supported
by low interest rates and the lower Australian dollar (which remains relatively low, despite another
appreciation in recent weeks).
So far in 2016, household consumption and dwelling investment appear to be growing strongly but
business investment remains slow, despite the monthly business activity indicators (NAB and Ai Group)
indicating better business conditions and confidence in recent months.
Significant risks to growth stem from slower growth among Australia’s major trading partners (China and
Japan). Commodity prices (oil and iron ore) have recovered since the beginning of 2016 and this has
pushed the Australian dollar higher. The RBA notes that this may complicate or delay the ‘rebalancing’ of
growth in the non-mining sectors of the Australian economy.
Business outlook: strengths and challenges for 2016-17
Deloitte Access Economics (DAE) largely concurs with the RBA’s outlook for Australia in its latest quarterly
Business Outlook Report. DAE remains relatively upbeat about the Australian economy, highlighting its
resilience in recent years, despite numerous serious headwinds.
As in the latest RBA Minutes, this latest DAE Report warns of risks to Australian growth in 2016- 17 from:
China’s deceleration; reluctant business investment globally and locally; a higher Australian dollar; and a
cooling Australian housing market. As a result, GDP growth is anticipated to remain at around the current
rate of 3.0%, which is below its long-run average (or ‘trend’) rate of 3¼%.
Outside of the mining sector, the DAE Report expects growth in 2016-17 will be increasingly concentrated
in the services sectors, including finance, property, retail, IT, health and education. In the short term, the
higher Australian dollar threatens recent gains in tourism and education exports, as well as the partial
recovery in manufacturing. The construction sector is expected to struggle, due to reducing engineering
construction activity and the slower housing construction.
By state, the pattern of growth is shifting from the mining states back to the south-eastern states. New
South Wales and Victoria are set to outperform the other states in 2016-17. Queensland is looking to
recover to stronger growth, but Western Australia is struggling with the end of the resources investment
boom, although with better prospects in the longer term.
Budget outlook: strengths and challenges for the 2016-17 Federal Budget
The latest DAE Report highlights that structurally lower commodity prices are a serious risk to Australia’s
current account deficit in 2016 (due to lower export earnings), as well as to state and federal government
deficits (due to lower tax revenues). This has become a significant issue in recent years, with Australian
Government deficits becoming increasingly sensitive to the price of iron ore (currently Australia’s largest
export earner). The Federal Budget papers for 2015-16 (published in May 2015) noted that: “Iron ore
investment and exports directly contributed 15 percentage points to economic growth over the past
decade, while export values are now 14 times higher at $75 billion. Australia now accounts for around a
third of world production of iron ore. Of course this means that our national income and government
revenues have become much more sensitive to changes in the iron ore price.” (Australian Government,
Budget 2015, Overview)
The rough rule of thumb that has emerged for the effect of iron ore prices on Government finances is that
“every $10 fall in the price of iron ore results in around $2.5 billion a year in lost tax revenue” for the
Federal Government, due to the fall in profits (and tax paid on those profits) for iron ore companies. This
amounts to $10bn less revenue over the four years of forward estimates typically outlined in each year’s
Budget1 . This is exactly what happened in the Federal Government’s Mid-Year Economic and Financial
Outlook (MYEFO) in Dec 2015, which scaled back the key iron ore price forecasts for 2015-16 from US$48
per tonne to US$39 per tonne. With iron prices now rising again, some (but not all) of this expected loss
in revenue might be reversed in the forthcoming Federal Budget for 2016-17, to be released on Tuesday 3
Political outlook: probability of an early Federal election increases
The prospect of an early Federal election (currently expected on 2 nd July) with a relatively long campaign
period will add to these risks to the Australian economy in the short term. This is because elections are
traditionally thought to dampen business and consumer confidence and to delay or dampen business
investment. The effect, however, can be difficult to quantify due to the numerous other influences on
business (and household) investment in any given period.
The weekly ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Sentiment Survey provides the best direct evidence of such an
effect (see Chart 1). The history of these data indicates that “consumer confidence often falls during an
election campaign, although it often recovers quickly once a new government is in place” (ANZ Research,
20 April 2016). These data confirm that the presence of an election campaign will probably dampen
sentiment over the coming months, but also that the prolonged nature of the expected campaign period
could possibly exacerbate this effect.
Internet job vacancies lower in March
In other data released this week, the Department of Employment’s Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) indicated
labour demand might be slowing, with the total number of job vacancies advertised on the internet falling
across all industries and states, with mining states and lower skilled jobs hit hardest. The IVI decreased by
1.5% m/m in March (seasonally adjusted), but remained 1.3% higher than a year earlier. Vacancies in all
occupational groups declined, with job ads for labourers falling the most (-5.1%), followed by machinery
operators and drivers (-4.1% m/m), community and personal service workers (-3.0%) and sales workers
(-2.7%). In trend terms, the data points to significant declines in lower skilled job ads, with the lowest
skill level (Certificate I or secondary education) declining 1.4% in march and falling 4.8% compared to a
year earlier.
All states and territories recorded declines in internet job ads in March, with significant falls in the
Australian Capital Territory (-4.0%) and the mining states of Queensland (-3.7%) and Western Australia
Understanding Hypergrowth Holds Key to a Global Economy in Transition
 Adopting hypergrowth business practices can unlock huge value for the global economy
 Hypergrowth can be cultivated in many business stages; the study finds that 63% of rapid and
hypergrowth businesses experience their most dramatic growth six years or more after inception
 The Fourth Industrial Revolution is increasing the number of opportunities for extremely rapid
growth across industries
For more on Mastering Hypergrowth, including what differentiates these companies from others
and best practices from a number of industry sectors, click here
Geneva, Switzerland, 28 April 2016 – Businesses that are successful in mastering “hypergrowth” –
defined as having a compound annual growth rate of over 40% – are increasingly likely to come from a
diverse cross-section of industrial sectors as the world enters the Fourth Industrial Revolution, according
to a study by the World Economic Forum, Mastering Hypergrowth, published today.
The study concludes that the convergence and interaction of breakthrough technologies and disruptive
business models that represent the Fourth Industrial Revolution are increasing the possibility for
companies to achieve extraordinary rates of growth. Indeed, the study finds that 63% of rapid and
hypergrowth businesses experience their most dramatic growth six years or more after inception, with
36% only hitting their stride after their 10th anniversary.
Mastering Hypergrowth is the product of 10 months of surveys, interviews, workshops and meetings with
leaders of businesses experiencing a wide range of growth rates. It aims to demonstrate that hypergrowth
can apply to businesses ranging from start-ups to those with over 70 years of experience with the right
access to new markets, business models, company cultures and agile leadership, and to technology for
scaling and expansion goals.
Highlights include:
 Two hundred companies participated in the study, representing a cross-section of conventional,
rapid growth and hypergrowth businesses. The sample represents companies with annual revenues
that range from $100 million to more than $1 billion and includes a wide variety of industries,
regions and organization sizes
 A Hypergrowth Playbook chronicles challenges faced by leadership teams undergoing hypergrowth
scenarios and the solutions they adopted
“Hypergrowth demonstrates a growing systemic opportunity for the global economy as it enters the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. Breaking down the preconditions for such growth and what it means for the future
of enterprise is critical for a world looking to find solutions to spur growth and productivity,” said Olivier
Schwab, Head of Business Engagement at the World Economic Forum.
“We are living in a world where disruption is a constant force that threatens the very existence of
incumbent players and long-held business models. Hypergrowth companies, however, are seizing this as
an opportunity and leading the way in establishing new practices and ways of doing business in the
market. By learning from these experiences, we can build new businesses that have the potential to
realize the disruptive, innovative power of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to create new sources of
wealth and better outcomes for society,” said Uschi Schreiber, Global Vice-Chair for Markets and Chair of
the Global Accounts Committee at EY, which collaborated in producing the study.
About the project
Challenges facing hypergrowth firms have a huge impact in today’s global economy. From
talent shortages to regulatory impediments, growth challenges are a consistent management
priority. Hypergrowth firms have often found unique solutions to these challenges from which we may
draw corresponding insights. Through discussions with its Members and Partners, the World Economic
Forum, in collaboration with EY, has identified best practice strategies from hypergrowth firms, articulated
by their management teams.
By examining risks and trends affecting rapidly growing enterprises, analysing data from surveys,
conducting interviews with CEOs, their senior management teams and other experts, this project
highlights decisions that characterize how successful firms respond to high-growth obstacles. As an
essential part of the Forum’s mission, the role of stakeholder management in these scenarios is closely
considered in terms of its impact and application to high-growth challenges.
Our cover this week looks at how to measure prosperity. Gross domestic product is an increasingly poor
gauge of material well-being. We explain why and argue that it is time for a fresh approach
Westpac Australian and New Zealand Weekly
A review of the week's important data and events as well as key information affecting the Australian
market - prepared by Westpac Economics.
25/04/16 Australia & NZ weekly (PDF 379kb)
Westpac economic releases
Westpac's view on economic data released to the market - prepared by Westpac Economics.
20/04/16 Westpac-MI Leading Index Mar (PDF 90kb)
13/04/16 Westpac-MI Consumer Sentiment Apr (PDF 107kb)
 QLD Economic Outlook - 23 March 2016
22/04/2016 Mkts have grown less confident that the RBA will ease Policy settings ....
NAB SME Business Survey – March 2016
Business conditions unchanged at +3, slightly below the long-run average. Business confidence eased to
the neutral mark in the March quarter.> Read More
NAB Online Retail Sales Index: in depth report – March 2016
Australian consumers spent an estimated $19.3 billion online in the past year, primarily on homewares,
groceries, media and fashion. According to National Australia Bank’s (NAB) latest Online Retail Sales Index
in-depth report, online spending increased 12.4% over the last year.> Read More
RBA view change: low CPI to see a 25bps cut in May
Today’s CPI produced the lowest quarterly and annual rates of core inflation recorded since the RBA
commenced inflation targeting – and rates that are starting to diverge below the lower end of the Bank’s
target band.> Read More
Doug Cave
QETA Secretary/Treasurer
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