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Download + Economy of Ireland Tutorial 3 HT Growth in Living Standards & Output
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+ Economy of Ireland Tutorial 3 HT Growth in Living Standards & Output General + Office hours: Tuessday 12.30-13.30 Website: http://www.tcd.ie/Economics/staff/johagan/ec2020%20HT/ Slides: Will be put online at the end of each teaching week. The Plan for Today G1(ii) & G1 (iii) from your Hilary term hand-out Topic: Growth in Refer to: Living Standards & Output Chapter 7 in the book G1 (ii) + What drives productivity growth (i.e. GDP per person employed) in any economy? Discuss in terms of human capital, physical capital, institutions, natural resources and technology making reference to the Irish experience. What drives productivity growth? Discuss role of: Human Capital Physical Capital Institutions Natural Resources Technology Refer to the Irish experience + To What drives Productivity Growth? frame our discussion: Q/E = q = A .f(k, h, i, r) Where k: Capital Stock Investment h: Human in physical capital Capital Investment in people i: Institutions “Economic productivity strongly influenced by the fundamental structure of economic organisations” r: (natural) Resources A: Technology harnessing our natural resources central to the process of growth! What drives Productivity Growth? + To frame our discussion: Q/E = q = A .f(k, h, i, r) Can you think of an example of each and how they impact on growth? Do we observe diminishing returns? What about the relationship between these factors – are they independent or linked? Refer to Irish Experience ? + G1 (iii) How would you briefly describe the Irish growth experience in the last 10 years and what are the prospects for growth in Ireland 2016-2020 would you argue? Describe Irish growth experience in the last 10 years What are the prospects for growth in Ireland 20162020? + Describe the Irish growth Experience in last 10 years Time period 2005-2015 Growth and Prosperity at tail end of the ‘Celtic Tiger’ Recession in late 2008 Growth emerging again Factors behind growth up to 2008 applying again: Openness of the Economy Favourable tax rates US Firms Single European Market Attitudes + What are the prospects for future growth in Ireland? Give your opinions – but balance with informed reasoning Good Starting Point: We are a small open economy Therefore Internal Factors important But important consideration needs to be given to External Factors What might we include in both categories that may impact growth going forward? Both positives Examples? and negatives to consider + Some Links https://www.esri.ie/news/new-report-on-the-economicconsequences-of-brexit-for-ireland/ http://www.esri.ie/news/sentiment-increases-in-first-monthof-2016/ http://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/editorial/indications-thatthe-chinese-economy-has-slowed-down-after-years-of-stronggrowth-1.2317326 http://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/oecdupgrades-irish-gdp-forecasts-for-2015-2016-1.2422776 http://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/oecd-s-bepsreport-likely-to-drive-corporation-tax-rates-down-1.2376866 http://www.irishtimes.com/news/consumer/whatplummeting-oil-prices-mean-for-you-1.2496914