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Information Constraints as
Micro-foundations for
Nominal Rigidity
Filip Matějka
A joint workplace of Charles University and
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Understanding nominal rigidity is
Why aren’t most prices perfectly flexible?
Inflation picks up a few months after interest rates are
cut by a central bank
Decrease in consumption tax often doesn’t
translate in immediate decrease of prices
Input cost hikes do not have rapid effects
Understanding nominal rigidity is important
Keynes’ explanation for monetary policy effects
Prices affect most economic decisions, etc.
Information Constraints as
Micro-foundations for Nominal Rigidity
This paper:
Explanation why prices are rigid
• Prices are rigid because people
do not pay full attention to
changes in the economy
Specific implications,
mathematical formalization
Standard models of nominal rigidity
• Predict immediate response of GDP, unempl. to
nominal shocks
More general friction needed: information (Chris
Sims) ..Rational Inattention
Do we really have little info?
When investing, choosing a vacation destination,
negotiating a deal…, we should know the exchange
If we do not pay attention, we can not react to
Yes, I think so…
Not even economists pay attention to economic
variables, at least the young ones don’t
More important variables are followed more closely
Enough Hand-waving:
Information Theory
Mathematically, knowledge is
described as probability
Processing information
narrows the distribution
Choosing what to learn is how
to narrow the distribution
Economics, Behavioral Insights,
Models simulate
1.What information is acquired
2.What is the response
Price responses to shocks
Competitive industries respond to others’ prices rather than input
costs, taxes, etc.
• They can lose a lot by being more expensive
Volatile and competitive industries respond faster
• they always need to pay more attention
Firms respond faster in unusual times
• Hyperinflation, crisis, ..
• Central bank becomes less efficient
Central Banks
• What interest rate adjustment path to adopt
• Transparency is good
Fiscal Policy
• How to stimulate economy the fastest (what industries, what
• Simpler tax codes are beneficial (uniform rates, etc. )
• Birth bonuses(?) vs. subsidies on baby shoes, public
transportation, exhibitions, etc.
Optimal regulation
• No caps on taxi prices
Other Applications of Rational
Sudden changes of behavior, with Chris Sims
• Portfolio reallocation
Optimal number of offered varieties, with Alisdair McKay
• How many different types of jam to offer
• How many pension plans
How much discretion to provide subordinates with
Hayek’s informational efficiency of markets
Thank you.
...for rational (in)attention