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Gross Domestic Product
& Growth
Macroeconomics – Part 1
Economic Indicators
 The government has broad economic goals
for the economy:
Full employment
Price stability
Economic growth
 Economic indicators are used to measure the
overall well being of economic activity and
how we stand in relation to our goals.
Unemployment rate
Price stability
Economic growth
Gross Domestic Product
 Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is used to
measure economic growth
 GDP is defined as “The dollar value of all
final goods and services produced within a
country’s borders in a given year.”
Let’s break that down, piece by piece.
Gross Domestic Product is
The dollar value of all final goods and services
produced within a country’s borders in a
given year.
To get Dollar value we look at the total of the
selling prices
We don’t look at what they were “worth”
Gross Domestic Product is
The dollar value of all final goods and
services produced within a country’s borders
in a given year.
Final goods and services means products
sold to consumers
It does not mean intermediate goods
OR goods that have been resold
Gross Domestic Product is
 The dollar value of all final goods and
services produced within a country’s
borders in a given year.
The goods must have been made in the
country’s border by anybody
•So, a Toyota plant in the USA counts
•A Chevrolet plant in Japan does not.
Calculating GDP – Two Methods
The Expenditure Approach: counting up the
total amount spent on all goods and services.
2. The Income Approach: Add up all income
earned in the economy
In method 1, we are adding up all the goods
and services purchased. In method 2 we are
looking at incomes that were used to buy the
things in method 1. Thus, they should come
out the same.
Famous Economic Formula
 GDP= C+I +G+(X-M)
 C= Personal Consumption expenditures
(consumer spending). This includes all
durable goods (a lifetime of more than one
year), non-durable goods ( a lifetime of less
than one year), and services.
I = Gross Investment. This is the total value of all
Private business investment on capital goods.
( this does NOT include your investment in an
education, or the stock market. It does NOT
include Government investment) only private
business investment
 G = Government purchases. This is the
dollar amount that federal, state, and local
governments spend on things like highways,
education, defense, etc.
Note that “government purchases” does NOT
include all government spending.
Transfer payments or payments that are not
for a good or a service are excluded.
Net Exports
 X = Exports. This is the value of goods and
services produced domestically but sold in other
 M = Imports. This is the value of goods and
services produced in other countries, but bought
 Therefore net Exports is equal to the value of
Exports MINUS the value of Imports.
GDP as an indicator of standard of
 Per capita GDP : GDP/ population
 Criticism of GDP as a measure for SoL:
Doesn’t account for many of the things that we
consider important for quality of life:
Divorce rate
Environmental degradation
Improved or weakened quality of production, etc.
Nominal vs Real GDP
 Nominal GDP is a GDP measured in current prices
Thus if a country produced $4,000,000 worth of
goods last year, it’s nominal GDP is $4,000,000)
 Real GDP is a GDP measured by a fixed or
constant price.
 Because prices might have risen and because we
are measuring Product (or items produced) and
not their price, we have to adjust for those price
Economic Growth
 A steady, long-term increase in a nation’s real
GDP that tends to raise living standards.
 Primary Causes:
Capital Deepening: increasing the amount of
capital per worker
Saving and Investing
Advances in Technology
Improved human capital
Measuring Economic Growth
 Take Real GDP from the later Year (GDP2)
 Subtract Real GDP from the earlier Year
(GDP1) from it
 Divide by Real GDP1
 Multiply by 100
 ((GDP2 – GDP1) ÷ GDP1) x 100
Measuring Economic Growth
 So if the Real GDP in 1994 was $7.8 billion
 And Real GDP in 2004 was $10.8 billion
 What was the economic growth?
 ((10.8 – 7.8) ÷ 7.8) x 100 =
 (3 ÷ 7.8) x 100 =
 .384 x 100 =
 38.4%
Supply and Demand Revisited
Price Level: An average of all the goods and
services made in one year.
2. Aggregate Demand: the Demand for all goods
and services in the Country’s economy
3. Aggregate Supply: the Supply of all goods and
services in the Country
4. Aggregate Supply/Aggregate Demand
Equilibrium: the Equilibrium price for a
Country’s economy
Business Cycles
1. A period of macroeconomic expansion followed
by a period of contraction.
2. Has Four Stages: Expansion, Peak, Contraction
and Trough
Business Cycle (Continued)
3. Three more terms:
A. Recession: a period in which GDP falls for
at least 2 consecutive quarters (minimum 6
B. Depression: a long and severe recession
C. Stagflation (Stagnant + Inflation): a decline
in Real GDP and a rise in the price level