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Population & Resources:
Do we have enough food to
feed our planet?
Developing vs. Developed Nations
• A countries wealth is measured by their GDP (Gross Domestic
• GDP is calculated by how much a country uses, spends,
invests, imports, and exports
• The GDP is then divided by the number of people in the country
• Countries with a high GDP are considered Developed Nations
• Countries with low GDPs are considered Developing Nations
USA $46,859 = Developed
Canada = $39,183 = Developed
Afghanistan $758 = Developing
Sierra Leone $725 = Developing
How does this
affect the world’s
Is the Earth Overpopulated?
• Earth’s population is over 6 billion people.
• Experts predict this may cause serious worldwide issues:
1) Feeding the world
• Hunger is already a problem in many developing countries
• Many experts say there isn’t enough food to feed an
overpopulated planet
• Some argue there is plenty of food, but the food is not being
evenly distributed
A) Which countries are consuming the most food worldwide?
B) Which are consuming the least?
2) Stress on the Environment
• Humans are cutting down more forests to grow food/graze
• Humans are over-fishing the oceans
• Humans are using more energy and emitting more pollution
C) Who are the world’s biggest polluters?
3) Lack of Resources
• Most of the world’s wealth is in the hands of a few nations
• More money means more resources
• In the wealthiest nations a small amount of people control most
of the land and wealth - In the US, 10% of the population
controls 70% of the wealth
D) Who controls most of the wealth/resources?
E) Does the planet have a lack of food or is it a distribution of
resources issue?