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Chapter 1: Introduction Econ 330: Public Finance Dr. Reyadh Faras 1 Public Finance and Ideology Public finance economists analyze not only the effects of actual government taxing and spending activities but also what they ought to be. Views of how government should function in the economic sphere are influenced by ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state. Political philosophers have distinguished two major approaches: 2 Public Finance and Ideology A. Organic View of Government Society is viewed as a natural organism, each individual is a part of the organism, and the government is the heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community, and what is good for it is defined with respect to the good of the community. They stress that the community is above the individual. Goals of society are set by the state, which leads society towards their achievement. Problem: who chooses between the conflicting goals of society? Proponents argue that certain goals are natural. 3 B. Mechanistic View of Government Government is not organism, it is an invention by individuals to better achieve their individual goals. The individual rather than the group is at center stage. Problem: what is good for society? and how the government should act to promote it? Generally: government protect society individuals from violence, thus it must have a monopoly on coercive power. Otherwise anarchy develops. 4 In addition, government has the responsibility for creating and maintaining certain public works and certain public institutions, which individuals are not willing to be responsible for. Liberals: with a very limited government and are against any further economic role for it. Socialists: with substantial government intervention for the good of individuals. 5 Government at a Glance The Legal Framework Constitution empowers Congress to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare. Constitution does not limit the size of federal expenditure to the size of the economy. Federal government is not required to finance all its expenditures by taxation. If expenditures exceeds revenues, it is empowered to borrow money. 6 The Size of Government Common measure of the size of the government is the number of workers in the public sector. However, such measure can be misleading. A more sensible measure is based on the size of government expenditures, of which are three types: 1. Purchases of goods and services. 2. Transfers of income to people, businesses, or other governments. 3. Interest payments. 7 Generally: when expenditures go up, people conclude that government size has increased. However, some government activities have substantial effects on resource allocation even though they involve minimal explicit outlays. 8 Federal Expenditures by Type Dr. Reyadh Faras 9 Federal Revenues by Source Dr. Reyadh Faras 10 Contribution of Policy Changes to Growth in Deficit Since 2001 Dr. Reyadh Faras 11 مصادر الزيادة في عجز الموازنة الفيدرالية ()2012 12 د .رياض الفرس Trade and federal budget deficits as % of GDP Dr. Reyadh Faras 13 Federal Debt Held by the Public as Share of GDP Dr. Reyadh Faras 14 Debt to GDP Ratios, Various Countries, 2008 Dr. Reyadh Faras 15 Built-In Stability Government Expenses, G and Tax Revenues, T T Surplus G Deficit GDP1 GDP2 GDP3 Real Domestic Output, GDP