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Chapter Fifteen
The Federal
Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System
• What is the Federal Reserve?
– The “Fed” is the central bank of the United
States…It oversees many financial institutions
and ensures the continued efficient
functioning of the payments system
– Comprised of three main parts
• The Federal Reserve banks
• The Board of Governors
• The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
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The Federal Reserve System (cont’d)
• System is headed by
the Board of
• The twelve Federal
Reserve banks are
located throughout
the nation
Figure 15.1 The Structure of the
Federal Reserve System
• U.S. monetary policy
is determined by the
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Federal Reserve Banks
Banks provide many services
• Check clearing services
• Supervision and examination of member
• Track banking statistics and monetary
• Supply currency and coin to member banks
• Serve as fiscal agent of the U.S. Treasury
• Act as a lender of last resort
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The Federal Reserve System
The locations of the 12 banks are a reflection of the political power
structure of 1913 and are spread out to diffuse power
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Structure of a Federal Reserve Bank
• Each is a corporation with a board of directors
and securities owned by its member banks
• Board of Directors selection is a reflection of the
public-private organization of the Fed-partly
localized and partly federally directed
• Main role of directors is to set strategy, approve
major spending, and set the discount rate
• Funding for operations comes from fees charged
for services and interest income from the holding
of financial securities
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The Federal Reserve System
Figure 15.3 Board of Directors of a Federal Reserve Bank
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Central Bank Functions
• Economic Research
– Keep bank president informed about the regional
economy, national economy, financial markets,
foreign economies, forecasts, and new research on
– Produce Beigebook report on local economic
conditions for FOMC
– Economic education, articles in “Economic Review”
• Supervision & Regulation
– examine banks
– provide discount loans
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Central Bank Functions (cont’d)
• Statistics Department
– Compile banking statistics for money supply data
• Community & Consumer Affairs
– Help implement laws such as CRA and Truth in
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The Board of Governors
• The Board is more like a government agency
than the banks, and subject to more scrutiny
• Each member is appointed by the President to a
14 year term which is not renewable
– 7 governors serve
– One member’s term expires every 2 years
– Can stay more than 14 years if appointed to lessthan-full term initially
• Chairman of the Board of Governors is second
most-powerful position in U.S. after President
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Members of the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors
Term Began Term Ends
Alan Greenspan
Roger Ferguson
Mark Olson
Susan Bies
Don Kohn
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The Board of Governors (cont’d)
• Chairman & Vice-Chairman are appointed
by the President to renewable 4-year
• Chairman wields tremendous power
– Measure Chairman’s success by the inflation
rate, the only economic variable the Fed can
control in the long run
– Effects of monetary policy are short-lived
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Inflation Rate Under Fed Chairmen
CPI ex. Food & energy, 1/1958 to 9/2005
Avg Start End Change Term
2.6 2.8
6.2 +3.4
4/1951 to
6.0 6.2
6.4 +0.2
2/1970 to
9.1 6.2
10.0 +3.8
3/1978 to
6.3 10.0 3.9 -6.1
8/1979 to
Greenspan 3.0 3.9
2.0 -1.9
8/1987 to
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Inflation Rates During Fed Chairmanships
Figure 15.4
Movement of the CPI (excluding food and energy prices) through
five Chairmen’s terms
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The Board of Governors (cont’d)
• Governors’ (other than Chairman) also
play an important role in the system
– Serve on FOMC
– Oversee operations of Federal Reserve
– Regulate banks
– Supervise Reserve Banks
– Public speaking
– Possibility always exists to outvote Chairman
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• FOMC influences the money supply
through open-market operations
• 12 voting members on the Committee
– 7 governors
– President of New York FRB
– 4 other presidents on rotating basis
• 7 non-voting members are the other FRB
presidents (rotating)
– Right to vote may not be as significant as
suggested by the press
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Open-Market Operations
• Open-market operations is the buying and selling of
government securities in the secondary market; a tool to
adjust the money supply
• Fed buys securities  more reserves  M ↑  fed
funds rate ↓
• Fed sells securities  less reserves  M ↓  fed funds
rate ↑
• Carried out at Open Market Desk of Federal Reserve
Bank of New York
• Buy or sell from primary government securities dealers
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FOMC Directive
• FOMC operates by giving a directive to the Desk one
statement of FOMC goals, and one operative sentence
• FOMC votes on the directive to (possibly) change the
target for the federal funds rate (ffr)
• Three main options to choose from
– Option A: cut ffr target 50 basis points
– Option B: keep ffr target unchanged
– Option C: raise ffr target 50 basis points
• 1 basis point = 1/100 percentage point
• When economy is very weak, Option C is not
considered. Option A not considered when economy is
very strong
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FOMC Meetings
• Typical meeting
– Report by International Desk on foreign-exchange
– Report by Open Market Desk on open-market
– Discussion of Greenbook forecasts by Director of
Research and Statistics Division
– Go-around on the economy (all 19 participants)
– Discussion of Bluebook policy options by Director of
Monetary Affairs Division
– Go-around on policy (all 19)
– Vote (12 voting members)
– Discuss statement, especially statement on risks
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FOMC Meeting
• Deliberations of the committee are secret, but a
statement is issued shortly after each meeting
• FOMC wants to communicate its policy views so
investors know what the Fed thinks of the
economy and what its long-term plans are
• Brief minutes are released 2 days after next
meeting; transcripts are released after 5 years
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Fed Independence
Attributes contributing to independence
• Governors have 14-year terms (avoids
political pressure)
• Governors’ terms end every two years, so any
U.S. President needs a long time to appoint a
• Fed’s income comes from seignorage…an
independent budget (expenses ~$2.5 billion,
income ~$24 billion)
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Fed Independence (cont’d)
• Power of the Fed makes it
susceptible to political
• Economy’s strength closely
related to odds of reelection of President
– “It’s the economy, stupid”
– George Bush Sr. blamed
Greenspan for losing reelection in 1992
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Fed Independence (cont’d)
• But Fed’s independence could be changed
– Fed is established by law, not by Constitution
– Many attempts over the years to put the Fed
under the influence of politicians
• Does independence lead the Fed to
become inefficiently large (empire
• Does the Fed do the wrong thing because
it isn’t accountable?
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Fed Independence (cont’d)
• Is there evidence that the Fed does the
right thing, even though lacking in
– Fed officials could make much higher salaries
in the private sector
– Ethics rules prevent officials from trading for
private gain
– Transcripts: Fed officials concerned with
public interest (Al Broaddus example)
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Fed Independence (cont’d)
• Lack of accountability?
– It’s hard to hold the Fed accountable in the
short run; can’t blame it for shocks that move
the economy in short run, but does it ease &
tighten appropriately (esp. 1990-91 period)?
– Main goal is long run inflation rate, which can
help to hold the Fed accountable in long run
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