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Foreign Direct
Do the benefits
“trickle down?”
Michelle Jurkovich
Economics 490
Winter 2008
The Question
• Does increasing foreign direct
investment lead to an increase in
standard of living? In other words,
who benefits from foreign direct
Summary of Findings
• The purpose of FDI is not (directly) to improve
standard of living
• You will find cases which suggest increases in
FDI lead to increases in standard of living.
You will find cases which suggest the opposite.
Any absolute causal relationships are likely
• The poorest countries will likely not attract
massive levels of FDI
• The root causes of inequality and poor
standards of living are what should be
• The role of the government and the economic
policies it espouses are highly significant
Which Developing Countries Receive
the Most FDI?
Gallagher, K. & Zarsky, L. Searching for the Holy Grail? Making FDI work for sustainable development. In Allies or Antagonists: Investment,
What/Who attracts FDI?
• “There is a unanimity among
these studies that large and
growing economies with low
levels of inflation and debt (i.e.,
macroeconomic stability) are
key determinants of FDI in the
region [Latin America and the
>>>>Therefore it is acceptable to question what reasonable
role we expect FDI to play in struggling economies….
Source: Gallagher, K.P. & Porzecanski, R. (2007). Economic reform and foreign direct investment in Latin America: a critical assessment. Progress in
Development Studies, 7(3):218.
What potential benefits could FDI
bring to the average citizen?
 Foreign investment intended to market to
the host country (estimated 80%)
 Provide jobs (including “white collar” jobs)-Example: India’s “software and outsourcing
industry” (p.3)
 Wages equal to or better than domestic
 Benefits
 Increased productivity=cheaper prices for
Source: Farrell, D., Remes, J.K., & Schulz, H. (2004). The truth about foreign direct investment in emerging markets. The McKinsey Quarterly
(1): 2-3.
Improving the
• Disputada and El Indio companies
(Chile) and foreign environmental
Source: Gallagher, K. & Zarsky, L. Searching for the Holy Grail? Making FDI work for sustainable development. In Allies or Antagonists:
Investment, Sustainable Development and the WTO. (2003, August). Heinrich Boll Foundation North America:22-23.
Picture from:
Sharing Technology
• South Africa’s DaimlerChrysler
-Local production of sisal fibers
Gallagher, K. & Zarsky, L. Searching for the Holy Grail? Making FDI work for sustainable development. In Allies or Antagonists: Investment,
Sustainable Development and the WTO. (2003, August). Heinrich Boll Foundation North America:20-21.
South African Flag taken from:
Sisal photo taken from:
The Case for Nigeria
• Reduced benefits of FDI in extractive oil
Possible factors at play:
-Issue of technology transfer (less if capitalintensive)
-Barriers of economies of scale
-Fewer backwards/forwards linkages
• “The results show that foreign capital only has
positive impact on growth in Nigeria after a
considerable lag and it is not significant.” (p.
• Reduce capital flight and integrate the
Source: Akinlo, A.E. (2004, May 25). Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria: An empirical investigation. Journal of Policy Modeling,
26:628, 633, & 637.
Can FDI Harm Standards
of Living?
• Flight to Urban Areas (ex.Mexico)
Problems with:
-Water Supply
-Air quality
-Lower wages
Gallagher, K. & Zarsky, L. Searching for the Holy Grail? Making FDI work for sustainable development. In Allies or Antagonists: Investment,
Sustainable Development and the WTO. (2003, August). Heinrich Boll Foundation North America:16-17.
Photo from:
The Statistics At A Glance
Select Cases
-Malnutrition rate down 33%
-FDI increase 1400% (as % of GDP)
-Malnutrition rate down 10%
-FDI increase 5400% (as % of GDP)
-Malnutrition rate increase 44%
-No change in FDI%
-Malnutrition rate down 60%
-FDI decrease 106%
*Years: Undernourishment rates taken as average of years 1990&92
and 2001&03, FDI for years 1990 and 2004
Source: Human Development Report 2006 (%changes done on my own). Report can be found at:
Role of the Government
 Korea’s success tied to
government decisions*
 Role of corruption**
 The cyclical question:
stable economy
-->Better standard of
Or the other way
Source: * Lieten, G.K (1999, Nov.-Dec.). Multinationals and development: Revisiting the debate. Social Scientist, 27(11/12):37. Author cites Amsden, A.
(1989). Asia’s next giant: South Korea and late industrialization. New York: Oxford University Press:130 for info on Korea (also references other authors)
**Article regarding corruption as a disincentive for FDI: Habib, M.& Zurawicki, L. (2002, 2nd Qtr.). Corruption and foreign direct investment. Journal of
International Business Studies, 33(2):291-292,303.
To Conclude
• The purpose of FDI is not (directly) to improve
standard of living
• You will find cases which suggest increases in
FDI lead to increases in standard of living.
You will find cases which suggest the opposite.
Any absolute causal relationships are
• The poorest countries will likely not attract
massive levels of FDI
• The root causes of inequality and poor
standards are what should be examined
• The role of the government and the economic
policies it espouses are highly significant