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IX. Stabilization policies
1980 - 2007
IX.1 Disinflation in 1980s
beyond the USA
Example 1: Israel
• June 1985
– Monthly inflation 10-15%
– Rapid decrease of foreign reserves due to
capital flight
– Stagnation of real growth and productivity
– Continued growth of consumption and public
expenditure - increase of foreign debt
– Reduction in investment
Genesis (1)
• Main roots
– Deterioration of BoP (at the beginning, namely
deterioration of current account) and growth rates,
since 1973
– Large public sector (not only military expenditures),
deficit financing and increase of public debt
• All kind of subsidies – export financing, production prices, etc.
– Wage and other indexation
• COLA, even credit indexation
• Pre-1985 policies
– To improve BoP: devaluation
– To alleviate public finance deficit: subsidies cuts, but
not too successful in wage taming,
Genesis (2)
• Pre-1985 policies fueled the inflation further on
• Loss of foreign reserves continued even after
current account deficits substantially improved
– Capital flight continued
• Two major sources of almost-hyperinflation in
– Large government deficit, persistently increasing both
internal and external debt
– Automatic linkage the nominal value of wages, but
also other liquid assets (credits, etc.) to inflation and
automatic adjustment of ExR (devaluation) – loss of
nominal anchor
• Budget deficit reduction
• Initial further devaluation, but immediate
freezing of all nominal aggregates
– Combination of two nominal anchors: USD
exchange rate and nominal wages
• Central bank: nominal credit restriction
• Ministry of Commerce and Industry: price
• Avoiding indexation
Very quick stabilization
Israel - summary
• Main stabilization tools: nominal anchor
and fiscal austerity
• Quick stabilization of all main
macroeconomic parameters
• Credible program, compared with
previous attempts
Example 2: Bolivia 1984-1985
Hyperinflation it was
• Strongest hyperinflation since 1947, no match with other
rapid inflations
– Between May and August 1985, inflation surged to
annualized figure of some 60.000%
• Roots: political situation and shift in external conditions
– Relative economic stability under military regime in 19711978: favorable terms of trade, strong (and relatively cheap)
international borrowing, strong direct foreign investment
– Difficult transition to political democracy: unstable and
ineffective governments, under populist pressure
• Pressure for increases in social spending, public sector employment
and pay, without mandate to increase taxes
– At the same time, much more difficult external conditions:
higher interest rates, falling commodity prices, tight credit
Three fundamental causes
• Cutoff in international lending and increase of
international interest rates
– Need to repay the debts without new borrowing
led to outflow of financial resources form the
– As a reaction, since January 1985 Bolivia stopped
every debt repayment, including the debt
• As a consequence, recourse to inflation tax
(seignorage), resulting in further inflation
• Collapse of the tax system
Four stabilization steps
• Devaluation, managed ExR floating,
convertibility of both current and financial
• Fiscal deficit reduction, achieved mainly
through sharp increase of public sector
prices and wage freeze in public sector
• Tax increases: broadening tax base and tax
rates increase
• IMF stand-by arrangement and Paris club
debt rescheduling
Sudden end of hyperinflation
• Stabilization launched on August 29, 1985
• Price level stabilized almost immediately
• Main reason: stabilization (at least
temporarily) the USD ExR
– During the hyperinflation, prices were set in USD,
people used USD as a store of value, inly
transaction were carried in Bolivian peso, according
spot (black)market rate
• Credibility: achieved later, when government
convinced people that it is serious about fiscal
austerity and fiscal adjustment
Bolivia - summary
• “Simple” solution: given specific role of
USD, stabilizing dollar ExR was necessary
condition for immediate drop of Bolivian
inflation to the US one
• Long term stability: convince the public
about credibility of fiscal stabilization
– Maintain political support
Disinflation - summary
• Examples above - Israel, Bolivia, even US in 1980, but many other
countries (Argentina, Brazil, etc.) suffered with the same disinflation
problem as well
• High inflation (Bolivia even hyper-), in each case disinflation policies
differ to some extent, but some general lessons:
– Nominal anchors: need to stabilize decisive nominal values (Bolivia one
anchor - USD ExR, Israel even two - USD ExR and nominal wages)
– Credibility: abrupt exit from deficit financing and seigniorage (inflation tax)
• Macroeconomic remainder: seigniorage
• In some countries less dramatic situation, but given the stagflation
experience from 1970s and Phillips curve fallacy in 1960s, US, Europe
and Japan faced similar questions
– how to stabilize business cycle after dramatic 1970s and first half of 1980s?
– Accepting the concept of natural unemployment, policies need to steer the
economy close
– Short term inflation x unemployment exists, but long term need to avoid
high inflations
– Basic question: what should be the workable concept of “desirable”
• One possibility: try to specify an unemployment
rate that keeps inflation constant
• Remember expectations-augmented Phillips
π = π-1 – ε(u-u*) or π - π-1 = - ε(u-u*)
• If u*= u, then inflation is constant (π - π-1 = 0)
• Possible interpretation of natural rate of
unemployment: Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate
of Unemployment (NAIRU)
IX.2 Inflation and output
New trade-off
• Prior 1973 (1st oil shock), stabilization policies
focused on demand management
– Keynesian vs. monetarist arguments about efficiency of
stabilization policies
• Oil shocks in 1973/1979 – shocks to aggregate
– Increasing price level and, at the same time, depressing
output and employment
– Policy makers had to choose between stabilizing either
output or inflation, i.e. to consider a compromise
between volatility of output (and (un)employment) and
of inflation – a different trade-off compared to Phillips
By the way – what’s so wrong
about inflation? (1)
• At the first sight, if both prices and wages increase
with the same rate, not much
– However …
• Difference between expected and unexpected
• Expected:
– money becomes inferior measure of future economic
– distortion of tax system
– due to change in relative costs, firms must change prices
more often (“menu costs”)
– due to reduced real value of money, larger number of
bank withdrawals (“shoeleather costs”)
By the way – what’s so wrong
about inflation? (2)
• Unexpected
– Wealth redistribution among people
– Higher inflation – debtors gain, creditors loos,
but fixed income recipients (pensioners, etc.)
suffer, state gains
– Lower inflation – vice-versa
– In general: problem of nominal contract,
indexation (see case of Israel above)
Difficult legacy
• 1960s and 1970s
– excessive optimism as to policy effects on output: by
(namely) monetary policies, permanently low
unemployment levels can be achieved
– Inflation, on the contrary, believed to be driven by
non-monetary factors (supply shocks, oligopoly,
trade unions) – policy makers underestimated their
ability to cope with inflation
• Both assertion above proved to be wrong, stop
and go policies increased volatility
– High- and hyperinflations appeared much more
often, calling for emergency type of policies – see
IX.3 Inflation targeting
• The most important monetary policy lesson
from stagflation period
• Neither rule or discretion
– The central bank estimates and announces a target
for inflation (kind of a rule)
– Steering the actual inflation towards the target by
changing nominal basic interest rate and/or using
other tools (open market operations, etc.)
– It is expected to perform policy credibly to achieve
this target
– Target within an interval to give the Central Bank a
certain level of discretion
• Independence of the Central Bank
• Clear accountability of Central Banks
• Transparency and predictability
• Stability for the investors: relatively easy
to predict future interest rates
• No link to political cycle
• Emerging countries: safeguard against high
and hyper inflations
Shortcomings (1)
• Targeting CPI and assumption of causal link:
growth of money supply → CPI
– CPI accurately reflects money supply (?)
– In case of exogenous shock (e.g. oil or food price
shock) → sharp increase of CPI possible, but no
relation to domestic economic events → Central
Banks acts against inflation → needless slowdown of domestic economic growth, deepening
of the negative effect of exogenous shock
Shortcomings (2)
• Inflation targeting is not consistent with
any long term growth theory/strategy
– Policy just smoothes the cycle
• No explicit set of monetary policy
– One attempt – Taylor rule, see next slides
Taylor’s rule
• Rule, stipulating how much Central Banks should
change nominal interest rate, reacting to two
important signals:
– Divergence of actual inflation from target inflation
– Divergence of actual GDP from its potential
• π* - inflation target, r* - equilibrium real
interest (i.e. consistent with inflation
target and implying desired nominal
interest i*), y and y* - log of actual,
respectively potential output
Taylor’s rule
• The rule
 
i    r  a  -  b y - y
• a, b > 0
• Originally Taylor: a=b=0.5
• In case of stagflation, when monetary policy
goals may conflict, Central Banks should
change the weights for reducing inflation vs.
increasing output ad hoc (according the
Taylor’s rule
• Alternatively (natural unemployment u*):
 
i  i  a  - - b u - u
1  a  a  1, b  0  b  0
• Why a>0 ? – for spending, real interest rate is
important, i.e. when inflation raises, then
real interest should raise to slow-down the
• Following the rule: increase of π by 1%
implies that Central Bank increases nominal
interest by more than 1%
Application and performance
• Since 1990, many countries, both developed
and developing, use Taylor rule
– First country: New Zealand 1990, Czech Republic
since 1999
– Not FED (different role, given by US Constitution)
• Till the crisis in 2008, Taylor rule produced
seemed to work satisfactorily
• One seed of the crisis?
– See Lecture XII
IX.4 Deficits, debts and fiscal rules
• Simultaneously, albeit in different (but not
always) countries, problem of permanent
public finance deficits and mounting public
debts emerged
– Welfare state, health systems, demographics
• Europe as a particular example
– See also next Lecture
• Creeping problems that persist till today
Is deficit and/or debt wrong?
• No, especially in a growing economy, when
deficits serve as a financing tool to increase
future productivity and competitiveness
• Balanced budget deficit
– Sometimes popular, but not a good idea for today’s
– Need for higher flexibility
• Stabilization role
• Tax smoothing
• Inter-temporal solutions
Basic concepts
• Actual budget deficit (BD) = government
revenues minus government expenditures
• Primary deficit – BD minus interest payments
• Structural deficit (actual or primary) – adjusted
for short-term fluctuations of economic cycle
(determination of potential output required!)
• Financing of deficit = government borrowing
• Government debt = accumulation of past
Fiscal sustainability
• More useful concept than balanced budget
• Different definitions
Ratio of government net assets to GDP remains
Debt/GDP over time repeatedly converges to a
constant value
Fiscal sustainability is not consistent with
permanently increasing tax rate
• Prevailing practice today – intertemporal
definition of solvency of the country:
Given starting debt, discounted value of current
and future primary expenditures today does not
exceed discounted value of current and future
revenues today
Fiscal rule
Permanent restriction of fiscal policy through simple numerical
limits for budgetary aggregates
Taxonomy of the rules
Long term – numerical target for long period
Tool for fiscal policy control
Fiscal indicator for practical application
Simple - easy monitoring and communication with broad public
Budget deficit limits
Debt restriction, e.g. limit for a maximum debt, legally binding (e.g. 60%
GDP, given by Constitution in Poland today)
Rules, restricting maximum expenditures or minimum revenues
Most widespread: budget deficit limits:
primary deficit > (nominal interest – nominal GDP growth) * (debt/GDP)
IX.5 Great Moderation
Post-1980 decline of volatility
• See previous slide: variability in quarterly
growth of main macroeconomic
parameters was substantially reduced,
sometimes even by one half
• This applies not only to output, but to
inflation as well
• Economists and policy makers started
even to ask “is the business cycle dead?”
Volatility decline - data
GDP growth, q-data, yoy, %
GDP growth contributions – durables
q-data, yoy, %
GDP growth contributions – nondurables
q-data, yoy, %
GDP growth contributions – services
q-data, yoy, %
Three basic reasons – Bernanke 2004
• Structural changes
– Better functioning of economic institutions,
improvement in technology, business practices,
inventories management, increased openness to
trade and capital flows
– Stronger shock absorption capacity of modern
• Better macroeconomic policies
– All lessons from previous Lectures
– Better understanding of short term stabilization
policies, namely a monetary one
• “Good luck”
– Less hostile external environment, lack of profound
external shocks, like oil shocks in 1970s
Mistake of the century?
• Hard to say, we are just at the beginning
of second decade …
• … but see Lecture X
Literature to Lecture IX
•Mankiw, Macroeconomics, Ch. 14-15
•Blanchard, Macroeconomics, Ch. 25-27
Disinflation – Israel
•Bruno, Michael, Generating a Sharp Disinflation: Israel 1985, NBER
working paper 1892, January 1986
Disinflation – Bolivia
•Sachs, Jeffery, The Bolivian Hyperinflation and Stabilization, NBER
Discussion Papers Series 2073, November 1986
Inflation Targeting
•Bernanke, Laubach, Mishkin, Posen: Inflation Targeting, Princeton
University Press, 1999
– Mostly case studies, but very useful general chapters 1-3.
Great Moderation
•Speech of Governor Bernanke, 2004: