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European Financial Crisis
Sai Kumar Swamy
Course Director, T.I.M.E.
PGPM IIM Bangalore
Sub-Prime Crisis
 Contagion Effect
European Financial Crisis
 Iceland
 Principal Actors
Current Status
Future Scenario
 EU
 Economic & Political Union of 27 member states
500 Mn citizens
GDP - $16Tn and 30% of total world output
Free movement of people, goods, services & capital
Schengen – Free movement – Abolition of passport controls
 Treaty of Maastricht – 1st Nov 1993
 Salient Features
 Common Currency - Euro
 SGP - Stability & Growth Pact
 Convergence Criteria – Article 121
 Inflation; Deficit & Debt; Interest rates
 Fiscal Monitoring of members
 Article 122
 EC can take measures to help an ailing country
Sub-Prime Crisis
 Sub-Prime loans
 Housing Bubble
 Fuelled by Low interest rates
 Supply Glut
 Foreclosures
 Failure of Banks
 Credit Crunch
 Reduced Output – Unemployment
 Government Bail-outs
 Stimulus Packages
 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
 Keynesian model adopted – Deficit Spending
 Contagion effect – Global linkages
European Financial Crisis
Principal Actors - Iceland
Pre 1990s
 Natural resources
 Tourism – Fiords, Glaciers and Geysers
 Fishing – Salted Cod
David Oddsson
 Mayor of Reykjavik
 Prime Minister in 1991
 Promised to end the boom and bust cycles based on Fish catch
 Privatization - $2Bn
 Privatized banking industry
 Thrust on
 Biotechnology
 Software
Principal Actors - Iceland
 Banking
 Tapped Overseas markets
 Landbanski – ‘Icesave’ Scheme
 High interest rates
 Banking accounted for 75% of stock market
 Kaupthing Bank
 Assets – 208Bn Krn in 2000  6600Bn Krn in 2008
 Loans & Assets were 10 times Iceland GDP
 High inflows  Strong kronor
 Consumption led economy
 Global Financial Crisis – large scale outflow of funds
Haarde in US for assistance
Central bank had €2Bn – Loans were €70Bn
Defaults by Glitner bank – €600Mn
Govt. bailout for Glitner – Landsbanski - Kaupthing
Principal Actors - Ireland
Economic Transformation in the 90’s
 Low Taxes – Educated workforce – Entry of MNCs
 Bridge between US and Europe
 GDP Growth rate of 6.5%
 Celtic Tiger
Housing Boom
 Cheap Loans – Tax Incentives
 House prices increased 3 fold in a decade
 40% of houses built in 1996-2006
 Housing Bubble
 Over Supply
 Speculative nature of demand
 ‘Sub-prime echoes of the US
 Multi unit loans to property developers with ‘sub-prime’ characteristics
Principal Actors - Greece
 Cause
 Economic downturn post 2008
 Tourism & Shipping badly hit
 Govt. revenues decreased significantly
 Govt. expenditure increased – worsened debt situation
Huge spending – Deficit Budgets
Cheap lending
Lack of financial reform
Government cooking the accounts
 Effect
 €300 billion Debt
 Budget Deficit – 12.7%
 Violation of Growth & Stability Pact
 Accumulated debt – Estd. at 160% in 2011
 Credit Rating downgraded
 Bond Yield – 34%
Principal Actors - Greece
Steps Taken/To be taken
 Cut in spending
 Austerity measures
 Increase in Taxes
 Better Tax collection
 Public Sector Pay cuts
 Increase in retirement age by 2 yrs – Later by 4 yrs
 Denationalization to raise money
 Fears
 Civil Unrest
 Sovereign Debt default
 Orderly Default – Debt write off - 50%
 Euro under pressure
Principal Actors - Spain
 GDP contracted in 2008
 Construction Sector – 10% of GDP
 Housing Bubble
Price increases of more than 200%
Bubble started in 1995 and sustained till 2007
28% of houses vacant
Fuelled by tax incentives similar to India
 High indebtedness
 High Inflation
 High Oil prices
 High Interest Rates pricks the bubble
 Large scale unemployment ~ 25-30%
 Severe pressure on Banking system
 Bond Yield – 5%
Principal Actors - Portugal
 GDP – $220Bn
 Tourism, Cork, Fishing, Wine
 High Debt to GDP Ratio – 113%
 Mostly external debt
 Socialist Govt. with excess spending
 Very low GDP growth rates
 Debt Servicing Issues
 Unable to generate new loans
 Required a bailout from EU
 Bond Yield – 12-15%
 Severe unemployment – 12.4% in 2011
 Emigration
 Austerity measures
 Social Unrest
 7th largest economy
 GDP - $2 Tn
 Manufacturing & Services led economy
 Big brands – Quality products
 Current Issue
 Huge Debt to GDP ratio – roughly 120% in 2010
 Similar to Greece
 Key difference is that most of it is internal
 Recession
 Contraction of almost 7% in GDP
 Political Weakness
 High Govt. Spending – Profligacy
 Black market economy
 Organized crime – 7% of GDP
 Protection money
 Bond Yield – 5-6%
Current Status
 Austerity measures
 Looking for a bail-out
 Germany against such a bailout – France in favour
 Govt. trying to raise money to prop up banking system
 Failed Bond Auction to raise €500Mn
Spain & Ireland
 Reduce fiscal deficit
 Rollback Keynesian debt fuelled monetary policies
Future Scenario
Sovereign Debt Crisis looms
Euro under threat
 The concept of ‘United States of Europe’ in grave danger
 Political Union of Europe unlikely
Issues of Solidarity & Responsibility
Return to ‘Non-Keynesian’ policies can further deflate
the economies
 Double Dip recession possible
Common Fiscal Policy for the EU
 Two Solutions
 EMF – Fund for Bailouts - EFSF
 European Treasury – Single authority for
 Tax policy
 Govt. Spending
Sub-Prime  Vicious Cycle
Geyser Economy
S&P Ratings
Belief in God
Euro Zone Interest Rates – Govt. Bonds
US vs. the Eurozone
Greece Debt
Portugal – Sick Man of Europe
Public Debt and Debt as % of GDP
Public Debt as % of GDP - World
Housing Prices - Ireland
100% Loans