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North American Investors and Developers in Real Estate
2009 Economic and Financial Outlook
Mickey D. Levy
New York, NY
February 26, 2009
Global Economic Recession
• Economic contraction began in US and spread internationally
• Financial crisis, loss of confidence and risk adversity
• Global demand and international trade are falling
– Capital flows slow
• Emerging nations adversely affected by industrialized nations’
recession, plummeting oil and commodity prices
• Asset prices plummet, reflecting radical shifts in expectations
about economic performance, profits and cash flows
– Real estate—activity, prices and cash flows—are undergoing
significant adjustment
Potential Growth Remains Healthy
• Following sustained period of strong global expansion, now
– Little aggregate impact on global potential
• Critical issues: the necessary adjustments to resume potential
– Private sector : prices, activities, etc.
– Financial market : asset prices, interest rates, exchange rates, etc.
– Government policies
• Sharpest declines in economic activity are occurring now
• US will lead global rebound, beginning late 2009, but
• Dramatic shifts in expectations, risk preferences will redefine
economic and financial behavior
Critical Characteristics of this US Recession
• Massive correction of imbalances in housing and finance
– Common theme: excess consumer debt and financial leverage
• Sharp contraction of housing and prices
– Uncertainty about how far home prices will fall
• Banks are capital and balance sheet constrained
– First “post-securitization” financial crisis
– Complexity and illiquidity of financial assets
– Dysfunctional markets for mortgage and asset-backed securities
• The monetary policy transmission channels are clogged
Long Trends in Home Ownership
Source: Census Bureau
The Rise in Indebtedness
(percent of GDP)
Source: Flow of Funds
The Composition of the Rise in Indebtedness
percent of GDP
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Nonfinancial Business
Consumer Credit Card & Other Non-mortgage Debt
Consumer Mortgage Debt
Source: Flow of Funds/BEA/Bank of America calculations
US Economy: Deep Recession, Jarring Adjustments
• Consumer spending is falling sharply
– Psychological damage, large wealth loss
• Businesses are cutting production, jobs and investment
• Real GDP to decline significantly through 2009Q3
• Unemployment rate to rise above 9% in late 2009
– Risk is to the upside
• Declining profits and squeezed margins
• Unclogging monetary channels is a prerequisite to economic
– Bank credit problems to linger
Global Economy Contracts
• UK: 6% annualized decline in real GDP in 2008Q4
– Excess debt and leverage; housing prices deflate
• Eurozone: recession as exports decline and domestic demand
• Japan’s real GDP declines 3% in 2008Q4, as exports fall sharply
• China slumps as exports fall
– Adverse impacts on international trade
Prerequisites for Economic Rebound
• US
– Unclog monetary policy transmission channels
– Stabilize the banking system
– Move toward stability in housing and home prices
– Stabilize confidence
• International
– Boost demand
• Hurdles to sustainable improvement
– Lack of confidence and risk adversity
– Need to deleverage in US, UK and elsewhere
US Consumer Trends
US Household Net Worth
Unemployment Rate
60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics/Haver Analytics
Corporate Operating Profits as a Share of GDP
Note: Profits before tax with IVA and CCA
Focus on US Housing
• Sharp declines in sales, starts and prices
• New home inventories down, existing home inventories bloated
• Expectations of further price declines constrain demand
– Faster price declines in early 2009
• Lower mortgage rates will help
• Look for trough in activity in second half of 2009
• Price declines will end somewhat later
New and Existing Single-Family Home Sales
Housing Inventories: New and Existing Homes
Case-Shiller Home Prices
Index: 2000Q1=100
Source: S&P, Fiserv, MacroMarkets LLC, Bureau of Economic Analysis / Haver analytics
Regional Case-Shiller Home Prices
12-month % change
(December 2007 to December 2008)
Source: S&P, Fiserv, MacroMarkets LLC, Bureau of Economic Analysis / Haver analytics
Business Fixed Investment
Real Exports and Imports
US Economic Outlook: Stimulus Will Help
• Government policies very aggressive
– Will take time to work
• Real GDP to decline significantly through 2009Q3
– About 5% annualized decline in 2009Q1 and lesser declines in Q2 and Q3
– Downside risks dominate
• Fed stimulus and lower mortgage rates reduce probability of more
prolonged recession and deflation
• American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: large but poorly
– Monetizing deficit spending the key
• Consumer spending to fall in 2009H1 and remain weak
– Debt overhang, declining wealth; replenishing balance sheets
• US exports constrained by global recession
Government Monetary and Financial
• Fed’s “turbo-charged” monetary stimulus
– “Quantitative easing” through purchases of GSE debt and mortgages
– Fed prints money, mortgage rates recede
– Monetary base soars, but money multiplier falls
– Excess money: necessary but not sufficient for inflation
• Treasury TARP and Fed:
– Various liquidity and capital infusions
– Bank recapitalizations
– Troubled Asset Lending Facility: need details on this $1 trillion
• FDIC: expanded insurance, including interbank lending
– Intervention into faltering banks, or forbearance?
US Fed Monetary Base (reserves plus
Fiscal Policy Responses
• Economic Stimulus Act (Feb 2008); Housing and Economic Recovery Act
(June 2008)
• Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (October 2008)
– TARP funding
• American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
– $790 billion, largely in 2009-2010 (6% of GDP)
– Temporary tax reductions ($282 billion), not marginal rate cuts
– $500+ billion spending increase
– Traditional countercyclical income support (food stamps,
unemployment compensation, $67 billion)
– Infrastructure building, focus on transportation, energy ($145 billion)
– Grants-in-aid to states plus Medicaid ($127 billion)
– Health insurance ($40 billion)
• Monetizing deficit spending is crucial
Global Economic Performance
• Sharp declines in GDP in 2009 in US, Eurozone and UK, Japan
– Recessionary conditions in China and emerging nations
• US economy will be first to improve
– Speed of policy response
• Monetary and fiscal responses to become increasingly aggressive
• Low oil prices: support consuming nations, devastate producers
• Sustained pickup in international trade in 2011
Interest Rates and Financial Trends
• Federal funds rate: low until economy, employment improve
– Other central banks to ease aggressively
• Treasury bonds: how long will yields remain low?
– Steep yield curve to persist
– Global recession, flight-to-quality demand offset soaring US budget
– Eventual inflation concerns
• Corporate bond spreads: “fear” levels, but profits falling
• Stock market: eventual rebound when market anticipates economic
Federal Funds Rate and 10-Year Treasury Bond
Ten Year Inflation-Indexed Treasury Yield Spread
Important Disclosures
“BANA” refers to Bank of America, N.A. “BofA” includes BANA, Banc of America Securities LLC (“BAS”), Bank of America Securities Investments
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have previously expressed some or all of the views reflected in this report to these one or more of these businesses within BANA. [Mickey, should
we be contemplating that this report will be distributed in the UK or elsewhere- if so, we need to confirm the rules re BANA distribution in those
jurisdictions- in particular the FSA requirements]
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economic only and will not have prices of any security]. BANA is under no obligation to update this report; therefore you should assume
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North American Investors and Developers in Real Estate