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Topic : Introduction Maintenance
and Troubleshooting
Maintenance fundamentals
As long as you operate the computer, you will face some common problems. The most likely
problems that can be happened are slow down the operation, shutting down the applications
unexpectedly and hanging up the application or the whole PC.
There are some steps that can help you not to face those problems.
Using Backup
The Backup utility helps you create a copy of the information on your hard disk. In the event that
the original data on your hard disk is accidentally erased or overwritten, or becomes inaccessible
because of a hard disk malfunction, you can use the copy to restore your lost or damaged data.
To start Backup, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and
then click Backup.
Follow the instruction as you need.It is the best practice to create a backup after installing the OS
and other applications first time, so that you can role back to a stable position any time.
Detecting and repairing disk errors :
You can use the Error-checking tool to check for file system errors and bad sectors on your hard
disk. All files must be closed for this process to run. If the volume is currently in use, a message box
will appear prompting you to indicate whether or not you want to reschedule the disk checking for
the next time you restart your system. Then, the next time you restart your system, disk checking
will run. Your volume will not be available to perform other tasks while this process is running.
Top Five PC Problems
•E-Mail (Sending/Receiving)
•Network Connectivity (User Logons)
•Issues With the “Green Screen”
•Printer Issues
•The Blue Screen of Death
Ways to keep your PC running smoothly
•Reboot at least once a week
•Run a virus scan and update once a week
•Defragment your PC once a month
•Run disk clean up once a month
If your volume is formatted as NTFS,
Windows automatically logs all file
transactions, replaces bad clusters, and
stores copies of key information for all
files on the NTFS volume.
To start the utility follow the steps
described below-
Open My Computer, and then select
the local disk you want to check.
On the File menu, click Properties.
On the Tools tab, under Errorchecking, click Check Now.
Under Check disk options, select the
Scan for and attempt recovery of bad
sectors check box.
Using Disk Defragmenter
You might need to be logged on as an administrator or a member of the
Administrators group in order to perform some tasks.
Disk Defragmenter consolidates
fragmented files and folders on your
computer's hard disk, so that each
occupies a single, contiguous space on the
volume. As a result, your system can gain
access to your files and folders and save
new ones more efficiently. By
consolidating your files and folders, Disk
Defragmenter also consolidates the
volume's free space, making it less likely
that new files will be fragmented.
A volume must have at least 15% free
space for Defragmenter to completely
and adequately defragment it. Defrag
uses this space as a sorting area for file
fragments. If a volume has less than 15%
free space, defrag will only partially
defragment it. To increase the free space
on a volume, delete unneeded files or
move them to another disk.
You cannot defragment volumes that the
file system has marked as dirty, which
indicates possible corruption. You must
run chkdsk on a dirty volume before you
can defragment it.
To open Disk Defragmenter, click Start,
point to All Programs, point to
Accessories, point to System Tools, and
then click Disk Defragmenter.
Using Disk Cleanup
When running an operating system as
complex as Windows, you may not always
know the significance of all the files on your
computer. Sometimes Windows uses files
for a specific purpose and then retains them
in a folder designated for temporary files.
Alternatively, you may have previously
installed Windows components that you are
no longer using. For a variety of reasons,
including running out of space on your hard
drive, you may want to reduce the number
of files on your disk, or create more free
space, if it can be done without harming any
o f
y o u r
p r o g r a m s .
Disk Cleanup helps free up space on your
hard drive. Disk Cleanup searches your
drive, and then shows you temporary files,
Internet cache files, and unnecessary
program files that you can safely delete.
Disk Clean up
You can direct Disk Cleanup to delete
some or all of those files.
Use the Windows Disk Cleanup
Wizard to perform all of the following
tasks to clear space on your hard disk:
Remove temporary Internet files.
Remove any downloaded program
files (ActiveX controls and Java
applets downloaded from the
Empty the Recycle Bin.
Remove Windows temporary files.
Remove Windows components that
you are not using.
Remove installed programs that you
no longer use.
To open Disk Cleanup, click Start,
point to All Programs, point to
Accessories, point to System Tools,
and then click Disk Cleanup.
Or, click Start, click Run, and then
type cleanmgr and then click on OK
Power Options overview
Using Power Options in Control Panel, you can reduce the
power consumption of any number of your computer
devices or of your entire system. You do this by choosing a
power scheme, which is a collection of settings that manages
the power usage by your computer. You can create your
own power schemes or use the ones provided with
You can also adjust the individual settings in a power
scheme. For example, depending on your hardware, you
Turn off your monitor and hard disks automatically to save
Put the computer on standby when it is idle. While on
standby, your entire computer switches to a low-power
state where devices, such as the monitor and hard disks,
turn off and your computer uses less power. When you
want to use the computer again, it comes out of standby
quickly, and your desktop is restored exactly as you left it.
Standby is particularly useful for conserving battery power
in portable computers. Because Standby does not save your
desktop state to disk, a power failure while on Standby can
cause you to lose unsaved information.
Put your computer in hibernation. The hibernate feature
saves everything in memory on disk, turns off your monitor
and hard disk, and then turns off your computer. When you
restart your computer, your desktop is restored exactly as
you left it. It takes longer to bring your computer out of
hibernation than out of standby.
Typically, you turn off your monitor or hard disk for a short
period to conserve power. If you plan to be away from your
computer for a while, you put your computer on standby,
which puts your entire system in a low-power state.
Put your computer in hibernation when you will be away
from the computer for an extended time or overnight. When
you restart the computer, your desktop is restored exactly
as you left it.
To use Windows Power Options, you must have a computer
that is set up by the manufacturer to support these features.
For more information, see the documentation that came
with your computer.
Error-1: Computer does not turn on and appears completely dead.
a) Power cable connection is loose or disconnected.
b) Power supply unit of System may be defected.
Symptom: Power indicator lead of system unit remains off after switching on.
a) Check the power Cable Connection from Main switch to System Unit power socket through UPS and Extension
b) Measure the DC Voltage of the output of Power Supply that are connected to HDD, FDD, CD-ROM Drive etc.
using Multi-meter. If 0 Voltage found then the System Unit power supply may be damaged. Repair/ Replace the
power supply unit.
Error -2: The computer is ‘Shuts down’ frequentlyCause:
Generally it is due to faulty cooling system of processor.
Symptom: Computer does not respond with the instruction from user before the computer shuts
a) Shut down and open the casing of system unit. Check for the processor cooling fan and clean all
the parts of the of the system unit. Restart the computer.
b) Check the RAM.
Error – 3: Printer prints garbage.
Proper printer driver is not installed.
The proper printer driver is not set as default.
a) Install proper printer driver.
b) Click start > Settings > Printer > Right click on your physical
printers driver > if the tick (√) mark is not exist before ‘Set as default’ then
click on it.
Error – 4: Printer output page is Blank.
Printer data cable may have defect.
Change printer data cable (One or more pin of the printer
data cable may disconnected or broken)
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