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Friedrich Nietzsche Who is he? • • • • • • • • • • • Famous German philosopher Born: October 15th, 1844 in Rocken Father was a Lutheran pastor His father and brother died months apart and the family moved moved to Naumburg an der Saale. From the ages of 14-19, Nietzsche attended a first-rate boarding school, Schulpforta.The teenage Nietzsche read David Strauss's controversial Life of Jesus Critically Examined. Was influenced by German philosophers Arthur Schophauer and Friedrich Albert. Was a professor of classic philology in the University of Basel but had to quit due to health problems Began traveling around Europe and became an independent philosopher 1889 had a psychotic break which eventually led to mental illness 1898 - 1899 had at least two strokes 1900 contracted pneumonia and had a stroke which killed him Died: August 25, 1900 in Weimar Relationship with Existentialism Not techinically an existentialist but focused on a number of key themes which would later become the focus of existential philosophers. Nietzsche’s existential philosophy included such things as: • Popularized the idea that God is dead. • Insisted that without God, life is meaningless. • Was convinced that Christian virtues made weak people. That meekness was a liability. • Did not believe in values or truth. • Personal power was essential. • Believed good and evil kept the world as it was and in a state of eternal recurrence • The principle of eternal return would become one of the foundations of existentialism • Convinced that a person only lives once and then they exist no longer so they must be aggressive in living the short life they have. How he is a key world figure • Controversial ideology. • Gained popularity from Thus Spoke Zarathustra • German expressionism was inspired by Nietzsche's philosophy of art How he is a key world figure • Inspiration for right-wing German militarism. • Thus Spoke Zarathustra given to soldiers along with the bible. • 20th Century political leaders, such as Hitler and Mussolini, were influenced by his ideas • Negatively impacted reputation. • Influenced several prominent European philosophers – they rehabilitated his reputation as a philosopher. Key beliefs and general philosyphy Morality: "Campaign against Morality"; He calls himself an "immoralist" and harshly criticizes the prominent moral schemes of his day: Christianity,Kantianism, and Utilitarianism. The death of God, nihilism, and perspectivism: the death of God may lead beyond bare perspectivism to outright nihilism, the belief that nothing has any importance and that life lacks purpose. The Will to Power: "the principle of the synthesis of forces." Übermensch: means "human being" – as superman, superhuman, or overman The principle of Eternal Return: also known as "eternal recurrence", is a concept stating that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self-similar form, for an infinite number of times. TRIVIA Believed that all people should strive to be a superman. Atheist Many people believe his madness was caused by syphilis