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“Bereft of ‘moral capital’, managers could prove to be their corporation’s
own ‘suicide sac’.” (The Moral Capital of Leaders : New Horizons in
Leadership Studies, Dr. Alejo Sison 2003)
There is no shortage of recent evidence, some well publicized, to support
this statement. Resolving today’s most pressing questions about
business behaviour has become a priority in today’s corporate
environment. A single-minded pursuit of profitability as the sole purpose
of corporate existence, in the ‘disguise’ of ‘maximising return to
shareholder’,comes under question.
Imposed regulation is not the point and will never be enough - it
is always possible to exploit rules, and rules can never cater
adequately for all situations. Corporate intent cannot be right
unless it is right in terms of the individuals employed. In
deciding how to act in the face of ethical dilemmas,
managers reveal their inner values, test their commitment
to those values, and ultimately shape their characters.
Dr. Alejo Sison’s extensive research has shown that
even with socially and intellectually superior leaders,
organizations cannot flourish without moral strength.
2:55 P.M.
3:10 P.M.
Welcoming Remarks
Views on Moral Capital from a Regulators’ Perspective
Mr. Andrew L. T. Sheng, SBS JP
Chairman, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
Views on Moral Capital from a Director’s Perspective
Mr. Peter W. Greenwood, Director, CLP Holdings Limited
Lecture 1: Managing Ethics in Organizations
Global best practices in ethics codes,
corporate ethics offices and ethical training.
4:10 P.M.
Coffee Break
4:30 P.M.
Lecture 2: Moral Capital and Leadership
The development of the notion of “moral capital”
and its investment strategies. The role of leadership.
Alejo José G. Sison, Ph.D.
Rafael Escolá Chair of Professional Ethics (TECNUN)
Academic Director, Institute for Enterprise and Humanism
University of Navarre
Questions & Answers
Conference Concludes
5:30 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
22nd Floor, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
2:15 P.M.
2:30 P.M.
2:40 P.M.
July 5, 2005 (Tuesday)
without it.
venue: Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
By drawing on Aristotle’s profound insights into
the social dynamics of ethics, and using real
examples and case studies taken from recent
business situations Sison demonstrates the
quiet power of moral capital. He offers a more
comprehensive understanding of leadership,
the importance of morality and the person,
and professional perils of those who lead
Supporting Organizations:
Organized by:
Seminar Reservation
For Enquiry: Ms. Wanda Chiu, HKGCC, Tel: 2823 1280, Fax: 2527 9843
Co. Name:
Member of:
□ Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
□ East Asian Educational Association
□ The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Contact Person:
Tel. No.
Fax No.
□ The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
□ Hong Kong Venture Capital Association
□ Hong Kong Securities Institute
Membership No.
No. of Members @$300
Name of Attendee: Surname
No. of Guest @$500
First Name
Amount Enclosed: $
Payment Method
□ By cheque no.
(payable to “The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce”)
For ease of reference, please mark “Moral Capital Seminar” on the back of the cheque and send by mail to Ms. Wanda
Chui, HKGCC, 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong.
□ By credit card: Visa/MasterCard No.:
Expiry date:
Name of cardholder:
Please fax the form to Ms. Wanda Chiu at 2527 9843
*Bookings are confirmed by payment on a first-come-first-served basis. No-shows will be charged and payments are non-refundable unless event is cancelled by
the organizers. Cancellation can only be made in writing at least 7 days prior to event date and are subject to a 5% or HK$30 penalty whichever is higher.