Download Media & Containers Used In Bedding Plants

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Media & Containers Used In
Bedding Plants
Bedding Plant Media
• Media-materials used to start and grow
– Soil
– Inorganic materials
– Commercially prepared mixes
Soil must be mixed with other materials such
as peat moss to add organic matter and
improve aeration and drainage.
Inorganic Materials
• Improve aeration and drainage
– Sand-finely ground stone
Inorganic Materials
• Gravel is rock that is of a specific particle size
range. Specifically, it is any loose rock that is
larger than 2 mm.
Inorganic Materials
• Perlite is an
amorphous volcanic
glass that has a
relatively high water
content. It occurs
naturally and has the
unusual property of
greatly expanding
when heated
Inorganic Materials
Vermiculite is a
natural mineral
that expands with
the application of
heat. Expanded
Mica, also sterile.
Commercially Prepared Mixes
• Sterile (no insects, weeds, or diseases)
– Jiffy-Mix: Typically comprised of peat moss and
perlite or vermiculite
Commercially Prepared Mixes
– Redi-Earth: a professional growing mixture
product made by Sun Gro Horticulture.
• Typically used for plugs and seedlings.
• Fine textured media for young plants.
• Contains Canadian peat moss and then either perlite
or vermiculite.
• Pro-Mix: PRO-MIX 'PGX' is a peat-based growing
medium for germination and growing-on seedlings
with plug systems. Growth under high-density
conditions requires a highly specialized medium that
can provide optimum physical and chemical
– Made by Premier Horticulture
– Made of Peat Moss, Vermiculite, and Limestone
Commercially Prepared Mixes
– Sunshine Mix- Mixes for nursery and greenhouse
growers. Retail Peat Moss and mixes for all
plants. Varieties include: all-purpose, rhodendron
mix, bulbs, mixed containers, rose mix, and
professional mix.
Commercially Prepared Mixes
• Metro Mix: Also made by Sun Gro
Horticulture, however more specialized. Each
bag is pH balanced based on its use. The
range of application is from cell packs to
large containers.
• Cow Pots: manure-fiber based seed starter
pots, are made by American farmers for
plant lovers everywhere. These earth-friendly
“pots you plant” are made with
biodegradable, 100% renewable composted
cow manure.
Poo Pot Makers
• Peat pots can
be planted
directly in the
• Jiffy 7 pellet can
be planted
directly in the
• Flat-plastic tray used for planting seeds
• Cell packs-several small cell-like pots of
plastic molded together used for planting one
or two seeds per cell
– Sold without transplanting to another container
• Plastic pots of various sizes
and shapes
• Clay pots of various sizes and
• Styrofoam pots of various
• Hanging baskets: mainly
for trailing plants and
used on porches
• Standard pot is the
same width at the top
as it is high
• Azalea pot is ¾ as
high as its top
diameter or width
Transplanting Instructions
Seedlings should have true leaves not just
seed leaves or cotyledons before being
transplanted. Waiting too long to
transplant causes shock to transplanted
Transplanting Instructions
2. Hold plants by their leaves.
Do not hold by the stem
because a badly bruised
stem will cause the seedling
to die.
3. The media may need to be
loosened with a pot label
to keep from breaking
stem and roots. Do not
shake medium off roots.
Transplanting Instructions
4. Use a dibble or other
means to make a
hole for the
Transplanting Instructions
5. Plant seedling in the media in the new
container slightly deeper than it grew in the
flat and gently press media around roots.
Transplanting Instructions
6. Water gently to settle
media around roots.
Transplanting Instructions
7. Keep moist for a few days to prevent wilting
and dying.
8. Grow and harden-off before selling. If
hardening off doesn’t have you will have
seedlings with dampening off: