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Learning Journey to Botanic
Caramel Plant
Group members: Emilie,Wan yi,Mick and Chang hong 
Question:Which plant part can
grow into a new plant?
 There
are many ways to grow a plant. It
can be through Vegetative propagation
(stems,roots,leaves) or either by budding
spore formation.
 Most plants reproduce by making
seeds,but some can reproduce in another
way too.New plants can develop from
shoots that grow from plant’s stem.
 These
are compressed stems near the soil
surface that are capable of producing
leaves and roots.Crown are often planted
with the roots attached,in which case
they are more accurately referred to as
roots.Crowns can be divided when the
plants are dormant.
 Suckers,or
offshoots,are plants that grow
or shoot up from the root system of a
mature plant. These suckers are dug up
and divided from the mother plant, then
transplanted to mature into a new plants.
 Slips
are young,tender,rooted cuttings or sprouts
grown from roots.Sweet potatoes are the only
vegetables commonly grown from slips.
 These
are specialized swollen
underground stems, capable of
producing roots, stem and leaves.Irish
potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes are
usually grown from tubers.When tubers
are cut up for planting,as in case of Irish
potatoes,they are called seed pieces.
Time for Quiz!
Q1:How many plant parts
did we mention that can
grow into a new plant?
Q2:what is the only
vegetable that is grown
from slips?
Ans:Sweet potato/Potato
Q3:What are slips?
Ans:Slips are
cutting or sprouts grown
from roots.
The End!
 Thank
You For Your Attention!