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Presentation for College Freshmen
Regarding Marijuana
Kimberly Loliva, Erin Rosaasen
Lacie McCall, Kristin Skelton
Ch. #26, Illegal Drugs, Lesson #3
Drug Use
Drug Misuse
Drug Abuse
Types of Marijuana
 Marijuana
 Hashish
 Hashish Oil
 Any substance, natural or artificial, other than
food, that by its chemical nature alters
structure or function in the living organism.
Drug Use
Drug Use
 The use of any of these substances
Drug Misuse
The use of a non-prescription drug or
substances for purposes other than those
intended by the manufacturer.
The use of prescribed drugs in greater
amounts than, or for purposes other than
those prescribed by a physician.
Drug Abuse
The use of a substance in a manner,
amounts, or situations such that the drug
use causes problems or increases the
chances of problems occurring.
Each student has three cards with the
words use, misuse, and abuse on them.
A scenario will be read.
Hold up card that matches the scenario.
Does the scenario describe drug use, drug
misuse, or drug abuse?
Any questions??
Scenario #1
Your friends mom has cancer and goes to
chemotherapy every Monday. The doctor
prescribed that after her chemo session,
she smokes Marijuana to help ease her
pain and help her eat.
Drug Use
Scenario #2
Your friends mom has cancer and goes to
chemotherapy every Monday. Initially, she
smokes marijuana after her session, which
is what her doctor prescribed. She begins
to smoke more and more everyday. On
Tuesday, she forgets to pick Billy up from
Drug abuse
Scenario #3
You have not been sleeping well lately
because school has been so stressful, so
you smoke marijuana before you go to bed
to help you get a good nights sleep.
Drug Misuse
Scenario #4
You are at a party and offered weed
brownies. Everyone else is eating them,
so you decide to join in. You realize it’s
getting late, and you have to get home for
early morning class, so you decide to drive
Drug Abuse
Scenario #5
Suzy has a stressful day at work. She
comes home, relaxes on her porch, and
smokes a joint.
Drug use/Drug misuse
Green, brown, or gray mixture of dried,
shredded leaves, stems, seeds and
flowers of the cannabis plant
Contains over 400 chemicals
THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the
primary chemical
Also known as pot, weed, herb, grass,
Mary Jane, or chronic.
Sticky concentrated resin from the leaves
and stems of the cannabis plant
Hashish Oil
Thick dark, tar-like substance
Obtained by boiling marijuana plants in
alcohol, filtering the solids out and allowing
the liquid to be evaporated.
Routes of Administration
Usually smoked
 May be used alone or combined with other
 Smoked through “joints or bongs”
May be placed in food items
 Teas
 Brownies
General Effects
Short-Term Effects
Long-Term Effects
Symptoms of Overdose
Effects on Learning
Effects on Driving
Effects on Pregnancy
General Effects
When smoked:
 Effects felt within minutes, peaking in 10-30
minutes, and lingering 2-3 hours
When eaten:
 Effects felt within 30-60 minutes, peaking 2-3
hours, and lingering 3-5 hours
Short-Term Effects
Problems with memory and learning
Trouble with thinking and problem solving
Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time,
Increased heart rate
Increased appetite
Long-Term Effects
Impairment of T-cells in lung immune
defense system
Lung and airway problems
 Daily cough and phlegm
 Frequent chest cold
Amotivational Syndrome
 Lack of concern about life's consequences
Symptoms of Overdose
Possible psychosis
Effects on Learning
 Receive lower grades
 Are less likely to graduate from high school
 Score lower on standardized tests of verbal
and mathematical skills
 Critical skills related to attention, memory, and
learning are significantly impaired
Effects on Driving
Marijuana may affect:
The ability to concentrate
Reaction time
The ability to judge distance
Effects on Pregnancy
Babies born to mothers who smoke during
pregnancy were shorter, weighed less,
and had smaller head size
THC is passed to baby through breast milk
 Breast milk’s THC is more concentrated than
that of the mother’s blood.
Medical Uses
Treatment of nausea and vomiting
 Certain cancer treatments
 AIDS patients
As an appetite stimulant for HIV/AIDS,
cancer, and eating disorder patients
Treatment of glaucoma symptoms
Societies Views on Marijuana
People believe that..
using marijuana is detrimental to your
since Marijuana is illegal, it should be
Societies Views on Marijuana
People believe that…
marijuana is a gateway drug to other more
dangerous and addictive drugs.
marijuana causes people to make bad
Societies Views on Marijuana
People believe that…
marijuana is acceptable to use when
prescribed for medical purposes
 marijuana does neither harm nor good
Potential Challenges
Peer pressure
Feeling “out of the in-crowd”
Conflicting ideas and values with
marijuana users
Potential Challenges:
Statistical Graph
College Students Use of Marijuana Within 5
Marijuana Usage
Percentage of
Year Span
Daily within
Last Month
Last Month
Last Year
Do you have any questions?