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Effects of Fire Suppression
on Chaparral in Southern
Kathleen Patarak
Look Familiar?
Chaparral Biome
A biome is a large,
distinctive complex of
plant communities
created and
maintained by climate
 Chaparral is a major
biome on Earth
Shrub dominated
– Chaparral derived from
Spanish word meaning
dense, shrub thicket
Mediterranean climate
– Dry, hot summers and wet
mild winters
Found in Southern
Europe, northern Africa,
California, southern
Australia, and Chile
Green depicts chaparral
Plants found in California Chaparral
World wide Chaparral
Biomes contain
approximately 2,036
species of plants other than
Madrone - Arbutus
Manzanita - Arctostaphylos
Chamise - Adenostema
Drought tolerant
 Sclerophyllous foliage - small, hard leaves
which hold moisture i.e. poison oak, scrub
oak, chamise
 Semidormant during summer
 Combination deep tap root and extensive
lateral roots near surface
 Evergreen = photosynthesis during winter
Fire Community
Chaparral sp. have
adapted to recurrent
fire conditions
 Many plants depend
on the fires for
 Scarification by fire
i.e. Laurel Sumac
seed coats need to be
scorched to germinate
Fire Community
Space at premium
 Some chaparral sp. release allelopathic
 Fire
– Opens space for reproduction and growth
– Volatilizes growth inhibiting compounds
Fire Community
Many Chaparral sp. contain highly flammable chemicals
Combustion of these chemicals may create temperatures
above 500°C
Only sp. highly adapted to fire survive
Mature plants sprout
Seeds germinate
– Fire temp
– Physical scaring
– Chemical exposure i.e. charcoal & smoke
– No allelochemicals
– Massive nutrients released from dead plant material
After the Fire
1-2 years –
herbaceous plants
 5+ years –
herbaceous plants
become 2° to shrubs
that were not killed
and are resprouting
– Advantage of these
shrubs – large intact
root system to obtain
water & nutrients
Baja California vs. SoCal
Frequency of fire is
much higher in B.C.
 Acreage burned in
southern California is
much higher than
 Reason: heavy fuel
load and Santa Ana
winds in California
Satalite imagery taken from Lan Sat shows fires in
San Diego Co., San Bernadino Co., and Ventura Co,
as well as fires near Rosarita and Encinada B.C.
Paradise, Cedar, and Otay Fires
Largest fire in California
Burned over 383,000 acres.
Otay fire burned out shortly
after crossing the border
into Mexico because of
scarcity of fuel
Because of frequent fires
used to clear grazing land,
the chaparral stands in B.C.
have a much lower fuel load
than the stands in the U.S.
B.C. shrublands are a
mosaic of older stands and
younger stands
Factors Influencing Fire
Wind Speed &
– Santa Ana’s
 Humidity
 Previous exposure to
– Fuel load
– Stand age
Santa Ana driven dust storm after the Firestorm of 2003
Fire Suppression
Suppression leads to buildup of fuel load resulting in large
wilidfires in California chaparral
 USGS study Dr. Jon E. Keeley
USGS Sequoia and Kings Canyon Field Station
fire suppression does not cause large shrubland wildfires
– fire suppression is not effective in halting shrubland
Study focused on records for counties with high intensity
wildfires from Monterey to San Diego
Suppression failed due to Santa Ana wind conditions during
Fires moved through all chaparral regardless of age class
Conclusion: Prescribed burning to maintain young growth to
act as firebreaks are ineffective
Impacts of Shrubland Wildfires
Increase in fire frequency caused by humans
detrimentally impacts shrublands
– Native shrubland is being replaced by non-native grasslands
Unnaturally high fire frequency has been a leading cause
of degradation of chaparral and coastal sage scrub
– loss of biodiversity
– and increase in invasive species
Shrubland ecosystems have a high number of rare and
endangered plants
Fire suppression does have a role in limiting the impacts
of shrubland wildfires
Fire Issues
What kind of management of the wildland-urban
interface will reduce fire movement into and out of the
urban environment without converting native shrubland
to nonnative grassland?
 What should be the role of prescription burning in
 How can managers offset impacts of prescribed burning
of chaparral stands (i.e., weed invasion, loss of native
species, and conversion to nonnative grassland) at
frequencies sufficient to stop Santa Ana driven fires?
 What are the benefits of fuel breaks relative to their
visual impact and role in providing invasive weeds access
to remote sites?
Keeley USGS Report
The End
 Keeley, J. E., C. J. Fotheringham, and M. Morais. (2000)
Reexamining fire suppression impacts on brushland fire
regimes. Science 284: 1829-1831.
 Minnich, R. A. (1983) Fire mosaicx in Southern California
and northern Baja California. Science 219:1287-1294.
 Moreno, J.M. and W.C. Oechel (1992) Factors controlling
postfire seedling establishment in Southern California
chaparral. Oecologia 90:50-60.