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Chapter 21
By: Vanessa LaTorre
The pH of Precipitation
Precipitation is naturally acidic – pH 5.2 to 5.6
 Due to carbon dioxide in atmosphere
• Dissolves in water and forms carbonic acid
pH scale measures acidity or alkalinity
 Scale from 0 to 14
 pH 7 neutral, <7 acidic, >7 alkaline
Acid precipitation if pH level 5.0 or less
Formation of Acid Precipitation
Volcanic eruptions emit sulfur dioxide
 With moisture in air forms sulfuric acid
Forest fires/lightning lower pH of precipitation
 Release nitrogen oxide compounds
 Mix with moisture in air
 Forms nitric acid
Anthropogenic Gases
Combustion of fossil fuels:
 Gasoline, coal, natural gas
 Adds nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide to atmosphere
 Trucks and automobiles get power from hydrocarbons
• Gasoline mixes with air and is ignited
• Burning of a substance is called combustion
• Forms nitrogen oxide compounds
Anthropogenic Gases (continued)
Coal is burned for energy
 Contains sulfur
 Combines with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide
Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxideanthropogenic gases
 Means human created
 Rise into atmosphere and combine with water
form nitric and sulfuric acids
Anthropogenic Gases (continued)
Acid deposition is different than acid
 When dry, nitrogen and sulfur deposited directly
 Causes a reaction with surrounding environment
 Leads to the formation of strong acids
 Also caused by anthropogenic gases
Long-Distance Transport of
Acid-Causing Pollutants
Majority of sulfur dioxide comes from the
 90% of all acid precipitation and deposition
 From sulfur dioxide
Because of prevailing winds west-east
 Northeast receives greatest amount of acid
Long-Distance Transport of AcidCausing Pollutants (continued)
When produced west of Appalachian
 Nitrogen oxides/sulfur dioxide rise into atm.
 Mix with atmospheric moisture (water vapor)
 Forms acid precipitation
 By time reaches Appalachian Mountains
• pH is 4.3 to 4.5
Long-Distance Transport of AcidCausing Pollutants (continued)
Called long-distance transport of acid
 Similar process in Europe
 Western Europe creates pollutants
 Causes precipitation
 Falls on eastern Europe
Effects of Acid Deposition on
Aquatic Ecosystems
Unpolluted ecosystems pH is 6.0 to 8.0
 Lakes and ponds exposed experience
decreasing pH
 Aquatic organisms die at pH 4.0 or lower
 Acids that collect also leach heavy metals
 Mercury, aluminum, and calcium
 Absorbed by tissues of organisms
 Cause adverse health effects
Effects of Acid Deposition on
Aquatic Ecosystems (continued)
Humans who eat these organisms are also
 Toxic metals build up in human tissue
 Cause health problems
Worst effect in winter
 Acidic snow accumulates
 Spring thaw releases large amounts of acidic
Effects of Acid Deposition on
Aquatic Ecosystems (continued)
Acidic water enters nearby lakes and
 Causes acid shock
• Acidic water rapidly entering aquatic ecosystem
 Most adult organisms can survive
 Younger organisms and eggs are usually killed
 Natural limestone rock outcrops buffer the acids
Effects of Acid Precipitation on
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Many plants and trees are stressed
 Caused from acids burning leaves and stems
 Leaves and stems exposed to disease
 Causes them to loose water
Acids can leach important plant nutrients
 Potassium, calcium, and magnesium
 Other nutrients can be released causing damage
Effects of Acid Precipitation on
Terrestrial Ecosystems (continued)
Acid precipitation can kill off beneficial
 Bacteria and fungi that add soil fertility
 Can also inhibit germination of plant seeds
 Directly affects agricultural production
Effects of Acid Deposition on Humans
Humans affected by acid precipitation and
 Consume fish that live in acidic waters
 May intake toxic heavy metals
 Affects food production and forest products
• Timber pulp, and maple sugar
 Can also cause respiratory illness
 Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat
Effects of Acid Deposition
on Building Materials
Structures and building materials damaged
 Weathering of concrete and stone is enhanced
 Bridges, buildings, and concrete structures
• Slowly dissolved and weakened
 Stone and brick broken down over time
 Steel, iron, and copper are corroded
 Paints, varnish, rubber, and ceramics damaged