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Impact of the Sun’s Energy
In this presentation you will:
 explore the impact of the Sun’s energy
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The Sun is the major
source of energy on Earth.
Without heat and light
from the Sun, there could
be no life on this planet.
As well as supporting life, the
Sun also provides energy for
wind, ocean currents, and
the water cycle.
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The Sun’s Energy
The surface of the Sun has a
temperature of around 5,500 °C.
The temperature in the Sun’s
core is around 15,000,000 °C.
The intense heat and light
of the Sun comes from
hydrogen atoms in the
Sun’s core fusing together
to form new helium atoms.
This process is called nuclear
fusion and produces an
enormous amount of energy.
In about 5 billion years, the
hydrogen that powers the
Sun will start to run out.
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Question 1
Where does the Sun's energy come from?
A) Helium atoms fusing together to become hydrogen atoms
B) The nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms in the Sun's core
C) The breaking up of hydrogen atoms in the Sun
D) The mixing of hydrogen and helium atoms at the Sun’s surface
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Question 1
Where does the Sun's energy come from?
A) Helium atoms fusing together to become hydrogen atoms
B) The nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms in the Sun's core
C) The breaking up of hydrogen atoms in the Sun
D) The mixing of hydrogen and helium atoms at the Sun’s surface
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Transfer of Energy
Energy from the Sun travels
to Earth in waves.
All waves have a wavelength
that is the distance between
two identical points of a wave.
The Sun emits energy at different
wavelengths. These are grouped
into the following ranges:
 Infrared radiation (heat)
 Visible light
 Ultra-violet light
Infrared radiation has a longer
wavelength than visible light,
which has a longer wavelength
than ultra-violet light.
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Transfer of Energy
The Sun loses energy when it
transmits light and heat.
There are three ways in which
energy could be transmitted:
 Radiation
 Conduction
 Convection
However, energy is only
transmitted from the Sun to the
Earth by the process of radiation.
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Radiation is the mechanism for transfer of energy from the Sun to
the Earth because radiation can pass through a vacuum.
Neither conduction nor convection can travel through a vacuum.
A vacuum is where no substance exists.
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All wavelengths of radiation are transferred directly from the Sun to the
Earth, traveling through the empty space between the two bodies.
Once the Sun’s energy reaches Earth, it travels through different
materials by conduction, convection, and radiation. It can be absorbed
by any material it passes through, raising its temperature.
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Conduction is the transfer of
energy through a material.
This material is usually a
solid, although conduction
also occurs in fluids.
The energy increases the
vibration of particles and is
passed from particle to
particle. Other than vibrating,
the particles do not have to
move to transfer the energy.
Materials that are good at
transferring energy are called
good conductors. Materials
that are poor conductors are
called insulators.
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Hot air
In a fluid material (a liquid
or gas), energy transfers
mainly by convection.
Cold air
Increasing energy causes the
density of a fluid to decrease.
This in turn causes particles
in the fluid to move upward,
carrying the energy from one
place to another in a
convection current.
An example of this is the
movement of air in a heated
room. The air carries the heat
upward while the cold air moves
down to replace it. This is why
your feet may feel cold even if the
rest of the room is warm.
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Uses of Radiated Energy
The different types of
energy emitted by the
Sun have various uses:
 Infrared radiation –
all objects emit
infrared radiation that
can be detected even
if there is no visible
 Visible light – light that can
be seen by the human eye
 Ultra-violet – damaging
to living things but can
be used for sterilization
and disinfection
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Question 2
“The Sun loses energy when it transmits light.”
Is this statement true or false?
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Question 2
“The Sun loses energy when it transmits light.”
Is this statement true or false?
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Question 3
What is the term that describes the transfer of energy through a material,
without the movement of particles from one place to another?
A) Radiation
B) Convection
C) Conduction
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Question 3
What is the term that describes the transfer of energy through a material,
without the movement of particles from one place to another?
A) Radiation
B) Convection
C) Conduction
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Life on Earth
Energy from the Sun supports almost all life on Earth.
Not only does the Sun heat the Earth to a temperature that enables life, it
also provides food for living things.
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Life on Earth
Plants make their own food by absorbing energy from the Sun (sunlight)
through their leaves in a process called photosynthesis.
Part of this energy is passed on to the animals and insects that feed on
the plants.
If these animals are then eaten by other animals, the energy is
passed on in the same way.
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As we have already seen, the
Sun radiates heat to the Earth
and different surfaces absorb the
heat energy in different ways.
The changing position of the Earth
in relation to the Sun means that
different parts of the Earth receive
more heat energy than others
depending on their location, the
time of day, and the time of year.
As a result, the Earth’s
surface is heated unevenly.
The energy produced by this
uneven heating is carried
through the air by convection
currents, causing winds.
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Ocean Currents
In a similar way, radiation
from the Sun heats the
oceans, creating convection
currents in the water.
Warm water from the
Equator moves toward the
north and south poles, where
the water is much colder.
Cold water from the poles
moves toward the Equator.
These convection currents
create warm and cold ‘streams’
that can affect the climate of
the land that they pass by.
Thermal image of the Gulf Stream
off the coast of the USA
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The Water Cycle
Water is very important to life
on Earth – it makes up about
70% of all living things.
The amount of water on Earth
never changes. It goes through a
process, known as the water cycle,
that moves it around the world.
The Sun provides the
energy that keeps the
water cycle going.
Courtesy NASA
Water on the Earth can be
heated by radiation from the
Sun. The water evaporates
into the air where it forms
clouds, eventually falling back
to the surface as rain or snow.
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Question 4
Which of the following is NOT an example of a convection current?
A) Energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth
B) Winds
C) Ocean current
D) Movement of air in a heated room
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Question 4
Which of the following is NOT an example of a convection current?
A) Energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth
B) Winds
C) Ocean current
D) Movement of air in a heated room
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After completing this presentation you should be able to:
 show knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Sun’s energy