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What is a Tornado?
• Tornado’s are nature’s most violent
• Tornado’s can reach up to 300mph.And
they can reach 1 mile wide and 50 miles
• A Tornado is a funnel shaped cloud that
extends from a thunder storm to the
What Conditions Cause Tornado's
• Thunderstorms develop in warm, moist air
in advance of eastward-moving cold
• Thunderstorms often produce large hail,
strong winds, and tornadoes.
• Tornadoes in the winter and early spring
are often associated with strong, frontal
systems that form in the Central States
How long does a Tornado last?
• A typical tornado only lasts for a few
• Tornado’s can last up to 45 minutes and
can destroy up to 30 to 40 miles of land.
When does Tornado’s happen?
• Tornado’s are most frequently in the
United States east of the Rocky Mountains
during the spring and summer months.
What kind of damage do Tornado’s
• They can destroy large buildings, uproot
trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards.
• In an average year, 800 tornadoes are
reported nationwide, resulting in 80 deaths
and over 1,500 injuries.