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Chapter 15: Weather Systems
1. The Weather around Us
2. The Science of Weather: From
Folklore to Forecasting
3. Air Masses
4. Frontal Systems
5. Midlatitude Cyclones
6. Severe Weather: Thunderstorms
and Tornadoes
7. Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Learning Objectives
Students will explain concepts related to weather systems.
Students will recognize the role of technology in our knowledge of
weather patterns and forecasts.
Students will classify air masses based on their locations.
Students will compare and contrast warm, cold, and occluded
Students will synthesize the development of mid-latitude cyclones
and frontal systems.
Students will describe the process of thunderstorm, tornado, and
hurricane formation.
Students will recognize when/where tornadoes are most likely to
Students will place hurricanes within the context of the Earth
The Weather around Us
On average, 2-3 U.S. weather
disasters per year cause more than a
billion dollars in damage and threaten
numerous lives.
Today, more than 100 million
residents make the South the most
heavily populated region in the U.S.
People are migrating to Florida,
Georgia, and N.C. more than any
other state.
Most people are migrating from
states that have low incidences of
extreme weather events (New York,
Illinois, New Jersey).
Would you want to be riding in
one of these vehicles?
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Weather around Us
Weather = the state of the atmosphere at any given time
and place.
Extreme weather can
threaten lives, disrupt
transportation, and
cause billions of
dollars in destruction.
Billion dollar
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Weather around Us
• Almost 3 times as many people
die from extreme temperatures
than any other weather related
• More than 26,000 people in
Europe died in 2003 during
hottest summer on record
there (104°F or more).
• Extreme weather events can
change these statistics (e.g.
Katrina killed over 1,000
• Extreme heat – “…underrated
and least understood of the
deadly weather phenomena.”
Weather-related fatalities.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Weather around Us
Can extreme heat, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena
be stopped?
− No, but meteorologists work to provide timely warnings.
− Hurricane Katrina – most expensive disaster in U.S. history.
− Over $100 billion in damage.
approaches the
Louisiana coast,
August 28, 2005.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Self Reflection Survey
Answer the following questions as a means of uncovering what
you already know about weather systems:
1. Explain three examples of how the
weather influences your daily life.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Self Reflection Survey
Answer the following questions as a means of uncovering what
you already know about weather systems:
2. Describe your ideal annual weather
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Self Reflection Survey
Answer the following questions as a means of uncovering what
you already know about weather systems:
3. Describe the most extreme weather event
you have experienced.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Go back to the Table of Contents
Go to the next section: The Science of
Weather: From Folklore to Forecasting
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Science of Weather: From Folklore to
Mankind has been trying to make sense of the weather since ancient
Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and its weather.
1637 – Descartes published first scientific text on weather, but had no
tools to make measurements.
By the 1700’s the technology caught up:
- 1643 first barometer
-Gabriel Fahrenheit (1714) and Anders Celsius (1742) invented first
Mercury thermometers
- hygrometer (measures humidity) invented a few decades later
A paradigm shift in our understanding of weather occurred.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Science of Weather: From Folklore to
With the development of communications devices
information on weather from multiple sources became
available, and patterns in weather data began to emerge.
-Weather systems migrate from west to east
-Fair skies are associated with high-pressure
-Rain often accompanies low-pressure systems
U.S. National Weather Service was established in 1870
By 1872 it was creating national weather maps
By 1878 daily observations were being collected at
hundreds of sites and relayed cross-country by telegraph
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Science of Weather: From Folklore to
Not until early 1900’s did Norwegian scientists identify the
concepts of air masses and frontal systems
• Air masses = large volumes of air with similar temperature and
• Frontal systems = locations where air masses interact.
• Few gas molecules exist here.
These concepts allowed meteorologists to use raw temperature and
pressure data to predict weather over large regions.
The recognition of these basic types of air masses and their motions
made it possible to develop rules for the evolution of weather systems.
Later these rules were turned into mathematical equations that could be
programmed into computers to produce forecasts
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
The Bergen school (the Norwegian scientist who identified the
concepts of air masses and frontal systems) looked at
individual weather cases and drew general conclusions about
weather. Which of the following types of reasoning did they
a.Inductive Reasoning
b.Deductive Reasoning
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Once the rules of weather evolution were established,
scientists anywhere could readily apply these rules to predict
future weather patterns. This is an example of:
a.Inductive Reasoning
b.Deductive Reasoning
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The Science of Weather: From Folklore to
Today, all weather
information and data
come from the NWS.
NWS processes over 1
million surface, air, and
satellite weather
observation every day.
Two GEOS (geostationary
operational environmental
satellite) satellites in orbit
provide weather coverage
for 60% of the planet’s
Over 100 Doppler radar
sites nationwide used to
track changes in regional
Doppler can detect
dangerous swirling
Satellite weather image for North America
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.3
How are the following four key principles of science
evident in the brief history of meteorology in this
1) Phenomena can be explained by natural
2) Explanations are tentative.
3) Science is based on empirical
4) Explanations should be testable.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
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Go to the next section: Air Masses
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Air Mass = a large region of the lower troposphere
that has relatively uniform temperature and moisture
Their nature depends on their source area and changes that occur as they
Air masses are identified by their temperature and the moisture
characteristics of the underlying surface.
-Polar air masses found at high latitudes
-Tropical air masses found near equator
-Maritime air masses develop above oceans and are wetter
-Dry air masses form over continents
No clear boundaries between these air masses – they can
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
Locations of air masses. cA = continental Arctic/Antarctic; cP = continental
polar; cT = continental tropical; mP = maritime polar; mT = maritime tropical.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Types of Air Masses:
• cA – forms over permanent
snow or sea ice. Extremely
cold, dry air that may move
• cP – forms over northernmost
portions of N. America, Europe,
and Asia. Cold and dry but not
as cold as cA masses.
• cT – forms over continental
interiors. Hot, dry air that is
modified as it moves east or
• mP – form in the N. Atlantic and
Pacific and Southern Oceans.
Cool, moist air that affects NE and
NW states in the U.S. Warmer
than cP air. Bring rains to the
coasts of Washington, Oregon,
and snows to the inland
• mT – move inland from the
tropical Pacific Ocean, Gulf of
Mexico, and tropical Atlantic
Ocean. Hot and humid. Brings
hot humid summers to SE states.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Air masses of North
Circles show source
areas and arrows show
where the air mass
moves after it forms.
Source areas and paths
can influence weather
patterns across North
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.5
Of the five most common types of air
masses, which ones most directly affect the
area where you live?
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Air masses can gain or lose heat and/or moisture as they
move from one location to another.
Air masses are principally modified by:
- Temperature of the underlying surface
- Topography of the underlying surface
Air heated by warmer land surface will
begin to rise. It is unstable and will rise
until its temperature matches the
surrounding atmosphere.
Air that is forced up over topography will
cool and moisture will condense.
Condensation removes moisture leaving
dry air (rainshadow effect).
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Air Masses
Lake effect is
common in states
south and east
(downwind) of the
great lakes.
Dry cP air masses
pick up moisture
as they cross the
warmer waters of
the lakes. When
the air mass
arrives at the
southern lake
shore it cools,
saturates, and
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.7
Imagine that you had a device that would
constantly monitor the characteristics of an air
mass as it moved from its source region to
another location. Draw some idealized graphs
illustrating how some key characteristics of the
mT and CP air masses would change.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
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Go to the next section: Frontal Systems
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Frontal Systems
The boundary between
one air mass and another
is a front.
Frontal systems – pairs of
relatively narrow, long,
slightly curved regions
where air masses
Frontal systems bring
clouds and precipitation
and changes in moisture,
temperature, pressure,
and wind direction.
Weather patterns typically associated
with a cyclone (low-pressure system)
over the central U.S.
When warm and cold
fronts merge, they form
an occluded front.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Frontal Systems
Cold fronts are
represented by blue
triangles, warm fronts by
red semicircles.
Both symbols “point” in
the direction of air
Cloud cover occurs in
advance of the cold front,
adjacent to the warm
front, and around the
occluded front.
Which direction is this
frontal system moving?
Warm maritime tropical air from
the gulf of Mexico lies in
between the two fronts.
West to east.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Frontal Systems
How are wind direction,
temperature, clouds, and
precipitation affected by
a passing frontal
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Use this map to answer the following questions:
1. The map
illustrates the
relative positions
of a warm front
and a cold front.
Where is the warm
front located?
a) Between A and B
b) Between C and D
c) At E
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Use this map to answer the following questions:
2. Where is it raining?
a) A and B
b) B and C
c) C and D
d) B and D
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Use this map to answer the following questions:
3. Which location is in
a maritime tropical
air mass?
a) A
b) G
c) E
d) H
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Use this map to answer the following questions:
4. Which location will
become warmer in
the next 12 hours?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Frontal Systems
Advancing Cold Fronts:
• Warm air is displaced up
and over an advancing cold
The warm air is less dense and
therefore lighter than the cold air
Cold fronts slope steeply
The rising air undergoes rapid
cooling and condensation in a
narrow region above the cold
Condensing water vapor fuels
formation of tall cumulonimbus
clouds that usually produce
heavy but short-lived rains
A squall line is a linear pattern of
thunderclouds that may accompany a
rapidly advancing cold front.
Above: Squall line in the Gulf of
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Frontal Systems
Advancing Warm Fronts:
• Weather changes are not
as severe
- The warm air does not rise as
Warm fronts slope gently
Warm fronts move more slowly
and the associated rain may last
longer than with a cold front
Warm fronts extend over a larger
Temperatures and humidity rise
Winds change direction
Occluded front. A cold air mass
overtakes a warm air mass.
Nimbostratus clouds generate
precipitation along an occluded
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.12
Use the Venn diagram provided here to compare and contrast the
characteristics of warm fronts and cold fronts. Identify at least 10
features, write them in the table, and put each of their corresponding
numbers in the correct location on the diagram.
Cold front
Warm front
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
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Go to the next section: Midlatitude Cyclones
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Midlatitude Cyclones
Midlatitude cyclones are regional-scale low-pressure systems
formed between 30° and 60° N or S.
• This is where continental polar and maritime tropical air masses
collide to form frontal systems
• This collision zone migrates south during winter and north in the
• Can be 1-2 km (621 – 1242 miles) across
• Can affect much of the continent for up to a week
• Midlatitude systems tend to dominate weather patterns in the U.S.
Midlatitude cyclones develop where surface irregularities (mountains
or water boundaries) cause a local sideways-acting force to distort a
• The front is transformed as warm air pushes northward and cool air
pushes south, generating a counterclockwise rotation
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Midlatitude Cyclones
A midlatitude cyclone
(a) At the point where a low-pressure
system (cyclone) interacts with
neighboring high-pressure systems, a
midlatitude cyclone forms. It is
centered over the low-pressure system
and is characterized by warm (red) and
cold (blue) fronts. Cloud cover
concentrates over the fronts and lowpressure center.
(b) Classic comma-shaped cloud pattern
associated with midlatitude cyclones.
Central U.S., Christmas Eve, 1997.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Midlatitude Cyclones
Three stages in midlatitude cyclone development over the U.S.
a. A cyclone forms.
b. The cyclone reaches
mature stage, with welldeveloped warm and
cold fronts.
c. The cyclone begins
to weaken as warm and
cold fronts merge to
form an occluded front.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.14
Examine the image
at right. Where is the
low-pressure system
at the center of the
cyclone? What type
of front is
represented by the
line of clouds
extending toward the
Gulf of Mexico?
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
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Go to the next section: Severe Weather:
Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Severe weather (as defined by NWS) has one or more of the
following elements:
A tornado
Damaging wind speeds (more than 58 mph)
Penny sized or larger hail
Only 10% of all the 100,000 thunderstorms that form over the
U.S. each year have these conditions.
Most thunderstorms are around 16 miles across and last less
than 30 minutes.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Moisture in the atmosphere + warm air + a lifting
mechanism = a thunderstorm!
The life cycle of a thunderstorm.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Lightening! Lightening joins two centers of opposite charge associated
with a thunderstorm. Cloud to ground lightening – negative charges in a
cloud are connected to positive charges on the ground. Cloud to cloud
lightening – opposite charges in one or more cloud are connected.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Thunderstorms can occur anywhere in the U.S. but their causes vary
by region:
Central or eastern portion of the states – isolated afternoon
thunderstorms in warm summer months when moist air rises. They
are typically brief and associated with a single large cloud called a cell.
Warm land surface heats the overlying air, causing it to rise, condense,
and generate a thunderstorm.
Eastern U.S. – thunderstorms associated with midlatitude cyclones.
Severe storms from a series of cumulonimbus clouds called
supercells. They are associated with frontal lifting along a cold front
between cP and mT air masses. Most common during spring and
early summer.
Rocky Mountains – related to orographic lifting.
Florida – warm maritime air rises due to several lifting mechanisms.
Thunderstorms are rare in Pacific coast states because weather is
influenced by cool ocean  more stable air.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Conceptest
Updrafts responsible for the formation of
thunderstorm clouds are most likely to
occur with which combination of
a. Low-level warm, moist air; upper-level warm, moist air
b. Low-level cool, dry air; upper-level warm, moist air
c. Low-level warm, moist air; upper-level cool, dry air
d. Low-level cool, dry air; upper-level cool, dry air
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.20
Rank the three thunderstorm components
(air temperature, moisture, a lifting
mechanism) in order of their significance
in causing thunderstorms. Justify your
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Tornadoes = narrow, funnelshaped spirals of rapidly
converging and rotating air
that form in association with
Near-circular low-pressure
systems that rotate
counterclockwise in the
Northern Hemisphere
Pressure gradient is much
more intense for tornadoes
People have been “storm chasing” for about 50
years. Tourists pay companies to get them
into tornado prone areas to get footage of
tornadoes. Groups of tourists will pile out of
minivans and cheer as a tornado rips apart a
farmhouse. Is this sensible?
Tornadoes generate the
strongest natural winds on
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
The worst tornado outbreak in U.S. history – April 3, 1974.
Tornadoes were spotted from Canadian border all the way
down to Gulf coast, and from Illinois to Virginia.
A total of 148 tornadoes touched down in 13 states.
330 people killed, over 5,000 injured.
A massive single tornado threw two tractor-trailers onto the
roof of a bowling alley in Xenia, OH as the storm sped
through at 50 mph.
33 people killed, 1300 buildings destroyed in Xenia that day.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Tornadoes are ranked on the Fujita intensity scale, which
places them in a category based on the destruction they
Rule of thumb: Weak tornadoes can tear shingles off the roof of
a house, strong tornadoes can tear the roof off a house, and
violent tornadoes can tear up the whole house.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Union City, OK
tornado May
a. Early stage
b. Mature stage
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Characteristics of tornadoes:
• Funnels are less than 2,000 feet wide
• Average funnel velocities are 31 mph, with highs of 125
• Path of destruction typically 3-16 miles long
− Some may stay on ground for over an hour and
travel over 62 miles
Tornadoes follow the path of their parent thunderstorms (most travel east
or northeast, as they are often associated with midlatitude cyclone
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
a. Early stage. Friction slows winds near surface. Higher wind velocity
moving upward from the surface. Contrasting vertical wind speed
generates counterclockwise winds about a central horizontal axis.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
b. Updraft stage. Updrafts below a thunderstorm draw spiraling horizontal
winds upward to form a mesocyclone within the larger storm cloud. These
are rotating thunderstorms that can be seen on radar (up to 6 miles across).
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
c. Tornado stage. Rotation in the mesocyclone forms small intense
spiraling winds within a newly formed tornado. These winds then extend
downward from a cloud base toward the ground surface.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Why do you
think U.S.
fatalities have
declined in the
past 50 or so
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
Tornadoes occur
activity is at an
optimum across
much of the
More common in
Gulf coast and
SE states in
early spring,
migrates to
Great Plains in
late spring.
Tornado Alley. The U.S. is home to the majority of
the world’s tornadoes, averaging about 1200 per
year. These states have an annual average of
more than 5 strong to violent tornadoes, 19501995.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint
Explain why the number of tornadoes
counted each year has increased, while
the number of days with at least one
tornado sighting has remained essentially
unchanged for several decades.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
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Go to the next section: Severe Weather:
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Hurricane Katrina was the worst natural disaster to strike
the United States in the last century.
Are we doomed to repeat history? Can a hurricane strike
the same place twice?
More than 1,300 people died
An estimated $100 billion in damage in communities in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama
Much of the damage had long been predicted – A dozen major
hurricanes had made landfall along coastal Louisiana in the last century
Government reports, scientific articles, and newspaper stories had all
predicted what would happen if a major hurricane made landfall near
New Orleans
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Who should address the issue?
Scientists – best equipped to determine the probability and destruction
of a hurricane, but no funds or resources to do much about it.
Government – have power and funds for levees or evacuation plans, but
don’t always understand the seriousness of the threat.
“We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” George
Bernard Shaw
areas =
New Orleans before and after Katrina.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Key observations of
Large size
Dense mass of clouds
surrounding central clear
Swirling spiral pattern of
Centered over the ocean
(Gulf of Mexico)
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Hurricanes originate in areas of the world’s oceans where the temperature
is greater than about 80°F. Hurricanes are most common in the summer
seasons of each hemisphere.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
What are hurricanes:
High winds
Heavy rainfall
Storm surges (elevated water levels) along coastlines
Not all hurricanes make land fall
Biloxi, Mississippi before and after Katrina.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
North Atlantic hurricane season  June 1 – November 30
Hurricanes only develop over warm (>80°F) water down to ~200 ft
Needs sufficient evaporation and condensation to foster large volume
of moisture to foster growth of huge cloud masses
Warm surface waters move north from equator in the summer in N.
Hemisphere creating optimal hurricane conditions
Development of Atlantic hurricanes that make landfall:
2-3 weeks prior to landfall – Cloud mass develops over warm ocean
water. Most storms generated in east Atlantic take about 3 weeks to
reach the coast of N. America
Katrina – developed in west Atlantic near the Bahamas.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Hurricanes begin to grow when warm, humid air is forced
The rising air cools and condenses to form cumulus clouds
that will develop into cumulonimbus cells.
Earth’s rotation imparts a counterclockwise rotation to the
storm in the Northern Hemisphere. This rotation is zero at the
equator, therefore the majority of hurricanes originate between
10° and 20° N or S of the equator.
To maintain wind speed, inflow of air into developing lowpressure system must be matched by outflow of air in the
upper troposphere.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
1-2 weeks prior to landfall – Tropical depression develops (winds 2339 mph). After about 5 days this develops into a tropical storm
(winds 39-74 mph). Finally, a hurricane develops (winds at least 119
Air pressure is lowest in the eye, where warm air is
The lower the pressure inside the hurricane, the faster the
Hurricanes will continue to grow in size and intensity as
long as underlying water temperature remains above
Precipitation concentrates within 124 miles on either side
of eye, releasing up to 20 billion tons of water per day.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
3-7 days before landfall – Atlantic hurricanes are
driven west by prevailing winds at 6-16 mph.
Florida and Texas experience more landfalls than any
other state.
Hurricane may turn parallel to the east coast or pass
south of Florida to strike the Gulf Coast or Caribbean
2-3 days before landfall – The likely landfall site is
Evacuations should be in full gear by now.
1-2 days before landfall – Size and slow motion of
hurricanes means their impact is drawn out over
several days.
Effects can reach coast before worst affects from the
Predicted landfall
site of Katrina. It
hit within 19 miles
of the predicted
Measurements are made off coast by buoys to gather
info about eye
Waves over 100 feet high during Katrina
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Winds in the NE
quadrant blow
onshore, piling up
water in a storm
Surges cause ~90%
of the damage in
coastal areas.
Can potentially
reach inland areas
up to 6-12 miles
from shore.
Katrina – water
reached heights of
30 feet above sea
level in NE quadrant
of storm.
Winds in NW quadrant blow offshore. In the
case of Katrina, winds in NW quadrant pushed
water from Lake Pontchartrain (located NW of
the city) over levees into the city.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Hurricanes can take days to make their way
Hurricanes lose intensity over land because of
frictional drag and loss of a moisture source.
Damaging winds near the core have speeds similar
to F1-F3 tornadoes.
Can rain up to 24 inches of rain in just a few days
over inland regions.
Water causes major erosion and damage from
Erosion from hurricane Ivan
eroded most of N segment
of Chandeleur islands, LA.
In box – lighthouse.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Katrina – category 3 hurricane
In 1973 in Bangladesh – Cyclone pushed onshore from Bay of
22-foot storm surge produced widespread flooding on the low lying
300,000 deaths
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.26
Draw a diagram that illustrates how the four
components of the earth system
(atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and
geosphere) interact during a hurricane.
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
Weather Systems Checkpoint 15.27
Use the Venn diagram provided to compare and contrast the features of
midlatitude cyclones, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Identify at least 12 features.
Midlatitude cyclones
The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems
The End
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The Good Earth/Chapter 15: Weather Systems