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Developing Ecological
Awareness through Literacy and
Science Education
Learning about the different aquatic
ecosystems and the variety of biotic and
abiotic species that live within.
By: Barbara Laurenson
What are Aquatic Ecosystems?
• A Pond
• A Lake
• A Stream
• A River
A Pond
• A pond is a small body of fresh or salt water that
is surrounded by land. The water is mostly still
and some ponds freeze in winter or dry up
during drier weather. A pond can sustain a wide
range of life, from micro-organisms to mammals.
Some animals live on top of the water, some live
in the water, some near the water.
• Plants and animals that that live in or near the
pond have special adaptations, or ways to
survive in their environment.
A Lake
• A lake is a large body of water that is
surrounded by land.
• Some lakes are salt water, while others are
fresh water.
• Lakes get their water from rain and some are
fed by rivers and streams
A Stream/A River
• A stream or a river is a long body of moving water. Rivers and streams get
their water from rain, but also from melting snow and ice in the
• The longest river in the world is the Nile River in Africa. It is over 4,000
miles long and flows through nine countries.
• Plants and animals that which live near rivers also have special
adaptations to survive their environment.
• Some plants have thick strong roots to prevent erosion and keep the
plants from washing away.
• Fallen vegetation transfers nutrients to the aquatic life and the shade
surrounding streams or rivers mitigates change in the water temperature,
creating optimal conditions for many living things to thrive.
What biotic species are found in
aquatic ecosystems?
What Abiotic species are found in
Aquatic ecosystems?
General Information
• Although ¾’s of the Earth is covered by water, less
than 1% is freshwater, available for drinking or other
human or animal consumption.
• An ecosystem is a community of living things and
their environment
• Ecosystems can vary in size from a puddle to an
entire ocean.
• An ecosystem can host many different habitats.