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(Fall 06/07)
Instructor: Professor C. T. HSU
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids in
macroscopic motion. For a special static case:
No Motion at All
Recall that by definition, a fluid moves and
deforms when subjected to shear stress and,
conversely, a fluid that is static (at rest) is not
subjected to any shear stress. Otherwise it
will move.  No shear stress, i.e., Normal
stress only
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
The force/stress on any given surface immersed
in a fluid at rest, is always perpendicular (normal)
to the surface. This normal stress is called
Fluid statics is to determine the pressure field
At any given point in a fluid at rest, the
normal stress is the same in all directions
(hydrostatic pressure)
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
Take a small, arbitrary, wedged shaped
element of fluid
Fluid is in equilibrium, so ∑F = 0
Let the fluid element be sufficiently small so
that we can assume that the pressure is
constant on any surface (uniformly
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
F1=p1 A1
F2=p2 A2
F3=p3 A3
 m =  V
Fluid Density : 
Fluid Volume :
 V=  x  y  z/2
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
Look at the side view
∑Fx = 0 :
F1 cos  - F2 = 0
p1 A1cos  - p2 A2 = 0
Since  A1cos  =  A2 =  y  z
 p1 = p2
∑Fz = 0 :
F1 sin +  m.g = F3
p1  A1 sin  +   V g = p3  A3
p1( x/sin )  y sin  +  g  x  y  z/2 = p3  x  y
p1 +  g  z/2 = p3
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.1. Hydrostatic Pressure
Shrink the element down to an infinitesimal point, so
that  z0, then p1 = p3 p1 = p2 = p3
• Normal stress at any point in a fluid in equilibrium is
the same in all directions.
• This stress is called hydrostatic pressure.
• Pressure has units of force per unit area.
P = F/A
• The objective of hydrostatics is to find the pressure
field (distribution) in a given body of fluid at rest.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.2. Vertical Pressure Variation
Take a fluid element of small
control volume in a tank at rest
Force balance:
(P+  P) A +  g A  y = P A
 P/  y = -  g
Negative sign indicates that P
decreases as y increases
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.2. Vertical Pressure Variation
For a constant density fluid, we can integrate
for any 2 vertical points in the fluid (1) & (2).
P2 - P1 = -  g (y2 - y1)
If  = (y), then: ∫dP = -g ∫ (y)dy
If  = (p,y)
such as for ideal gas P =  RT where T=T (y)
∫dP/P = -(g/R) ∫dy/T(y)
The integration at the right hand side
depends on the distribution of T(y).
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.3. Horizontal Pressure Variation
Take a fluid element of small control volume
Force balance:
P 1 A = P2 A
P 1 = P2
Static pressure is constant in any horizontal plane.
Having the vertical & horizontal variations, it is
possible to determine the pressure at any point in
a fluid at rest.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.3. Horizontal Pressure Variation
Absolute Pressure v.s. Gage Pressure
Absolute pressure:
Gage pressure:
Measured from absolute zero
Measured from atmospheric pressure
If negative, it is called vacuum pressure
Pabs = Patm + Pgage
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
For constant density fluid:
* The pressure varies with depth, P= gh.
* The pressure acts perpendicularly to an
immersed surface
2.4.1. Plane Surface
Let the surface be infinitely thin, i.e. NO
Plate has arbitrary plan form, and is set at an
arbitrary angle, , with the horizontal.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
Looking at the top plate surface only, the pressure
acting on the plate at any given h is:
P = Patm + gh
So, the pressure distribution on the surface is,
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
To find the total force on the top surface, integrate
P over the area of the plate,
F = ∫P dA = PatmA + g ∫h dA
Note that h = y sin, therefore:
F = PatmA + g sin ∫y dA
Recall that the location of c.g.(center of gravity) in y is:
yc.g. = (1/A) ∫y dA
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
So, F = PatmA + g sin yc.g.A
Or, F = PatmA + ghc.g.A = (Patm + ghc.g)A
If Pc.g=Patm + ghc.g , then the pressure acting at
c.g. is: F = P c.g. A
In a fluid of uniform density, the force
on a submerge plane surface is equal to the
pressure at the c.g. of the plane multiplied by the
area of the plane.
F is independent of .
The shape of the plate is not important
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
Where does the total/resultant force act?
Similar to c.g., the point on the surface where the
resultant force is applied is called the Center of
Pressure, c.p.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
The moment of the resultant force about the xaxis should equal the moment of the original
distributed pressure about the x-axis
yc.p.F = ∫y dF =  g sin  ∫y2 dA +Patm ∫y dA
Recall that the moment of inertia about the x-axis,
Iox, is by definition:
Iox = ∫y2 dA = y2c.g.A + Ic.g.x
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
Ic.g.x - moment of inertia about the x-axis at c.g.
yc.p.F = g sin Iox +Patm yc.g.A
= g sin (y2c.g.A + Ic.g.x) +Patm yc.g.A
=(g sin yc.g.A + PatmA) yc.g.+ g sin Ic.g.x
yc.p. = yc.g. + (g sin Ic.g.x) / (Pc.g.A)
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
xc.p. = xc.g. + (g sin Ic.g.y) / (Pc.g.A)
Ic.g.y - moment of inertia about the y-axis at c.g.
* Tables of Ic.g. for common shapes are
* For simple pressure distribution profiles, the
c.p. is usually at "c.g." of the profile
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
2.4.2. Curved Surface
Suppose a warped plate is submerged in
water, what is the resulting force on it?
The problem can be simplified by examining the
horizontal and vertical components separately.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces Horizontal Force
Zoom on an arbitrary point 'a'.
Locally, it is like a flat plate
The force due to the pressure at 'a' is:
Pa is the pressure acting at 'a', and it is normal to the
Fa = Pa Aa, which acts along the same direction as Pa
Its horizontal component is:
FaH = Fa sin = Pa.Aa sin
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
But, Aasin is the vertical projection of 'a', so that
the horizontal force at 'a' due to pressure is equal
to the force that would be exerted on a plane,
vertical projection of 'a'. This can be generalized
for the entire plane
The horizontal force on a curved surface equals
the force on the plane area formed by the
projection of the curved surface onto a vertical
The line of action on a curved surface is the same
as the line of action on a projected plane
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
This is true because for every point on the
vertical projection there is a corresponding
point on the warped plate that has the same
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces Vertical Force
Similar to the previous approach,
FaV = Fa cos = Pa Aacos 
Aacos is the horizontal projection of 'a', but this is
only at a point!
Notice that if one looks at the entire plate, the
pressures on the horizontal projection are not equal
to the pressures on the plate
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
Pa= gha  FaV = ghaAa cos
In general, Pa ≠ Pa'
Consequently, one needs to integrate along
the curved plate
This is not difficult if the shape of the plate is
given in a functional form
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
The ultimate result is:
The vertical component of the force on a curved surface is
equal to the total weight of the volume of fluid above it
The line of action is through the c.g. of the volume
If the lower side of a surface is exposed while the
upper side is not, the resulting vertical force is
equal to the weight of the fluid that would be
above the surface
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.4. Forces on Immersed Surfaces
So far, only surfaces (not volumes) have been
In fact, only one side of the surface has been
Note that for a surface to be in equilibrium, there
has to be an equal and opposite force on the other
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.5. Bodies with Volume (Buoyancy)
The volume can be constructed from two curved surfaces put
together, and thus utilize the previous results.
Since the vertical projections of both plates are the same,
FHab = FHcd,
Where FVab =g (vol. 1-a-b-2-1), FVcd =g (vol. 1'-d-c-2'-1')
*Note that this is true regardless of whether
there isn't any fluid above c-d.
there is or
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.5. Bodies with Volume (Buoyancy)
Join the two plates together
Total force: FB=FVcd-FVab= g(vol. a-b-c-d)
This force FB is called Buoyancy Force
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.6. Archimedes' Principle
The net vertical force on an immersed body of arbitrary
shape due to the pressure forces acting on the surfaces
of the body is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
* The line of action is through the center of
the mass of the displaced fluid volume
* Direction of buoyant force is upward
If a body immersed in a fluid is in equilibrium, then:
W = FB
W is the weight of the body.
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.6. Archimedes' Principle
For a body in a fluid of varying density, e.g. ocean,
the body will sink or rise until it is at a height
where its density is equal to the density of the
For a body in a constant density fluid, the body
will float at a level such that the weight of the
volume of fluid it displaces is equal to its own
MECH 221 – Chapter 2
2.7. Pressure Variation with Rigid-Body Motion
The variation of pressure with distance is balanced by the
total accelerations that may be due to gravitational
acceleration g, constant linear acceleration al and constant
rotational acceleration ar. Generally,
a = -(g + al + ar)
For g in the vertical y direction, g = gj
For linear acceleration in the x and y directions,
al = axi + ayj
For fluid rotates rigidly at a constant angular velocity ω, the
acceleration ar is in the radial r direction, i.e.,
ar = -rω2er where er is the unit vector in r direction