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Incline Problems
• A 25 kg object is on a 45 degree slope. The
coefficient of friction is 0.23.
• Determine net force
• Determine acceleration
• A 95 kg skier is sliding down a 35° hill at
constant velocity. Assume no air resistance
• What is net force?
• What is force of friction?
• What is the coefficient of friction?
• 1) A 63 kg water skier is pulled up a 14° incline
by a rope parallel to the incline with a tension
of 512 N. The coefficient of friction of kinetic
friction is 0.27. What are the magnitude and
direction of the skier’s acceleration?
Question 4
• A 62 kg person on skis is going down a hill
sloped at 37°. The coefficient of friction
between ski and snow is 0.15. How fast is the
skier going 5.0 s after starting from rest ?
Question 5
• Stacie, who has a mass of 45 kg, starts down a
slide that is inclined at an angle of 45° with
the horizontal. If the coefficient of kinetic
friction between Stacie’s pants and the slide is
0.25, what is her acceleration?
Question 6
• Kohana, who has a mass of 50.0 kg, is at the
dentist’s office having her teeth cleaned. If
the component of her weight perpendicular to
the plane of the chair is 449 N, at what angle
is the chair tilted?
Question 7
• A crate weighing 562 N is resting on a plane
inclined 30.0° above the horizontal. Find the
components of the weight forces that are
parallel and perpendicular to the plane.
IF the surface is smooth and the crate starts
from rest, after 4 .00 seconds how fast will the
crate be moving?
1) A weight of 562 N starts from rest and slides down
the frictionless incline. As it leaves the 30° incline,
its speed is 24m/s.
a) What is the acceleration of the mass while on
the incline?
b) What is the length of incline?
c) What is the time it takes to
reach the level ground?
A 45 kg block is sliding down a surface inclined
60º to the horizontal. The coefficient of
friction is 0.215.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of all forces parallel
or perpendicular to the inclined
b) Calculate the friction force on object
c) Calculate the net force on object
d) Calculate the acceleration of object
• A 60 kg box sits on a rough surface, which is
angled 35° from the horizontal. The
coefficient of friction between box and surface
is 0.23.
• Draw a free body diagram of all forces on
• Determine if object accelerates. If there is
acceleration, determine the amount
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