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Physics 7C lecture 07
Potential Energy
Thursday October 17, 8:00 AM – 9:20 AM
Engineering Hall 1200
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.
Goals for Chapter 7
• To use gravitational potential energy in vertical
• To use elastic potential energy for a body
attached to a spring
• To solve problems involving conservative and
nonconservative forces
• To determine the properties of a conservative
force from the corresponding potential-energy
• To use energy diagrams for conservative forces
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• How do energy concepts apply to the descending
• We will see that we can think of energy as being
stored and transformed from one form to another.
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Gravitational potential energy
• Energy associated with
position is called potential
• Gravitational potential
energy is Ugrav = mgy.
• Figure 7.2 at the right
shows how the change in
gravitational potential
energy is related to the
work done by gravity.
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A piece of fruit falls straight down. As it falls,
A. the gravitational force does positive work on it and the
gravitational potential energy increases.
B. the gravitational force does positive work on it and the
gravitational potential energy decreases.
C. the gravitational force does negative work on it and the
gravitational potential energy increases.
D. the gravitational force does negative work on it and the
gravitational potential energy decreases.
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A piece of fruit falls straight down. As it falls,
A. the gravitational force does positive work on it and the
gravitational potential energy increases.
B. the gravitational force does positive work on it and the
gravitational potential energy decreases.
C. the gravitational force does negative work on it and the
gravitational potential energy increases.
D. the gravitational force does negative work on it and the
gravitational potential energy decreases.
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The conservation of mechanical energy
The total mechanical energy of a system is the sum of its kinetic energy
and potential energy.
A quantity that always has the same value is called a conserved quantity.
When only the force of gravity does work on a system, the total
mechanical energy of that system is conserved. This is an example of the
conservation of mechanical energy. Figure 7.3 below illustrates this
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An example using energy conservation
• Refer to Figure 7.4 below as you follow Example 7.1.
• Notice that the result does not depend on our choice for
the origin.
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You toss a 0.150-kg baseball
straight upward so that it leaves
your hand moving at 20.0 m/s. The
ball reaches a maximum height y2.
What is the speed of the ball when
it is at a height of y2/2? Ignore air
v2 = 0
v1 = 20.0 m/s
m = 0.150 kg
A. 10.0 m/s
B. less than 10.0 m/s but greater than zero
C. greater than 10.0 m/s
D. not enough information given to decide
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y1 = 0
You toss a 0.150-kg baseball
straight upward so that it leaves
your hand moving at 20.0 m/s. The
ball reaches a maximum height y2.
What is the speed of the ball when
it is at a height of y2/2? Ignore air
v2 = 0
v1 = 20.0 m/s
m = 0.150 kg
A. 10.0 m/s
B. less than 10.0 m/s but greater than zero
C. greater than 10.0 m/s
D. not enough information given to decide
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y1 = 0
As a rock slides from A to B along
the inside of this frictionless
hemispherical bowl, mechanical
energy is conserved. Why?
(Ignore air resistance.)
A. The bowl is hemispherical.
B. The normal force is balanced by centrifugal force.
C. The normal force is balanced by centripetal force.
D. The normal force acts perpendicular to the bowl’s surface.
E. The rock’s acceleration is perpendicular to the bowl’s surface.
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As a rock slides from A to B along
the inside of this frictionless
hemispherical bowl, mechanical
energy is conserved. Why?
(Ignore air resistance.)
A. The bowl is hemispherical.
B. The normal force is balanced by centrifugal force.
C. The normal force is balanced by centripetal force.
D. The normal force acts perpendicular to the bowl’s surface.
E. The rock’s acceleration is perpendicular to the bowl’s surface.
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The two ramps shown are both frictionless. The heights y1 and y2
are the same for each ramp. A block of mass m is released from rest
at the left-hand end of each ramp. Which block arrives at the righthand end with the greater speed?
A. the block on the curved track
B. the block on the straight track
C. Both blocks arrive at the right-hand end with the same speed.
D. The answer depends on the shape of the curved track.
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The two ramps shown are both frictionless. The heights y1 and y2
are the same for each ramp. A block of mass m is released from rest
at the left-hand end of each ramp. Which block arrives at the righthand end with the greater speed?
A. the block on the curved track
B. the block on the straight track
C. Both blocks arrive at the right-hand end with the same speed.
D. The answer depends on the shape of the curved track.
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When forces other than gravity do work
• Refer to ProblemSolving Strategy
• Follow the solution
of Example 7.2.
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Work and energy along a curved path
• We can use the same
expression for
potential energy
whether the body’s
path is curved or
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Energy in projectile motion
• Two identical balls leave from the same height with the
same speed but at different angles.
• Follow Conceptual Example 7.3 using Figure 7.8.
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Motion in a vertical circle with no friction
• Follow Example 7.4 using Figure 7.9.
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Motion in a vertical circle with friction
• Revisit the same ramp as in the previous example, but this time
with friction.
• Follow Example 7.5 using Figure 7.10.
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Moving a crate on an inclined plane with friction
• Follow Example 7.6
using Figure 7.11 to the
• Notice that mechanical
energy was lost due to
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Work done by a spring
• Figure 7.13 below shows how a spring does work on a block as
it is stretched and compressed.
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Elastic potential energy
• A body is elastic if it returns
to its original shape after
being deformed.
• Elastic potential energy is
the energy stored in an
elastic body, such as a
• The elastic potential energy
stored in an ideal spring is
Uel = 1/2 kx2.
• Figure 7.14 at the right
shows a graph of the elastic
potential energy for an ideal
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Situations with both gravitational and elastic forces
• When a situation involves both gravitational and elastic forces,
the total potential energy is the sum of the gravitational potential
energy and the elastic potential energy: U = Ugrav + Uel.
• Figure 7.15 below illustrates such a situation.
• Follow Problem-Solving Strategy 7.2.
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Motion with elastic potential energy
• Follow Example 7.7 using Figure 7.16 below.
• Follow Example 7.8.
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A block is released from rest on a
frictionless incline as shown. When the
moving block is in contact with the spring
and compressing it, what is happening to
the gravitational potential energy Ugrav
and the elastic potential energy Uel?
A. Ugrav and Uel are both increasing.
B. Ugrav and Uel are both decreasing.
C. Ugrav is increasing; Uel is decreasing.
D. Ugrav is decreasing; Uel is increasing.
E. The answer depends on how the block’s speed is
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.
A block is released from rest on a
frictionless incline as shown. When the
moving block is in contact with the spring
and compressing it, what is happening to
the gravitational potential energy Ugrav
and the elastic potential energy Uel?
A. Ugrav and Uel are both increasing.
B. Ugrav and Uel are both decreasing.
C. Ugrav is increasing; Uel is decreasing.
D. Ugrav is decreasing; Uel is increasing.
E. The answer depends on how the block’s speed is
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A system having two potential energies and friction
• In Example 7.9
gravity, a spring,
and friction all act
on the elevator.
• Follow Example
7.9 using Figure
7.17 at the right.
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Conservative and nonconservative forces
• A conservative force allows conversion between kinetic and
potential energy. Gravity and the spring force are
• The work done between two points by any conservative force
a) can be expressed in terms of a potential energy function.
b) is reversible.
c) is independent of the path between the two points.
d) is zero if the starting and ending points are the same.
• A force (such as friction) that is not conservative is called a
nonconservative force, or a dissipative force.
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Frictional work depends on the path
• Follow Example 7.10, which shows that the work done by
friction depends on the path taken.
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You push a block up an inclined ramp at a constant speed.
There is friction between the block and the ramp.
The rate at which the internal energy of the block and
ramp increases is
A. greater than the rate at which you do work on the block.
B. the same as the rate at which you do work on the block.
C. less than the rate at which you do work on the block.
D. not enough information given to decide
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You push a block up an inclined ramp at a constant speed.
There is friction between the block and the ramp.
The rate at which the internal energy of the block and
ramp increases is
A. greater than the rate at which you do work on the block.
B. the same as the rate at which you do work on the block.
C. less than the rate at which you do work on the block.
D. not enough information given to decide
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Conservative or nonconservative force?
• Follow Example 7.11, which shows how to determine if a
force is conservative or nonconservative.
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Conservation of energy
• Nonconservative forces do not store potential
energy, but they do change the internal energy of a
• The law of the conservation of energy means that
energy is never created or destroyed; it only changes
• This law can be expressed as K + U + Uint = 0.
• Follow Conceptual Example 7.12.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx = 0 at x = a. Which statement
about the associated potential energy function
U at x = a is correct?
A. U = 0 at x = a
B. U is a maximum at x = a.
C. U is a minimum at x = a.
D. U is neither a minimum or a maximum at x = a, and
its value at x = a need not be zero.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx = 0 at x = a. Which statement
about the associated potential energy function
U at x = a is correct?
A. U = 0 at x = a
B. U is a maximum at x = a.
C. U is a minimum at x = a.
D. U is neither a minimum or a maximum at x = a, and
its value at x = a need not be zero.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx = 0 at x = a. Which statement
about the associated potential energy function
U at x = a is correct?
A. U = 0 at x = a
B. U is a maximum at x = a.
C. U is a minimum at x = a.
D. U is neither a minimum or a maximum at x = a, and
its value at x = a need not be zero.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx = 0 at x = a. Which statement
about the associated potential energy function
U at x = a is correct?
A. U = 0 at x = a
B. U is a maximum at x = a.
C. U is a minimum at x = a.
D. U is neither a minimum or a maximum at x = a, and
its value at x = a need not be zero.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx > 0 and dFx/dx < 0 at x = a.
Which statement about the associated potential
energy function U at x = a is correct?
A. dU/dx > 0 at x = a
B. dU/dx < 0 at x = a
C. dU/dx = 0 at x = a
D. Any of the above could be correct.
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The graph shows a conservative force Fx as a
function of x in the vicinity of x = a. As the
graph shows, Fx > 0 and dFx/dx < 0 at x = a.
Which statement about the associated potential
energy function U at x = a is correct?
A. dU/dx > 0 at x = a
B. dU/dx < 0 at x = a
C. dU/dx = 0 at x = a
D. Any of the above could be correct.
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Force and potential energy in one dimension
• In one dimension, a
conservative force can be
obtained from its potential
energy function using
Fx(x) = –dU(x)/dx
• Figure 7.22 at the right
illustrates this point for spring
and gravitational forces.
• Follow Example 7.13 for an
electric force.
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Force and potential energy in two dimensions
• In two dimension, the components of a conservative
force can be obtained from its potential energy
function using
Fx = –U/dx
Fy = –U/dy
• Follow Example 7.14 for a puck on a frictionless
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Energy diagrams
• An energy diagram is a
graph that shows both the
potential-energy function
U(x) and the total
mechanical energy E.
• Figure 7.23 illustrates the
energy diagram for a
glider attached to a spring
on an air track.
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Force and a graph of its potential-energy function
• Figure 7.24 below helps relate a force to a graph of its
corresponding potential-energy function.
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The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis.
The particle is initially at x = d
and moves in the negative xdirection. At which of the labeled
x-coordinates does the particle
have the greatest speed?
A. at x = a
B. at x = b
C. at x = c
E. more than one of the above
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D. at x = d
The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis.
The particle is initially at x = d
and moves in the negative xdirection. At which of the labeled
x-coordinates does the particle
have the greatest speed?
A. at x = a
B. at x = b
C. at x = c
E. more than one of the above
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D. at x = d
The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis.
The particle is initially at x = d
and moves in the negative xdirection. At which of the labeled
x-coordinates is the particle
slowing down?
A. at x = a
B. at x = b
C. at x = c
E. more than one of the above
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D. at x = d
The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis.
The particle is initially at x = d
and moves in the negative xdirection. At which of the labeled
x-coordinates is the particle
slowing down?
A. at x = a
B. at x = b
C. at x = c
E. more than one of the above
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D. at x = d
The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis. At which of the
labeled x-coordinates is there zero
force on the particle?
A. at x = a and x = c
B. at x = b only
C. at x = d only
D. at x = b and d
E. misleading question—there is a force at all values of x
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The graph shows the potential
energy U for a particle that moves
along the x-axis. At which of the
labeled x-coordinates is there zero
force on the particle?
A. at x = a and x = c
B. at x = b only
C. at x = d only
D. at x = b and d
E. misleading question—there is a force at all values of x
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