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Tuesday, January 5
DO NOW: What two countries were
leaders of the Age of Exploration
AND why?
Learning Target: I will
examine how
European Powers
divided and controlled
the world during the
Age of Exploration
Success Criteria
• I will complete my notes and complete
the writing portion of today.
European Powers dividing the
New World
Review- What European countries lead
the Age of Exploration?
Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement
between Spain and Portugal to clear up
any confusion about newly claimed land
in the New World
Treaty of Tordesillas
Imaginary line running North-South through MidAtlantic 100 leagues West of Cape Verde Islands
Portugal realizes the
boundary isn’t fair
• The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed
and agreed upon before Portugal
realizes how much land is west of the
boundary line. They request a
New boundary
The imaginary boundary line is then
pushed 370 leagues west of the Cape
Verde Islands.
• What area of South America is then
included into Portuguese territory?
Spain begins colonizing its New World
• Time Period: 1550s
• Queen Isabella declares Native
Americans (AKA at the time Indians) her
• Establishes a system of controlling the
native populations by granting Spanish
settlers in the Americas encomienda.
• Encomienda- the right of landowners to
use Native Americans as laborers
• What do you think are some problems
with the encomienda system?
Writing time!
Answer today’s question: How did
European Powers divide and control the
world during the Age of Exploration?
Problems with
• Holders of Encomienda were supposed
to protect Native Americans, but settlers
were far from Spain and ignored their
• Native Americans put to work on sugar
plantations and in the gold and silver
Quick Jot
In your notes, answer the
following question:
What is your favorite
Be sure to include every
ingredient that you can
think of:
example - taco: ground
beef (cow), seasoning
(India), tomatoes,
lettuce, onions, sour
cream (diary), cheese
• Today we will evaluate whether the
Columbian Exchange was overall a
good thing or a bad thing.
What was the
What was the
Columbian Exchange?
• Most significant event in the history of
world ecology, agriculture and culture
• Widespread exchange of:
• Plants, Animals, Foods
• Human Populations (including
• Communicable diseases
• Ideas between the Eastern and
Was it good or bad?
• You will decide if the
Columbian Exchange
was a net negative or a
net positive event in
world history.
What is from where?
• Draw a T chart on your paper
• Label one side “New World”
• Label the other side “Old World”
• As you see images of different food and
other things, decide if you think it came
from the New or Old World
• Write the name of the item on the
correct side of your T chart
Vanilla Bean
New World
Old World
Old World
New World
New World
Citrus- Old World
Tobacco- New World
Rice- Old World