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Data Models
Why data models are important
Basic data-modeling building blocks
What are business rules and how do they
influence database design
How the major data models evolved
How data models can be classified by level
of abstraction
Importance of Data Models
Data models
Representations, usually graphical, of complex
real-world data structures
Facilitate interaction among the designer, the
applications programmer and the end user
End-users have different views and needs
for data
Data model organizes data for various users
Data Model Basic Building Blocks
Anything about which data will be collected/stored
Characteristic of an entity
Describes an association among entities
One-to-one (1:1) relationship
One-to-many (1:M) relationship
Many-to-many (M:N or M:M) relationship
A restriction placed on the data
Business Rules
Brief, precise and unambiguous descriptions
of policies, procedures or principles within
the organization
Apply to any organization that stores and
uses data to generate information
Description of operations that help to create
and enforce actions within that
organization’s environment
Business Rules (continued)
Must be put in writing
Must be kept up to date
Sometimes external to the organization
Must be easy to understand and widely
Describe characteristics of the data as
viewed by the company
Discovering Business Rules
Company managers
Policy makers
Department managers
Written documentation
Operations manuals
Direct interviews with end users
Translating Business Rules
to Data Model Components
Standardize company’s view of data
Communication tool between users and designers
Allow designer to understand the nature, role and scope of
Allow designer to understand business processes
Allow designer to develop appropriate relationship
participation rules and constraints
Promote creation of an accurate data model
Nouns translate into entities
Verbs translate into relationships among entities
Relationships are bi-directional
The Evolution of Data Models
We will look briefly at each Model Type
The Hierarchical Model
Developed in 1960s to manage large amounts of data for complex
manufacturing projects
Logical structure represented as an upside-down “tree”
Hierarchical structure contains levels or segments
Depicts a set of one-to-many (1:M) relationships
Between a parent and it’s children segments
Each parent can have many children
each child has only one parent
Hierarchical Model
Many features form the foundation for current data
Generated a large installed base of programmers
Who developed solid business applications
Complex to implement
Difficult to manage
Lacks structural independence
Implementation limitations
Lack of standards (Company vs Industry or Open)
The Network Model
Resembles hierarchical model
Difference child can have multiple parents
Collection of records in 1:M relationships
Set – Relationship of at least two record types
Owner – Equivalent to the hierarchical model’s parent
Member – Equivalent to the hierarchical model’s child
Network Model Terms
Enables database administrator to define schema components
Subschema Data Definition Language (DDL)
Defines database as “seen” by the application programs
Schema Data Definition Language (DDL)
Conceptual organization of entire database
As viewed by the database administrator
Allows applications to define database components to be used
Data Management Language (DML)
Defines the environment in which data can be managed
Works with the data in the database
Network Model
Represents complex data relationships better than Hierarchical
Improved database performance
Impose a database “industry” standard
Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL)
Database Task Group (DBTG)
Too cumbersome
Lack of “ad hoc” query capability
Put heavy pressure on programmers
Any structural change in the database could produce havoc in all
application programs that drew data from the database
The Relational Model
Conceptually simple – Linked Tables
Developed by Edgar F. Codd (IBM 1970 )
Considered ingenious but impractical in 1970
Computers lacked power to implement the relational model
Today’s PCs run sophisticated relational databases
Relational Model – Tables
Also called relations
Matrix of row and column intersections
Stores a collection of similar entities
Resembles a file or spreadsheet
Purely logical structure
How data are physically stored is of no concern to the
user or the designer
The source of a real database revolution
Relational Model – Relational Diagram
Representation of
relational database’s
Entities (Tables)
Attributes within those
entities (Fields)
Relationships between
those entities (Links)
Relational Model – RDBMS
Relational Database Management System
All the system components
Performs same basic functions as
User interface
Method of querying the tables
Hierarchical and
Network DBMS models
Plus many other functions
Most important –hides the complexities of the
relational model from the user
The Relational Model – SQL
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Allows ad hoc queries – questions of the data
User can specify what must be done without
specifying how it must be done
Dominance due in great part to its powerful and
flexible query language
SQL-based relational database application:
User interface
A set of tables stored in the database
SQL engine
Entity Relationship Model (ERM)
Introduced by Peter Chen in 1976
Widely accepted and adapted graphical tool for
data modeling
Graphical representation of entities and their
relationships in a database structure
Entity Relationship Model – Terms
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Graphic representations to model database components
Entity is mapped to a relational table
Entity instance (or occurrence) – A row in table
Entity set (table) – Collection of like entities
Connectivity labels
Diamond connected to related entities through a relationship line
Types of relationships
ERM Notation Symbols
Three symbols to represent element relationships
Ring represents "zero"
Dash represents "one"
Crow's foot represents "more" or "many"
Used in pairs to represent the four types of relationships
Ring and dash → zero or one
Dash and dash → exactly one
Ring and crow's foot → zero or more
Dash and crow's foot → one or more
The Object Oriented (OO) Model
Models both data and their relationships in a single
structure known as an object
Object described by its factual content
Like relational model’s entity
Includes info about relationships between facts within
object and relationships with other objects
Unlike relational model’s entity
Object Oriented Model – Terms
Object-oriented data model (OODM)
Object – abstraction of a real-world entity
Basic building block for autonomous structures
Attributes – properties of an object
Class - objects that share similar
Semantic data model
Basis of object-oriented database management system (OODBMS)
Evolved to allow an object to also contain all operations
Classes are organized in a class hierarchy
Inheritance – an object within the class hierarchy inherits
the attributes and methods of class
Extended Relational Data Model (ERDM)
Semantic data model
Developed in response to increasing complexity
of applications
Based heavily on relational model
Primarily geared to business applications
Relational DB response to OODM
Typically scientific or engineering apps
Object/relational database management
system (O/RDBMS)
DBMS based on the ERDM
Object Role Modeling (ORM)
Not to be confused with Object-relational mapping
Provides a conceptual approach to modeling
Models the application area or universe of discourse (UoD)
Simplifies design process with natural language and intuitive diagrams
Can be populated with examples
Evolved from the Natural language Information Analysis Method
Relevant set of entities that are being dealt with by quantifiers
Requires a good understanding of the UoD
Means of specifying this understanding in a clear, unambiguous way
G. M. Nijssen and Dr. Terry Halpin first joint papers in 1989
Capable of capturing many business rules typically unsupported in
other popular data modeling notations
Software tool support include Microsoft Visio for Enterprise
Architects, CaseTalk, Infagon and NORMA
Database Models and the Internet
Internet drastically changed role and scope of
database market
Growing need to manage unstructured information
The data found in today’s:
Online documents
Web pages
Most modern DBMS incorporate Internet-age
technologies such as Extended Markup Language
(XML) support
Data Models: Summary
Each new data model capitalized on the
shortcomings of previous models
Common characteristics:
Conceptual simplicity without compromising the
semantic completeness of the database
Represent the real world as closely as possible
Representation of real-world transformations (behavior)
must comply with consistency and integrity
characteristics of any data model
Data Models: Summary
Degrees of Data Abstraction
Way of classifying data models
Many processes begin at high level of abstraction
Proceed to an ever-increasing level of detail
Designing a usable database follows the same
basic process
Degrees of Data Abstraction
American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)
Standards Planning and
Requirements Committee
Developed standards 1970
Framework for data modeling
based on degrees of data
The External Model
Each end users’ view of the data environment
Modeler subdivides requirements and constraints into
functional (Business unit’s) modules
These can be examined within the framework of their external
External Model – Advantages
Easy to identify specific data required to support
each business unit’s operations
Facilitates designer’s job by providing feedback
about the model’s adequacy
Creation of external models helps to identify and
ensure security constraints in the database design
Simplifies application program development
The Conceptual Model (1 of 2)
Global view of the entire database
Representation of data as viewed by the entire organization
Basis for identification and high-level description of main
data objects, avoiding details
The Conceptual Model (2 of 2)
Software and hardware independent
Independent of DBMS software
Independent of hardware to be used
Changes in either hardware or DBMS
software have no effect on the database
design at the conceptual level
Most widely used conceptual model is
the Entity Relationship (ER) model
Provides a relatively easily understood
macro level view of data environment
The Internal Model
The database as “seen” by the DBMS
Maps the conceptual model to the DBMS
Depicts a specific representation of an internal model
Logical independence
Can change the internal model without affecting the conceptual
The Physical Model
Lowest level of abstraction
Software and hardware dependent
Describes the way data are saved on
storage media such as disks or tapes
Requires database designers to have a
detailed knowledge of the hardware and
software used to implement database
Physical independence
Can change the physical model without
affecting the internal model
Degrees of Data Abstraction - Summary