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Introduction to Business
Information Systems
Mark Huber, Craig Piercy, Patrick McKeown,
and James Norrie
Tech Guide D:
The Details of SQL, Data Modelling,
and XML
Using SQL to Query Relational
 The primary function of a database is to
enable people to obtain information from it in
a usable form using __________ (questions)
 To query a relational database, many use
__________ Query __________ (SQL),
which is a computer language for
manipulating data in a relational database.
 SQL queries also enable database users to
add ____________ records, or
____________ or ____________ records in a
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Important Terms
 __________ key: a field that holds a unique
value for each record in a table.
 __________ key: the primary key from
another table that is in the current table.
 ______________: another name for a table in
a relational database.
 ______________: another name for a record
in a relational database table.
 ______________: another name for a field in
a relational database table.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Querying a Single Table Database
 To query a single table database, we use an
SQL statement of the form:
__________ fields FROM tables
__________ fields match query condition
Where the __________________ keyword
designates which fields to display as a result
of the query
the ________________ keyword designates
which tables to search
the ____________________ keyword
specifies the search criteria, or query
condition, to use in finding records.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Other Query Keywords
 In addition to the _______________ keyword,
there are a number of other keywords that we
can use to:
 __________ a table
 __________ new records in a table
 __________ records from a table
 __________ one or more records in a table
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Using SQL to Display Specific
 The SQL to display all of the table, that is, all
fields for all of the records is:
 To display only a _____________ of the
fields, the standard form of this query is
(where queries can run on to the next line):
SELECT FieldName1, FieldName2, …
FROM TableName
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Displaying Selected Fields for
Matching Records
 In many cases, we may only want to display selected
fields for records that match some condition.
 To do this, we need to use the _________________
keyword followed by some query condition involving
one of six comparison operators:
 ___________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 plus a fieldname and a value.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Using the LIKE Operator
 Using the ________________ sign in a
SELECT query looks for an exact match.
 To look for an “_____________________” the
LIKE operator is appropriate.
 The LIKE operator uses the _____________
character as a replacement for unknown or
non-existing characters in attempting to find
matches to a group of characters.
 The wildcard character is usually either the
___________ or the ___________________
 The general form of this type of query is:
SELECT FieldName1,Fieldname2,… FROM
TableName WHERE FieldName LIKE ‘*value*’
Inserting, Deleting, or Changing
 To insert a record into a table, you would use an
SQL statement of the form: __________ INTO
TableName Values (value1, value2, …)
 To delete an existing record from a database
table, you would use an SQL statement of the
form: __________ FROM TableName WHERE
FieldName = value
 To change values in a row of a database, you
can use the UPDATE and SET keywords in the
form: ____________ TableName SET
FieldName1 = value WHERE FieldName2 =
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Using Aggregate Functions in SQL
 SQL can be used to compute certain values in
the table using five different aggregate functions:
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
 In each case, you must use a _______________
field name for the result of the computation.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Using Logical Modelling to Create a
Relational Database
 Most relational databases include many
tables, not just one, to avoid
 Problems caused by redundancy, typically
referred to as _______________, can harm
the integrity of the database records.
 To create relational databases that avoid
these problems,
_____________________________ is used.
 The first step in logical modeling is to create
an __________ Diagram (ERD)
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Example ERDs
 A ________________
relationship with one
vendor selling many
 A ________________
relationship with no
primary key–foreignkey relationship. Many
customers buy many
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Relational Data Models
 The next step after creating an ERD is to
convert it into a corresponding
(see Figure D.10 on page 506 of your text).
 Note that the relational diamond is replaced
by a “_______________________”
representing the “many” end of the
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Querying Multitable Databases
 The most common operation in querying
multitable databases is the ______________
operation in which we create one table from
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Creating Views
 In most database systems, ______________
can be saved and reused.
 A saved query is often referred to as a
 A query can be saved as a view for reasons
of __________________. By creating a view
only showing fields that we want others to
see, we can protect confidential information in
the data, such as customer information.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Using XML
 For many years companies have been using
a system known as
______________________________ (EDI)
to share data and resources over the Web
 With the rapid growth of the Internet,
organizations have turned to the use of
_____________ as a way of carrying out the
same processes
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.
Setting Up an XML Document
 The first step to creating an XML file is to
decide which ____________ to use to
describe the data
 Each _______________ tag must have an
________________ tag
 It is a good idea to provide a formal definition
of all the data elements in the XML file. This
can be done in one of two ways—using the
____________________________ method
or the ________________________ method.
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these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.
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