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The Adventure of LINQ
(Language Integrated Query)
Presented by:
Richard Broida
Senior Architect
Bennett Adelson
Visual Studio 2005 Team System
• Coming to Cleveland!
February 22, 2006
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Right Here
Sign Up:
• Event Code: 1032288761
Bennett Adelson
LINQ’s Quest: Make Queries Easier
Hello, LINQ
LINQ Internals
DLINQ: Using LINQ with Relational Data
XLINQ: Using LINQ with XML
Resources on the Web
Bennett Adelson
LINQ’s Quest: Make Queries Easier
• Make query syntax part of the
programming language
• Use the same query syntax for all types
of data
– Relational, hierarchical, or flat
– Persistent or in-memory
• Make query input and output always
• Provide full tool support in IDE
Bennett Adelson
Back to the Future
• In 1991 FoxPro 2.0 had SQL SELECT,
INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE integrated
into the language
– No “command” object: just write the query
– SQL statements could incorporate FoxPro
expressions and functions and/or userdefined functions at will
– Database data types were exactly the same
as language data types
– SELECT produced a table that knew its
column names, data types and sizes
Bennett Adelson
.NET 2.0 Still Hasn’t Caught Up with
FoxPro 2.0
• SQL isn’t part of your .NET language
– No compile-time type checking
– No IntelliSense
– Set-based approach of SQL is foreign to procedural
• Queries return typeless DataReaders and DataTables
– Column names aren’t part of the object
• Must identify by string or numeric index
– Must cast column value to correct data type and size
• Persisting objects to tables requires application code
– Write it manually, or
– Use code generator, or
– Use runtime O/R mapper
Bennett Adelson
What You Are -> How You Query
• Collections
– Index Looping
– IEnumerable (For … Each looping)
– Sort() and Find() methods
• Relational Data
• Active Directory
• Etc …
Bennett Adelson
The Realms of LINQ
• System.Query namespace
– Provides default implementation of standard query
operators for IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T>
– Uses in-memory iterators
• System.Data.DLinq namespace
– Translates standard query operators into SQL that
executes on database server
• System.Data.XLinq namespace
– A new XML API that supports LINQ as alternative to
XPath and XQuery
• Third Party Extensions
– Further specialization of standard query operators
– Creation of new query operators
Bennett Adelson
Hello, LINQ
Bennett Adelson
History of LINQ
• Conceived by Anders Hejlsberg, creator
of C#
• September 2005 – First technology
preview for C# 2.0 (Beta 2) released at
• November 2005 – Update of PDC CTP
for C# 2.0 RTM
• January 2006 – First technology
preview for Visual Basic 8.0 RTM
• ??? – Future CTPs, Betas and RTM
Bennett Adelson
Getting LINQ
• Download latest version from
• As of 2/14/2005, the latest versions are
– C#: November 2005 Technology Preview
– VB: January 2006 Technology Preview
– Both require
• WinXP SP2
• RTM of VS.NET 2005 (or C#/VB Express)
• RTM of SQL Server 2005 (or Express)
– Don’t install on a working box! Use a VM if possible.
• C# IDE integration doesn’t install by default.
See instructions in ReadMe.htm
– Make sure Options - Project Templates are set to
default locations under My Documents
Bennett Adelson
Creating a LINQ Project in Visual
• With the current CTPs, you can only use
LINQ in Visual Studio if you create a
LINQ Project
• Behind the scenes, this causes VS to
use a special LINQ-enabled compiler
Bennett Adelson
Hello, LINQ in C#
using System.Query;
int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
var lowNums =
from n in numbers
where n < 5
select n;
foreach (var num in lowNums ) {
Bennett Adelson
Hello, LINQ in VB
Option Strict On
Imports System.Query
Dim numbers as Integer() = _
{ 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }
Dim lowNums = _
Select n _
From n In numbers _
Where n < 5
For Each num In lowNums
Bennett Adelson
In C# SELECT and FROM Reversed
They Are
• In C# 3.0, the IDE still doesn’t do
background compilation, so it has to
parse code line-by-line
– Putting SELECT before FROM would prevent
IntelliSense from knowing what can be
• Visual Basic can put SELECT first
because its IDE supports background
Bennett Adelson
Standard Query Operators
• These work similarly to their SQL
Bennett Adelson
Positional Query Operators
• First/FirstOrDefault
– Returns first element satisfying a predicate
• ElementAt
– Returns element at a numeric position
• Take/Skip
– Returns all elements before/after a numeric position
• TakeWhile/SkipUntil
– Returns elements while predicate satisfied
• Reverse
– Returns elements in reverse order
• Range
– Returns subset of elements in a range
Bennett Adelson
Set Based Query Operators
• Combine two sets of elements
– Union
• Returns all distinct elements in both sets
– Intersection
• Returns only elements belonging to both sets
– Except
• Returns elements in Set A but not in Set B
– Repeat
• Returns multiple copies of a set of elements
– Distinct
• Removes duplicate elements
Bennett Adelson
Projection: Creating New Types To
Hold Query Results
• The result of the query can be an IEnumerable<T> of a
new type custom-created to hold the data
int[] digits = { 0, 1, 2 };
string[] stooges = { “Moe”, “Larry”, “Curly” };
var v = from n in digits
select new { Index = n, Name = stooges[n] };
foreach ( var stooge in v )
Console.WriteLine( “Stooge {0} is {1}”,
stooge.Index, stooge.Name )
Bennett Adelson
Projection That Creates a Nested
1-Many Collection
• A query can be nested inside another query to produce a 1Many Collection
var q = from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select new {
OrderDates = (
from o in c.Orders
select o.OrderDate)
.Take(5) };
foreach( var c in q ) {
Console.WriteLine( c.CompanyName );
foreach( od in c.OrderDates )
Console.WriteLine( od )
Bennett Adelson
What Can You Query with LINQ?
• Any object that implements IEnumerable<T>
– Single-dimension arrays
– List<T>
– Etc
• Any object that implements non-generic
– Use OfType<T> extension method to convert it to
ArrayList objectList = GetAnArrayList();
IEnumerable<int> ints = objectList.OfType<int>;
IEnumerable<int> smallInts = = ints.Where<int>(
i => i < 5 );
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Queries Are Lazy
• Assigning a query to an IEnumerable<T>
variable doesn’t execute the query
• When user iterates over members of the
collection, each query operator executes as
many times as needed to retrieve the next
– Hence the data can change while elements are still
being retrieved
• Use .ToList<T> or .ToArray<T> to force
iteration over the entire query in one
– Creates a snapshot copy of the original data
Bennett Adelson
Modifying a Query Before Execution
• Since execution is deferred, query can be
modified any number of times before iteration
var v = from city in cities
where city.Name.Length > 3
select city
if (orderAscending)
v = from city in v
orderBy city.Name
select city
foreach (city in v) { …
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Internals
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Internals
• LINQ is built from language features that are
useful in their own right
– .NET 2.0 Features
Anonymous Methods
Static Classes
SQL Data Types
– New Language Features
• Compile-Time Type Inference
• Object and Array Initializers
• Anonymous Types
• Extension Methods
• Lambda Expressions
• Expression Trees
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Is a Compiler Technology
• LINQ depends on compiler and library
technology, not CLR innovations
– The current CTPs run on the standard .NET
2.0 CLR
• At least theoretically LINQ could RTM
before the .NET 3.0 CLR
• Each compiler implements LINQ
differently, if at all
Bennett Adelson
Compile-Time Type Inference
No need to declare a variable’s type
VB late binding requires Option Strict Off and Object variable
dim o as Object = “World”
o = 123
‘ no error
– Compiler infers it from the object assigned to it
– Because the type inference happens at compile time, this is still 100% typesafe
var v = “Hello”;
v = 42;
var w;
// v is type string
// ERROR, type mismatch
// ERROR, what type is it?
dim v = “Hello”
v = 123
dim w
‘ v is type String
‘ ERROR, type mismatch
‘ ERROR, even if Option Strict Off
Bennett Adelson
Object Initializers
• Allow creation of an object and initialization of its public data
in one line of code, without calling a multi-argument
• Used to create objects in lambda expressions and expression
• C#
Class Person {
public string Name;
public int Age;
Person p = new Person { Name = “Ralph”, Age = 23 };
• VB
Dim p = New Person { .Name = “Ralph”, .Age = 23 }
Bennett Adelson
Array Initializers
Person[] people =
“Bill”, Age = 42},
“Namita”, Age = 29},
“Juan”, Age = 47},
“Alice”, Age = 31},
“Al”, Age = 22},
Bennett Adelson
Anonymous Types
• Compiler creates a type that matches the
arguments used in an initializer
• Type has only public fields, no methods
• C#
var p = new { Name = “Ralph”, Age = 23 };
• VB
Dim p = New { .Name = “Ralph”, .Age = 23 }
Bennett Adelson
Anonymous Types and Type Safety
• Though unnamed in the source code, the type
is fully defined in the IL, so there is no loss of
type safety or IDE tool support
– However, the type cannot be referenced outside its
var fred = new { Name = "Fred", Age = 23 };
var barney = new { Name = "Barney", Age = 24 };
fred = barney;
// OK, types are the same
fred = 42;
// ERROR, type mismatch
Bennett Adelson
Projection: Creating Anonymous
Types Out of Other Types
var customer = {
Name = “Fred Blogs”, Zip = “44125” };
var product = {
Name = “Widget”, Price = 16.99 };
var order = { customer.Name,
Product = product.Name,
Quantity = 12 };
“Customer: {0}, Product: {1}, Total: {2}”,
order.Name, order.Product,
order.Price x order.Quantity );
Bennett Adelson
Extension Methods
• The Problem: How to add a method to a
type you don’t control and can’t
– Example: How to add Standard Query
Operators to IEnumerable<T>, without
deriving a new interface?
• Solution: Extension methods aren’t
really members of the target type, but
the syntax makes them look that way
– Compile-time type safety is preserved
Bennett Adelson
Creating Extension Methods
• Define a Static Class
• Define a static method whose first argument is
an object of type T
• [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension]
attribute on first parameter tells CLR the
method is an Extension
– C# binds the attribute to keyword “this”
• Create a T object, and call the method as if it
were a member of the object
• When the compiler fails to find the method
among T’s members, it searches for an
extension method in scope with matching
name and signature
Bennett Adelson
Extension Method in C#
public static class StringExtender
const string vowels = "aeiouy";
// keyword “this” indicates the CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute
public static string NoVowels( this string s ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach ( char c in s )
if ( -1 == vowels.IndexOf(c) )
return sb.ToString();
static void Main(){
string s = "abcde";
// string appears to have a NoVowels() method
Console.WriteLine( s.NoVowels() );
// outputs “bcd”
Bennett Adelson
Extension Method in VB
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Module StringExtender
Const vowels As String = "aeiouy"
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function NoVowels(ByVal [Me] As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
For Each Dim c As Char In [Me]
If -1 = vowels.IndexOf(c) Then
End If
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
End Module
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Implements Standard Query
Operators As Extension Methods
namespace System.Query {
public static class Sequence {
public static IEnumerable<T> Where<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, bool> predicate)
foreach (T item in source)
if (predicate(item))
yield return item;
Bennett Adelson
Replacing LINQ Extension Methods
• Extension Methods have lower priority of resolution than
type members
– So if a type has a member with same signature as a LINQ
extension method, the type’s member will be called, and
there is no ambiguity
class MyList : IEnumerable<int> {
public IEnumerable<int> Where(
Func<int,bool> filter) {
// LINQ queries on MyList objects will call this
// instead of Sequence.Where()
• This is how DLINQ and XLINQ replace the default LINQ
implementations of the Standard Query Operators
Bennett Adelson
Lambda Expressions
• Extends .NET 2.0 Anonymous Methods with
even simpler syntax
– Like anonymous methods, there’s no need to call an
existing method on a type
– Like anonymous methods, local variables stay in
scope when the lambda expression executes
– No need for “delegate” keyword
– No need to restate the parameter types
– Syntax:
parameters => expression
• As of February 2006, C# supports lambda
expressions, but VB does not and may never
Bennett Adelson
Comparing Delegates, Anonymous
Methods and Lambda Expressions
class LotsOfUppers {
delegate string MyDelegate(string s);
private static string MyFunc(string s) {return s.ToUpper();}
static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine( MyFunc(“Calling a Function”);
MyDelegate del;
del = new MyDelegate( MyFunc );
Console.WriteLine( del(“Calling a .NET 1.0 Delegate") );
del = delegate( string s ) { return s.ToUpper(); };
Console.WriteLine( del(“Calling a .NET 2.0 Anonymous Method") );
del = s => s.ToUpper() ;
Console.WriteLine( del(“Calling a .NET 3.0 Lambda Expression") );
Bennett Adelson
Parameters to Lambda Expressions
• Implicitly typed parameter
– Parentheses optional for single implicitly typed parameter
x => x + 1
(x) => x + 1
• Explicitly typed parameter
(int x) => x + 1
int x => x + 1
//ERROR, no parens
• Implicitly typed, multiple parameters
(x, y) => x * y
x, y => x * y
//ERROR, no parens
• No parameters
– Not supported in current CTP
() => Console.WriteLine()
Bennett Adelson
Lambda Body Can Be Single
Expression or Statement Block
• Expression body
x => x + 1
• Statement block body
x => { return x + 1; }
– Statement body can have arbitrarily many lines
– As of February 2006, the current CTP does not
support statement bodies in lambdas. You must use
.NET 2.0 anonymous methods instead.
• Only expression body lambdas can compile
into expression trees
Bennett Adelson
Hello, LINQ With Explicit Lamba
using System.Query;
int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
var lowNums =
.Where(n => n < 5)
.Select (n => n);
Bennett Adelson
Expression Trees
• When compiled as a delegate, lambda
expression produces IL code just like a classic
delegate or anonymous method
– In that case, only benefit is simpler syntax
• Or, lambda expression can be compiled to an
expression tree
– An efficient in-memory data structure that makes the
structure of the expression transparent and explicit
– This allows the expression to be evaluated, copied
and modified without using reflection
– DLINK uses expression trees to construct SQL
statements that can execute on database server
Bennett Adelson
Expression Tree Example
delegate bool MyDelegate(int i);
MyDelegate il = n => n < 5;
Console.WriteLine( il(7));
// OK, il is an executable delegate
Expression<MyDelegate> ex = n => n > 4;
Console.WriteLine( ex(7) ); // ERROR, ex not executable
BinaryExpression body = (BinaryExpression)ex.Body;
ParameterExpression left = (ParameterExpression)body.Left;
ConstantExpression right = (ConstantExpression)body.Right;
Console.WriteLine( "BODY: {0}, LEFT: {1}, RIGHT: {2}",
body, left, right );
// BODY: GT(n, 4), LEFT: n, RIGHT: 4
Bennett Adelson
Types of Expression Tree Nodes
Bennett Adelson
Bennett Adelson
DLINQ: Using LINQ with Relational
• DLINQ is the next version of ADO.NET
• DLINQ supports “class-first” design
– Write classes
– Use attributes to map classes to tables and
properties to columns
• DLINQ supports both data retrieval and
• Currently DLINQ only supports SQL
Server 2005
Bennett Adelson
How DLINQ Works
• DLINQ does not execute queries; the
database server does
– DLINQ queries are compiled to expression
trees rather than IL
– At runtime DLINQ parses the expression
trees, constructs equivalent T-SQL
statements, and sends them to the server
• Statements are not executed as SQL/CLR
– Thus .NET expressions that cannot translate
to T-SQL are disallowed
• Can’t call .NET functions with no T-SQL equivalent
Bennett Adelson
Attribute-Based DLINQ Mapping
class Customer
public string CustomerID;
public string City;
public string PostalCode;
Bennett Adelson
The DataContext
• Like an xxxConnection in ADO.NET, the DataContext
class binds table objects to a database connection
– By making the tables members of a DataContext subclass,
the binding takes place transparently
class NorthWind : DataContext
public Table<Customer> Customers;
public Table<Order> Orders;
public NorthWind( string connection )
: base( connection ) {}
Bennett Adelson
Hello, DLINQ
NorthWind db = new NorthWind(
connectonString );
var londonCustomers =
from c in db.Customers
where c.City = “London”
select c;
foreach ( Customer c in londonCustomers ) {
Console.WriteLine( c.ContactName ); }
Bennett Adelson
When Does the Query Go to the
• In the previous example, the query
goes to the database at the first
iteration of the foreach loop
– All the rows come back, so subsequent
iterations retrieve the data from memory
• If the same query is iterated in a
second foreach loop, the query will go
to the database a second time
– To prevent this, copy the result of the query
with ToList<T>() or ToArray<T>() and
iterate over the copy
Bennett Adelson
Declaring Parent-Child Relationship
public class Customer
public string CustomerID;
private EntitySet<Order> _Orders;
public EntitySet<Order> Orders
get { return this._Orders; }
set { this._Orders.Assign(value); }
Bennett Adelson
Declaring Child-Parent Relationship
public class Order
public int OrderID;
public string CustomerID;
private EntityRef<Customer> _Customer;
[Association(Storage="_Customer", ThisKey="CustomerID")]
public Customer Customer
get { return this._Customer.Entity; }
set { this._Customer.Entity = value; }
Bennett Adelson
Attribute-Based Joins
// parent to children
var q =
from c in db.Customers, o in c.Orders
where c.City == "London“
select new { c, o };
// child to parent
var q =
from o in db.Orders
where o.Customer.City == "London“
select new { c = o.Customer, o };
Bennett Adelson
Controlling How Much Joined Data
To Retrieve
• By default, a DLINQ query only retrieves what
is requested in Select clause.
• Use .Including() method to retrieve data for
related objects at same time
var q = (
from c in db.Customers
where c.City == “London”
select c)
.Including(c => c.Orders);
Bennett Adelson
Executing Part of a Query on
Database Server and Part Locally
• .ToSequence() tells DLINK to run the query on the
database server up to that point, then run the rest of
the query locally
var q =
from c in db.Customers
where c.City == “London”
select new { c.ContactName, c.Phone };
// can’t call these functions on database server
var q2 =
from c in q.ToSequence()
select new MyType {
Name = DoNameProcessing(c.ContactName),
Phone = DoPhoneProcessing(c.Phone) };
Bennett Adelson
Updating the Database
• DataContext tracks changes to Tables in memory.
• SubmitChanges() submits them to database.
Northwind db = new Northwind("northwnd.mdf");
var cust = db.Customers.First(c => c.ID == “ACKE");
cust.ContactName = "New Contact";
Order order = cust.Orders[0];
order = new Order { OrderId = 12345 };
Bennett Adelson
The SQLMetal Utility
• Command line utility provided with current
CTP to automate creation of annotated entity
classes to match a database schema
SqlMetal /server:.\SQLExpress
Bennett Adelson
Bennett Adelson
XLINQ: Using LINQ with XML
• Intended to be a complete XML API with
all features of WC3 DOM
– Simpler and more efficient
• Integrates XML with other data sources
supported by LINQ
• Still supports traditional DOM-style
Bennett Adelson
XLINQ (XElement) vs. DOM
• XElement needn’t be part of a “document” object
– An XDocument can be created if needed, but XElements
can exist without it
• XElement.Name property doesn’t include a namespace
– XLINQ resolves namespaces and prefixes at serialization
• Leaf elements can be cast directly into data
int age = (int)xAge;
int age = (int)xAge.InnerText; //DOM
• XElement.ToString() outputs the underlying XML
– doh!
Bennett Adelson
Creating XML in Memory with WC3
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement name = doc.CreateElement("name");
name.InnerText = “Fred Blogs";
XmlElement phone1 = doc.CreateElement("phone");
phone1.SetAttribute("type", "home");
phone1.InnerText = "206-555-0144";
XmlElement postal = doc.CreateElement("postal");
postal.InnerText = "68042";
XmlElement address = doc.CreateElement("address");
XmlElement contact = doc.CreateElement("contact");
XmlElement contacts = doc.CreateElement("contacts");
Bennett Adelson
Creating XML in Memory with XLINQ
in C#
XElement contacts =
new XElement("contacts",
new XElement("contact",
new XElement("name", “Fred Blogs"),
new XElement("phone", "206-555-0144",
new XAttribute("type", "home")),
new XElement("phone", "425-555-0145",
new XAttribute("type", "work")),
new XElement("address",
new XElement("street1", "123 Main St"),
new XElement("city", "Mercer Island"),
new XElement("state", "WA"),
new XElement("postal", "68042")
This is accomplished thanks to the XElement constructor:
public XElement(XName name, params object[] contents)
Bennett Adelson
Traditional XML Programming with
Populate from a string using XElement.Parse(), or from a file,
XmlReader or TextReader using XElement.Load()
XDocument doc = XElement.Load(@"c:\myContactList.xml");
Traverse the object hierarchy and manipulate contents
XElement contacts = doc.Element(“root”).Element(“contacts”);
foreach ( XElement contact in contacts.Content() )
if ( “Joe” == (string)contact.Element(“name”)
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Query on XLINQ Object
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("customers.xml");
var query =
from c in
.Value == "Germany"
select c;
foreach (XElement result in query)
Bennett Adelson
Casting and Filtering on an Attribute
string xml = "<order >" +
"<item price='150'>Motor</item>" +
"<item price='50'>Cable</item>" +
"<item price='50'>Modem</item>" +
"<item price='250'>Monitor</item>" +
"<item price='10'>Mouse</item>" +
XElement order = XElement.Parse(xml);
var query =
i in order.Elements("item")
(int)i.Attribute("price") > 100
select i;
foreach(var result in query)
Console.WriteLine("Expensive Item {0} costs {1}",
Bennett Adelson
Transforms with XLINQ
XDocument doc =XDocument.Load("customers.xml");
var header =new [] {
new XElement("th", "customer id"),
new XElement("th", "contact name")};
var rows =
customer in doc.Descendants("Customers")
(decimal)customer.Element(“salesYTD”) > 500,000
new XElement("tr",
new XElement("td", (string)customer.Attribute("CustomerID")),
new XElement("td", (string)customer.Element("Contact")));
XElement html = new XElement("html",
new XElement("table", header, rows));
Bennett Adelson
XLINQ Enhancement for VB Only:
XML Literals
• VB can create XElements in memory with XElement
constructors, same as in C#
Dim contacts As XElement = _
New XElement("contacts", _
New XElement("contact", _
New XElement("name", “Fred Blogs"), _
New XElement("phone", "206-555-0144", _
New XAttribute("type", "home")), _
New XElement("phone", "425-555-0145", _
New XAttribute("type", "work")), _
New XElement("address", _
New XElement("street1", "123 Main St"), _
New XElement("city", "Mercer Island"), _
New XElement("state", "WA"), _
New XElement("postal", "98040"))))
Bennett Adelson
Creating an XElement from an XML
Wouldn’t you rather do this?
Dim contacts As XElement = _
<name>Fred Blogs</name>
<phone type="home">206-555-0144</phone>
<phone type="work">425-555-0145</phone>
<street1>123 Main St</street1>
<city>Mercer Island</city>
Compiler converts this to same code as previous slide
No need for line continuation characters within the XML
Bennett Adelson
VB XML Literals Can Contain
Expressions Evaluated at Runtim
Element Value from Variable
Dim name As XElement =
Element Value from Function Call
Dim name As XElement =
Attribute Value from Variable
Dim phone as XElement =
<phone type=(someVariable)>234-5678</phone>
Element Name from Variable
Dim contact as XElement =
Bennett Adelson
Embedding XLINQ Query Inside XML
Dim contacts as XElement = _
_Select _
< %>
From c In contacts
Bennett Adelson
XLINQ Enhancement for VB Only:
Late Bound XML
• VB can apply three XPath-style
navigational operators to an XElement
– Child axis operator: “.”
– Descendants axis operator: “…”
– Attribute axis operator: “@”
• This makes the syntax simpler than the
index-based XElement methods
– However, VB applies these operators at
runtime using late binding, so their use is
not type-safe
Bennett Adelson
Late Bound XML Example
For Each Dim phone In
• … which is equivalent to
For Each Dim phone In Contact.Element("phone")
Console.WriteLine( _
Bennett Adelson
Schema-Aware XLINQ?
• Current XLINQ CTPs are unaware of XML
structure at compile time
– Nodes must be located at run time using indexes,
and values must be cast to correct data type
string zip = (string)name.Element(“zip”)
• Microsoft is investigating possibility of using
XML Schemas at compile time/design time to
construct “strongly typed” XML objects
string zip =
Bennett Adelson
The Adventure Continues!
Bennett Adelson
LINQ Resources on the Web
• LINQ Official Site
• Barry Gervin’s LINQ Resources
Bennett Adelson
Bennett Adelson