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Keyword Searching and Browsing
in Databases using BANKS
Seoyoung Ahn
Mar 3, 2005
The University of Texas at Arlington
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
 Searching for the best answers
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Search engines on Web have popularized an
unstructured querying and browsing
Simple and user-friendly
Users just type in keywords and follow hyperlink
 Relational databases are commonly searched using
structured query language
Users need to know the schema
 Keyword searching techniques cannot be used on
data stored in databases
It often splits across the tables/tuples due to normalization
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 BANKS (Browsing And Keyword
 a system which enables keyword-based search on
relational databases, together with data and schema
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 BANKS (Browsing And Keyword
 a framework for keyword querying of relational
 a novel and efficient heuristic algorithm for executing
keyword queries
 key features of BANKS system
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
Informal Model
Formal Model
Query and Answer Model
 Searching for the best answers
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Informal Model
 Model Description
each tuple in db
Seoyoung Ahn
directed graph
node in the graph
directed edge
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 The Schema
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 A Fragment of the Database
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Informal Model(cond.)
 An answer to a query should be a subgraph
connecting nodes matching the keywords.
 The importance of a link depends upon the type of
the link i.e. what relations it connects and on its
 Ignoring directionality would cause problems because
of “hubs” which are connected to a large numbers of
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Formal Database Model
Nodes and edges
 Node Weight : N(u)
Depends on the prestige
Set the node prestige = the indegree of the node
Nodes that have multiple pointers to them get a higher
Node score N = root node weight
+ ∑ leaf node weight
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Formal Database Model (Cond.)
 Edge Weights
Some pupluar tuples can be connected many other
tuples  Edge with forward and backward edge weights
Weight of a forward link = the strength of the proximity
relationship between two tuples
(set to 1 by default)
Weight of a backward link = indegree of edges pointing
to the node
Total edge weight = ∑ edge weights
Edge score E = 1 / Total edge weight
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Formal Database Model (Cond.)
 Overall relevance score
= Node weights + Edge Weight
Normalize in the range [0,1]
 Combine using weighting factor 
Additive: (1- ) E + N;
multiplicative: E * N
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Query and Answer Model
 Query
A set of keywords e.g.{k1,k2,…kn}
A set of nodes Si = {S1,S2,…Sn}
Locate nodes matching search terms t1,t2,…tn
 Answer Model
A rooted directed tree connecting keyword nodes
 Relevance score of an answer tree
Relevance scores of it nodes and its edge weight
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Answer Model
 A rooted directed tree connecting keyword
 Multiple answers
Ranked by proximity + prestige
Proximity  edges weights
Prestige  indegree of nodes
 Relevance score of an answer tree
Relevance scores of it nodes and its edge weight
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Database and Query Model
 Result of query “sudarshan soumen”
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
 Searching for the best answers
Backward expanding search algorithm
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Searching for the best answers
 Backward expanding search algorithm
Offers a heuristic solution for incrementally computing query
Assume that the graph fits in memory
Start at leaf nodes each containing a query keyword
Run concurrent single source shortest path algorithm from each
such node
Traverses the graph edges backwards
Confluence of backward paths identify answer tree roots
Output a node whenever it is on the intersection of the sets of nodes
reached from each keyword
Answer trees may not be generated in relevance order
Insert answers to a small buffer (heap)
Output highest ranked answer from buffer to user when buffer is full
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Searching for the best answers
 Model (Query : Charuta Sudarshan Roy )
BANKS: Keyword search…
Seoyoung Ahn
S. Sudarshan
Prasan Roy
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
 Searching for the best answers
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 BANKS system provides
 A rich interface to browse data stored in a relational
 Automatically generates browsable views of database
relations and query results
 Schema browsing and data browsing
 A hyperlink to the referenced tuple
 Templates for several predefined ways of displaying
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Data browsing
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Schema browsing
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
 Searching for the best answers
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
Error scores vs parameter choices
 The rankings are
relatively stable
across different
choices of parameter
  = 0.2 coupled
with log scaling of
edges weights
does best
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 Introduction
 Database and Query Model
 Searching for the best answers
 Browsing features of BANKS
 Experiment
 Conclusion
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS
 BANKS system
 provides an integrated browsing and keyword
querying system for relational databases
 allows users with no knowledge of database systems
or schema to query and browse relational database
with ease
Seoyoung Ahn
Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS