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Back-up PHP Files
If you have not yet passed the 3.0
BT, make back-up copies of ALL
of your PHP files (BEFORE you
start today’s class work) to use
when you take the 3.0 BT.
–What we cover today may
complicate taking the BT if you try
to use it then
Day 25, Slide 1
Review of Day 23
Create a form page, addmovie_form.php that
has text boxes for the title and year
Create a handler page addmovie_handler.php
– Write SQL query to add title and year to tbl_Movies
INSERT INTO tbl_Movies (MovieTitle, Year) VALUES
('valueForMovieTitle', valueForYear)
– Use form information via $_POST[‘Name’], where
Name is the name= of the form <input> element
– Use insert_autonumbered_row() to submit the query
– Save new id returned by function in new PHP variable
Day 25, Slide 2
Review of Day 23 continued
Add a form element for entry of Genre
data to the addmovie_form.php page.
Make this form element a drop-down box.
– Use only Genres listed in tbl_Genres
– Use print and the CSE 103 support function
dropbox_from_query() to make the dropbox
on the form. (Don’t use a normal form
Requires a query that selects two fields: one a key
value and one something to be displayed
Day 25, Slide 3
Review of Day 23, part 3
Change the addmovie_handler.php page to also
add the genre information to the database.
– Assign the autonumber ID (created when title and
year are added to tbl_Movies) to a variable.
– Use that variable in constructing a query to add the
movieID and the submitted genre info (and rank 1) to
The $_POST['name'] for this matches the 2nd argument to
dropbox_from_query() on your form page
– Use the CSE 103 support function run_action_query()
to run this query.
Day 25, Slide 4
Adding Movies Considerations
Q1: How can we determine if the “add” is
Q2: How can we determine if a movie is in
the database already?
Q3: What should we do if a movie is
already in the database?
Day 25, Slide 5
A1: The IF statement
The IF statement lets us perform one or another
set of actions based on the value of a test.
– The test must have a value of either true or
– It uses relational operators <, >,<>,==, etc.
If true, the first set of statements after the IF are
If false, the statements after an else (following
the if) are performed instead.
Day 25, Slide 6
Example: IF test
if ( $MovieID == 0) {
print "No movie added";
else {
print "Movie added with ID = ";
print $MovieID;
Autonumber IDs are never 0, so if 0 was
returned, we know we didn't get a "real" ID
Day 25, Slide 7
First Conditional Exercise
Modify your addmovie_handler.php page
to test whether or not the action query on
tbl_Movies is successful
– What does it mean that a movie was added?
Display appropriate messages to the user
and take other appropriate actions in each
– What should you do if adding the record is
successful? … if it is not successful?
Day 25, Slide 8
A2 & A3: Check for a preexisting entry and action
Write an SQL query to test whether or not a
MovieTitle and Year combination is already in the
– What can we look for that we can easily test?
Use the returned value in an IF test
– How should we test? What does our test mean if true?
If the movie IS NOT in the database, then add it
as a new record and continue as before.
If the movie IS in the database, display a
message to that effect plus its MovieID.
– STOP and do not attempt to insert the data
Day 25, Slide 9
Dynamic Web Page Design
How should I put dynamic pages together
to form a site?
– Organization chart is very helpful, as used in
CSE 101
What information is needed to construct
each page?
What interface do I want to present to the
Day 25, Slide 10
End-of-Term SIRS
Link on the Student Site Map
Three forms – Course, Lead , and Asst
Comments will be considered for future
course development of CSE 101
Available until Thursday, April 28th at 4pm,
when UBTs are due
Necessary to access your BT Feedback
Day 25, Slide 11
UBT Databases
Each student in CSE 103 currently has a
MySQL database
Database name is student’s msuNetID
Database is currently empty unless you
already submitted an Access database for
us to convert
Day 25, Slide 12
To create UBT Databases:
You submit (via e-mail) an Access db file to
[email protected] with desired table
structures (fieldnames and datatypes)
– Also look for other properties like Required?
– Don't bother with lookups; we can't convert those
– DO bother with relationships (helps us understand)
We will create the tables in your db from your
Access sample.
You create the web forms and action pages to
enter data into those tables and to manipulate
the data as needed for your UBT project.
Day 25, Slide 13
A good UBT should:
Demonstrate good database design
– Appropriate tables, fields, datatypes, keys, and
relationships, as well as integrity and minimal
redundancy (everything related to the 2.0 BT)
Demonstrate mastery of various queries
– Both Select and Action, use of functions, calculated
fields, aggregate functions, etc.
Demonstrate ability to learn new concepts
– Use new functions, query types, etc. that we didn’t
cover in-class or on any BT
Day 25, Slide 14
Remainder of Semester
Day 26 (Thurs/Mon) - In-Class BT Opportunity
Day 27 (next Tue/Wed) - In-Class Helproom
Day 28 (next Thurs/week from Mon) - In-Class
BT Opportunity
Thursday, April 28th - UBTs due at 4 pm
On Days 26 and 28, your Lead will be in the
CSE 103 office during class hours if you have
already passed 3.0 and need UBT help
Feel free to e-mail with UBT questions when
Day 25, Slide 15