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CIS 338: Using ADO
(ActiveX Data Objects)
[largely replaced by adonet.vb]
Dr. Ralph D. Westfall
April, 2003
Universal Data Access
ADO.NET is part of Microsoft's universal
data access strategy
Universal Data Access FAQs
ODBC: open database connectivity
API standard for using relational databases
 API = application programming interface
 includes "drivers" for Access, dBase, DB2,
Excel, text, etc.
Microsoft is leading ODBC backer
Universal Data Access - 2
OLEDB: DB object linking & embedding
next step beyond ODBC
accesses relational databases with ODBC
provides access to other data also
 e-mail, video, voice, images, web pages,
etc., etc.
 data is accessed "in place" (no need to
first move it into a database)
OLEDB Concepts
data store = "persistent" collection of data
data provider = gets data from data store
OLEDB "driver": database, email data, etc.
OLEDB "has nothing to do with Object
Linking and Embedding" (Word, Excel)
data consumer = application that uses data
ADO (ActiveX Data Object) interfaces to
data store through OLEDB
replaceS DAO, RDO and previous ADO
can use ADO.NET with VB in code via
object interface
 more powerful than DAO and previous ADO
 numerous objects with useful properties and
dataset object
copy of data in memory, rather than
connected to the database
can have 1 to many DataTable objects
ADO.NET OLEDB data providers
SQLClient driver for SQL Server (Microsoft)
OleDBClient driver for other databases
DataSet Object Data Tables
"collections" of table(s) information
rows, columns of table
relationships with other tables
constraints to manage additions/deletions
from tables that are related to other tables
data "views" that allow data to be seen in
different ways than it is stored in table(s)
Data Provider Objects
connection (to file or server)
command object runs SQL or stored
procedures in the database
data reader (if need high performance)
read only, forward only
data adaptor (more capabilities)
add, change, delete, relate tables
ADO.NET: XML Data Transfer
industry standard for transferring data
like HTML, but can create other tags
HTML: <title>[some text]</title>
XML: <price>[value for price]</price>
like HTML, can have tags within others
HTML: <html><body></body></html>
XML: <name><first></first></name>
XML Schema
separate file that describes data in an
XML file
type of data: numeric, text, etc.
occurrences: 0 or 1, or either to many
relationships e.g., name includes 1st and
last names
other characteristics e.g., primary key
create your own tags for something you
are familiar with
food, pets, motor vehicles, video games,
ways to communicate, college courses, etc.
make sure that tags are "nested"
open and close inside other "boxes"
then fill in with some sample data
Database System Options
SQL Server
high performance
not well-suited for using on one computer
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)
chopped down version of SQL Server
can work with SQL Server files
but also can work with Microsoft Access
Creating an MSDE Database
note: may have problems on network
start Access
File>New, New>Project (New Data)
Access creates a MSDE database (.adp)
data storage is different, but you can work
with it like an Access database (.mdb)
can edit data or upload files as with .mdb
Connecting ADO to Access
start a new .NET Windows application
View>Server Explorer
right click Data Connections>Add
click Provider tab>Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE
DB Provider>Next button
browse … for Access database>OK
Using Data Connection
viewing data in a table
in Server Explorer, expand Data
Connections, Access, Tables icons
right click on a Table>Retrieve Data
from Table
close this preview window
Create a DataAdapter
in Server Explorer, click and drag a
Table onto the form
note 2 new components in tray below
right click DataAdaptor>Generate
DataGrid with DataAdapter
add a DataGrid
set DataSource property to DataSet
in Form_Load, use .Fill method of
DataAdapter with DataSet as argument
Click Start to view DataGrid
List/ComboBox with DataSet
drag/drop ListBox onto form
set DataSource to DataSet (drop down)
set DisplayMember to a field in table
add .Fill method of DataAdapter
see previous slide if didn't do this already
note that data is in same order as in
database (not sorted)
DataView List/ComboBox
DataView makes it possible to sort and
do other things with database data
drag/drop DataView object to form/tray
set DataView Table property to a table
from the DataSet (drop down)
type in a field name for Sort property
see field names in Server Explorer
DataView List/ComboBox - 2
drag/drop ComboBox onto form
set DataSource to DataSet (drop down)
set DisplayMember to a field in table
add .Fill method of DataAdapter
see previous slide if didn't do this already
can set .ListIndex property to -1 so that
no item is selected at start (ListBox too)
SQL as Source of Data
expand DataAdaptor Select Command
property to see CommandText code
can modify this SQL by changing the
line, or by clicking … to see Query
can (un)select fields in Output column
can add a WHERE condition value
? in the Criteria column(s) prompts user
Binding Other Controls to Data
draw TextBox or Label on form
expand (DataBindings) property
click Text, and select table/field from
drop down
add code to load DataSet with just the
item input or selected in another control
Binding Other Controls - Code
Setting Up ADO with a DSN
Windows (not VB): Start>Settings>Control
Panel[>Administrative Tools>Data Sources]
click Data Sources (32 bit) [User DSN tab]
select MS Access Database, click Add
select Microsoft Access Driver, click Finish
click select, choose database (e.g., BIBLIO)
type in Data Source Name (DSN) and
description, then click OK
 put in what you want to call DSN, your description
Using ADO Data Control
right click toolbox, select Components
click Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0, OK
click Adodc control on toolbar, draw on form
right click on control to see Properties page
first set up Source of Connection (General
select Use ODBC Data Source Name and
select the DSN you just created (or Use
Connection String>Build etc. with latest
Microsoft Jet [=Access] Provider)
Using ADO Data Control - 2
select RecordSource tab
select 1 of following Command Types:
adCmdText – need to type in SQL query
adCmdTable – need to select the table
adCmdStoredProcedure – need to select
the procedure name
enter SQL, or select Table or stored
procedure (e.g., Publishers), click OK
Using ADO Data Control - 3
add controls (e.g., 2 textboxes) to form
bind controls to data fields (like with
DAO; e.g., Name, City)
set DataSource properties = name of data
control from dropdown list
set DataField properties to field names
from dropdown list
run project, scroll with ADO data control
Using Code & ADODC Control
'command button event code (need a 3rd
'textbox to run this)
Dim sState as String, sSQL as String
sState = Text3.Text
'3rd TextBox
sSQL = "select * from Publishers"
If sState <> "" Then sSQL = sSQL & _
" WHERE State = '" & sState & "'" 'space
Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText
Adodc1.RecordSource = sSQL
Data Grid Control
displays database data on a form like in
a spreadsheet
can use this layout to edit data in the
Using DataGrid Control
right click toolbox, select Components
click Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0
click Microsoft Data Grid Control 6.0, OK
click Adodc control on toolbar, draw on form
right click on Adodc control to see Properties
1st set Source of Connection (General tab)
select Use ODBC Data Source Name and
select DSN (BIBLIO), or use connect string
select RecordSource tab
select Command Type (adCmdTable), select
Table name (Publishers)
Using DataGrid Control - 2
click toolbar's DataGrid, draw on form
using regular Properties window, set
DataSource to connection being used
then right click on DataGrid, select
Retrieve fields
Using DataGrid Control - 3
DataGrid properties
use regular Properties window to set some
 e.g., Caption
right click on grid for Properties Pages for
General tab
 ColumnHeaders – on or off
 Enabled – allows user to scroll, select, modify
 AllowAddNew, AllowDelete, or AllowUpdate –
user can add, delete, or change database contents
Using DataGrid Control - 4
Properties Pages (continued)
Keyboard tab
allow use of arrow keys
set TabAction tab key behavior (reference)
other tabs
Color, Font, Format (number, date/time, +
etc. like in Excel)
Editing a DataGrid
right click grid, select Edit, right click
use commands to change grid
 cut, paste, delete, etc.
can split a grid to get a new user window
 use Property Pages Layout tab to uncheck
Visible for individual columns in different
Using ActiveX Data Objects
Project>References> and then check:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Library
 e.g., x = 2.7 if you have it
provides ADOR (recordset) objects
 Recordset, Field and Property objects
provides ADODB objects
 above objects plus Connection,
Command, Parameter and Error objects
Set Up a Data Source in Code
can use a connection object to access a
database with a DSN
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Setting Up a Data Source - 2
connecting without a DSN (p. 629)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection '(General)
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = _
"Driver=Microsoft Access Driver
'need just one space before (*.mdb)
'NO spaces!! in Driver=Microsoft...
Using Recordsets in Code
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs[name] As ADODB.Recordset
'add to (General Declarations)
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = _
"Driver=Microsoft Access Driver
Using Recordsets in Code - 2
Set rs[name] = New ADODB.Recordset
rs[name].ActiveConnection = cn
rs[name].Source = sSQL
Print "[ ]= " & _
Multiple Ways to Use Objects
Set rs[name] = New ADODB.Recordset
rs[name].ActiveConnection = cn
rs[name].Source = sSQL
Set rs[name] = cn.Execute(sSQL)
Recordset Lock Types
rs[name].LockType = …
 adLockReadOnly – can't add, change, or
 adLockPessimistic – record locked while
working on it
 adLockOptimistic – record locked when
submitted to database (but rejected if
another user already has a lock on it)
 adLockBatchOptimistic – multiple records
submitted, locked individually while being
Recordset Cursor Types
rs[name].CursorType = …
adOpenForwardOnly – fast, but one-way
adOpenKeySet – user can see changes by
other users, but not new records or
adOpenDynamic – slowest, but user can see
all modifications by other users
adOpenStatic – can't see any modifications
Updating Databases
with Recordsets in ADO
Set rs[name] = New ADODB.Recordset
rs[name].CursorType = [ ]
rs[name].LockType = [ ]
rs[name].Source = [table, SQL]
rs[name].ActiveConnection = cn
Updating Databases
with Recordsets in ADO - 2
'changing field values
rs[name].Fields("[field]") = [ ]
rs[name].Update '1 command
'need 2 commands to change in DAO
'adding new records (2 commands)
rs[name].AddNew '1st command
rs[name].Fields("[field]") = [ ]
rs[name].Update '2nd command
Disposing of Objects
to conserve resources, get rid of
objects when finished with them
'disconnects from database
Set rs[name] = Nothing
'removes from memory
Set cn = Nothing
Data Source Name (DSN)
DSNs allow you to set up "virtual
addresses" on a computer
DSN "points to" the actual physical path
 can change physical path for a DSN (e.g.,
when move application to another
computer) but use same DSN in code
DSNs can make applications more portable
but DO NOT use DSNs in your projects for
CIS 338 (they are not on my computer!)