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Southern NM LandLink Project
BCIS 350 presentation
A “Greening Garden” project
Las Cruces, New Mexico
• Goal: to develop a database to
match area growers, gardeners,
agriculturalists with landowners
interested in maintaining agricultural
land use.
• Geographic Scope: Dona Ana county
• Potential clients: southern NM
agriculturalists, CSAs, governmental
agencies, schools…
• Demonstration date: 16 May, 2010
(Las Cruces Tour of Gardens 2010)
Data and database design
• Data: tables (refer to owner/tenet applications)
– Clients: may be agriculturalists, owners, other, or any
combination of these.
• Client attributes: contact info, agricultural experience
– available land attributes: H2O source, infrastructure
(i.e. buildings, equipment, electrical utilities), tillable
acreage, previous land use, cost/exchange (i.e. rent,
sell, share crop, trade, other…)
– wanted land: acreage, previous land-use (vegetables,
herbs, orchard, beekeeping, organic, pesticide use…),
– Other… appropriate associative tables
Data and database design
• Data input:
– user-friendly input forms
– easy to train someone to enter data.
• Aesthetics:
– Organized, clean user interface
• Questions so far?
Database functionality
• Queries:
– Specific persons or selected persons (or all)
wanting/looking for land, with available lands that are
most suitable to their needs. How will you determine
what is most suitable?
– land owners and lands with potential renters/users.
• Reports:
– of clients (by query or filter) and associated land
tables (by query or filter).
– Query results to be presented in a readable,
presentable report format.
Database functionality… cont.
• Links to resources: A links page that provides URL for
important Land Link resource contacts; for example
NM Cooperative Extension
NM Department of Agriculture
Rio Grande Agricultural Land Trust
Southern Rockies Agricultural Land Trust
Taos Land Trust
Farm Credit of New Mexico
Farm Service Agency
• Land Attorneys, Las Cruces NM
Data base features
Password login
Logo on forms and reports
Meaningful object naming conventions
Organized relationship view
Aesthetic layout of forms and reports
Other Land Link program links
(for reference only)
• Land Link Vermont
• Urban Land Army
• International Farm Transition Network
Project timeline
• 12 Apr, 2010 Initial meeting w/BCIS
• Final product delivery date: