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Data Base Organization
and File Structure
— Chapter 1 —
Suresh Choubey, Ph.D.
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
What is a data database?
A database is a collection of very large integrated
collection of related data
Data are facts about people, event and other
entities that can be recorded and that have implicit
meaning, e.g., name, address and telephone # of
all people we know
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Characteristics of a database?
A database is logically coherent collection of data
with some inherent meaning
A database is designed, built and populated with
data for a specific purpose
A database represents some aspect of real world,
called mini world (models real world enterprise)
May 22, 2017
Entities, relationship
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
What is a database management system?
Database management systems (DBMS) is a
collection of programs that enables users to create
(store) and maintain a database. It involves design,
construction (storage of data) and manipulation
May 22, 2017
Database systems = DBMS + database
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Characteristics of database approach
Self-contained nature of database systems
Data + meta data + constraints on data are stored together in
system catalog
Application programs are independent of data
Insulation between programs and data
May 22, 2017
DBMS access programs are independent of files
This property is called program-data independence
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Characteristics of database approach(Cont. ….)
Data abstraction:DBMS gives conceptual representation
of data, e.g. data model
Support of multiple views of data
May 22, 2017
Different users have differing views of database
Virtual data can be derived
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Intended use of DBMS approach
Controlled redundancy
Redundancy causes duplication of efforts, wastage of storage
space and inconsistency
Controlled redundancy may be useful in saving access time as
some controlled data are stored at more than one place
Sharing of data:
May 22, 2017
Requires concurrency control measures
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Intended use of DBMS approach (Cont. ….)
Restricting unauthorized access
DBMS provides security and authorization subsystems
Providing multiple interfaces
Query language for casual users, programming language for
application programmers, forms for pragmatic users, menu
driven interfaces for native users and natural language
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Intended use of DBMS approach (Cont. ….)
Representing complex relationships among data
Enforcing Integrity constraints
Providing backup and Recovery from crashes
Potential for enforcing standards
Flexibility – can add changes in mini world
Reduced application development time
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Intended use of DBMS approach (Cont. ….)
Availability of up-to-date information
Economics of scale
Permits consolidation of data and application
Uniform data administration
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Disadvantages of DBMS approach
High cost due to high initial investment for h/w and s/w
and incorporation of sub-systems for security,
concurrency control, recovery and integrity function
Security Problems
Initial development time
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
File Vs databases (Slide from text book author)
Application must stage large datasets between main memory and
secondary storage (e.g., buffering, page-oriented access, 32-bit
addressing, etc.)
Special code for different queries
Must protect data from inconsistency due to multiple concurrent
Crash recovery
Security and access control
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Why study databases ? (Slide from text book author)
Shift from computation to information
at the “low end”: scramble to webspace (a mess!)
at the “high end”: scientific applications
Datasets increasing in diversity and volume
Digital libraries, interactive video, Human Genome project, EOS
May 22, 2017
... need for DBMS exploding
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Why study databases ? (Slide from text book
DBMS encompasses most of CS
May 22, 2017
OS, languages, theory, “A”I, multimedia, logic
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
DBA – responsible for database and DBMS, account
allocation, security maintenance
Database designers
Identify data and design data structures
Identify views and combine them
DBMS designers and implementers
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Personnel (Cont. ….)
End users – access database for querying, updating and
generating reports
Casual end users
Naïve or parametric end users – use canned transactions
Sophisticated end users
Tool developers
Operators and maintenance personnel
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
DBMS can be network, relational, hierarchical and
DBMS can also be single-user or multi-user
DBMS can be centralized or distributed (DDBMS)
homogeneous(use same DBMS s/w at multiple sites)
Heterogeneous (use s/w to access several
autonomous pre-existing database)
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Data Models
Is a set of concepts that describes the structure of the
database (i.e., data types, relationship and constraints
that should hold on data)
Is a set of operators for specifying retrievals and
updates on database
Provides abstraction
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
A schema is a description of a particular collection of
data, using the a given data model
The relational model of data is the most widely used
model today
Main concept: relation, basically a table with rows and
Every relation has a schema, which describes the columns, or
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models: Cocepts
High level called object based models
Entity - is an object hat is represented in the database
Attribute – is a property that describes some aspects of object
Implementation Level – record-based data models such as relational and
Physical data models – describes how data is stored in the computer by
representing information such as record formats, record orderings and
access path
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Database Schemas:Is the description of database. Schema
diagrams are used to represent it. Schema diagram
consists of schema construct. e.g., Student
It does not change frequently
Database Instance: Data in database at a particular time or
occurrence or state
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: DBMS Architecture
(Three schema or ANSI-SPARC)
External view - 1
External View - n
External level
or view level
External/Conceptual mapping
Conceptual Schema
Conceptual level
Conceptual/Internal mapping
Internal Schema
Internal level
Stored database
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Many views, single conceptual (logical) schema and
physical schema
External View: contains n view, each view schema describing view
of one user
Conceptual View: describes structure of whole database for a
community of users
Internal View: describes physical storage structure of database
Provides abstraction
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Mapping: required to map user’s request to conceptual
to internal to stored database and then back after
formatting it to suit the user’s view of database
Data Independence: Capacity to change the conceptual
schema without having to change external schema or
application programs
May 22, 2017
Applications insulated from how data is structured and stored
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Logical Data Independence: Protection from
changes in logical structure of data
Physical Data Independence: Protection from
changes in physical structure of data
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Physical Data Independence: Physical data independence
– capacity to change the internal schema without having to
change the conceptual (or external) schema
Change to reorganize physical files by creating additional access
Mapping information is stored in catalog
Disadvantages: Overhead when compiling or executing a
query or program  inefficiency in DBMS
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Data Models
Example: University Database
Conceptual schema:
Students(sid: string, name: string, login: string, age: integer,
Courses(cid: string, cname:string, credits:integer)
Enrolled(sid:string, cid:string, grade:string)
Physical schema:
Relations stored as unordered files
Index on first column of Students
External Schema (View):
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: DBMS Languages
DDL: can be used to define conceptual and internal schema
in DBMS, where there is no strict separation
DDL is used to specify conceptual and SDL to specify internal where
there is separation
VDL: is used to specify user views and their mapping to
VDL statements can be compiled separately or can be imbedded in a
programming language
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: DBMS Languages
DML: is used for retrieval, insertion, deletion and
modification of data
May 22, 2017
High level or non-procedural DML
Can be used to specify complex database operation
Called set-at-a-time or set oriented DML
Low level or procedural DML
Embedded in a general-purpose programming language
Called record-at-a-time DML
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: DBMS Languages
DML: is declarative as it set what to retrieve and not how to
When DML is embedded in a programming language
DML is called data sub-language
Programming language is called host language
DML standalone is called Query Language
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
DBMS architecture
A typical DBMS has a
layered architecture
The figure does not
show the concurrency
control and recovery
This is one of several
possible architectures;
each system has its
own variations
May 22, 2017
(Slide from text book author)
Query Optimization
and Execution
Relational Operators
These layers
must consider
control and
Files and Access Methods
Buffer Management
Disk Space Management
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction
Chapter 1: Summary
(Slide from text book author)
DBMS used to maintain, query large datasets.
Benefits include recovery from system crashes, concurrent
access, quick application development, data integrity and
Levels of abstraction give data independence
A DBMS typically has a layered architecture
DBAs hold responsible jobs and are well-paid
DBMS R&D is one of the broadest, most exciting areas in CS
May 22, 2017
Data Base Organization and File
Structure: Introduction