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Database Programming (using ADO)
• Universal Data Access
– Microsoft strategy for providing access to information across the
– UDA provides high-performance access to a variety of relational
and non-relational information sources
• Text files, Spreadsheets, Relational Databases, Email
– Easy-to-use programming interface that is tool and language
– Enables you to integrate diverse data sources, create easy-tomaintain solutions, and use your choice of best-of-breed tools,
applications, and platform services
– does not require expensive and timeconsuming movement of data into a single
data store,
– nor does it require commitment to a single
vendor’s products
– based on open industry specifications with
broad industry support, and works with all
major established database platforms
Microsoft Data Access Components
– the key technologies that enable UDA
– Data-driven client/server applications deployed over the Web or a
LAN can use these components to easily integrate information
from a variety of sources, both relational (SQL) and non-relational
• These components include ActiveX Data Objects (ADO),
OLE DB, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
• The strategic application programming interface (API) to
data and information.
• ADO provides consistent, high-performance access to data
and supports a variety of development needs, including the
creation of front-end database clients and middle-tier
business objects that use applications, tools, languages, or
Internet browsers.
• ADO is designed to be the one data interface needed for
single and multi-tier client/server and Web-based datadriven solution development
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
• ADO provides an easy-to-use interface to OLE DB, which
provides the underlying access to data.
• ADO implements a minimal number of layers between the
front end and data source—all to provide a lightweight,
high-performance interface
• ADO uses the Component Object Model (COM) automation
interface - a language-neutral way of implementing objects
that can be used in environments different from the one
they were created in, even across machine boundaries
• VB.NET uses XML-based SOAP messaging instead of COM
• The Microsoft strategic system-level programming interface
to data across the organisation
• Standardized interface that allows programmers to use a
standard set of programming tools to refer to data from any
• OLE DB is designed for relational and non-relational
information sources, including mainframe and hierarchical
databases; e-mail and file system stores; text, graphical,
and geographical data; custom business objects, etc.
• OLE DB defines a collection of COM interfaces that
encapsulate various database management system
• These interfaces enable the creation of software
components that implement such services.
• OLE DB components consist of data providers, which
contain and expose data; data consumers, which use data;
and service components, which process and transport data
(such as query processors and cursor engines).
Database Programming (using ADO)
• ActiveX Data Objects (ADO 2.0)
• Enables your client applications to access and
manipulate data in a database [server] through any
OLE DB provider
• Benefits are ease of use, high speed, low memory
How to Reference ADO 2.0 in Visual
• To gain access to the ADO 2.0 objects in Visual Basic, set a
reference to the appropriate ADO type library
• There are two ADO type libraries. One is called ADODB and
is contained in MSADO15.DLL
– It appears in the References dialog box (available from the Project
menu) as "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library“
• The other is called ADOR and is contained in
– It appears in the References dialog as "Microsoft ActiveX Data
Objects Recordset 2.0 Library"
Database Programming (using ADO)
• The first type library (ADODB) is the larger and more
feature-rich of the two
• It contains the main ADO objects and is the one
used in most circumstances
• The second is a "lightweight" subset of the ADODB
type library that supports only recordsets
Database Programming (using ADO)
Connecting an ADO Data Control to a
• Place an ADO Data Control on the form
• Properties of the ADO Data Control that must
be set:
– ConnectionString: specifies the database file that
the data control will communicate with
– RecordSource: specifies the table that will be
Database Programming (using ADO)
• ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
This is the
added to
the toolbox
Database Programming (using ADO)
Database Programming (using ADO)
Sample Data Model
represented in Microsoft
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Student Table
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Create an instance of the ADO control on a form
The control is named adoStudent
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Set the CONNECTIONSTRING property
Database Programming (using ADO)
Database Programming (using ADO)
Database Programming (using ADO)
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Set the RECORDSOURCE property
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Set the RECORDSOURCE property
Select a Table
from the DB
property is now set to
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Add Data-Aware (Bound) controls to the form
which are used to display the fields of data in the
DB table (tblStudent)
Name: txtID
Name: txtName
Name: txtAddress
Database Programming (using ADO)
• Set the DATASOURCE and DATAFIELD properties of
each of the Text Boxes
• DATASOURCE = name of the ADO control
• DATAFIELD = name of the required field in the DB
table (tblStudent)
Database Programming (using ADO)
• The DATASORCE property
Database Programming (using ADO)
• The DATAFIELD property
Database Programming (using ADO)
• VB Front-End connected to a DB Back-End
Data Control with two bound text